You know you're a native Houstonian when...

Oct 17, 2009 19:43 want to stay up all night just to watch the temperature drop into the low fifties for the first time since about February.

life on the gulf coast

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Comments 48

nialla42 October 18 2009, 02:00:51 UTC
I had to go get groceries today and it was getting cool enough late in the day that I think I need to dig out a sweater to wear when I'm outside. Must wash the darn thing since it's been stuck in a closet for months. If I can find it in my closet, that is. ;)


tejas October 18 2009, 02:05:39 UTC
Ah yeah. I have sweaters.


I did drag out my regular shoes.


nialla42 October 18 2009, 02:23:44 UTC
I only have cardigan style sweaters. It gets too hot inside for me to wear an actual sweater all the time. I'm thankful I don't work in city hall, as they've been wearing long sleeves and cardigans for a while now, and I often feel like I'm walking into an oven when I go over there. They're just a wee bit cold-natured.

I have to wear regular shoes all the time. Having a book drop onto unprotected toes? Really hurts. Cussing in front of the customers is frowned upon. ;)


tejas October 18 2009, 02:31:44 UTC
I live in open shoes as much as possible during the hot weather. I can't stand sweaty feet. :-)


cleothemuse October 18 2009, 02:01:51 UTC
My bro who lives in Houston flew up here this weekend for another bro's wedding, and we were teasing him about having saved the lovely 30-40 degree weather we're having JUST for him. Heh.


tejas October 18 2009, 02:06:19 UTC
LOL!! But that's *great* weather!

If you've got a sweater or two. :-)


kaleecat October 18 2009, 05:05:46 UTC
LOL I so know where you're coming from. I'm loving the 62ish, sunny, breezy we've had the past 2 days. And it is currently 47degrees here (s. MS).

I walked across the street around 8:30 to get dinner in my heavy weight hoodie that I only got to wear twice last march. It wasn't quite warm enough.

I'm hot natured--i would rather have to layer up than figure out how to cool off.


tejas October 18 2009, 05:10:04 UTC
It's down to 66 here on the south side. Where I grew up, on the near north side, it's *56*. It's only a difference of about 15 miles or so.


gaiaeagle October 18 2009, 15:51:11 UTC
I'm originally from Wisconsin. I remember times after winter when it would get into the 50's and we thought we were having a heat wave. People, I kid you not, were out in shorts. Although, winters there are brutal and COLD!!

And 50's has been out high here recently in Southern Kansas. It's not suppose to be this cold here. I actually turned on my heat, which I usually don't do until mid November or so.


weather woes tinlizzie82 October 19 2009, 15:32:36 UTC
We finally cooled off in GA too.. but just a little too much. Going from short sleeves to 32 at night in a day or two is quite a shock to your system. I spent the weekend at a horse show, outside all day in the upper 40's with rain on Friday and Saturday. Not what was predicted so we all looked like bag people trying to stay warm. Maybe I need to move to Houston...


Re: weather woes tejas October 19 2009, 16:47:30 UTC
We'll be getting that before it's over, I'm sure. We've had Detroit transplants complain that 40s and rainy here in Houston is colder than anything they had in Detroit. :-)

I've yet to figure out quite how that would work, but hey. :-)


Re: weather woes tinlizzie82 October 20 2009, 00:28:46 UTC
I can tell you exactly how it works. Up north when its cold you stay inside but in the south we're outside all year round and just suffer through it :) . When I first moved all my friends would call and say how lucky I was that it was 45 when they had 25 degree temps and I always said it wasn't as nice when you were out in it all day and that 25 wasn't bad when you only had to get from the door to the car!


Re: weather woes tejas October 20 2009, 00:30:49 UTC
Maybe so. :-) Sorta like how we don't even always own jackets or close-toed shoes. ;-) We just suck it up cuz it's not going to last long. :-)


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