Well, I've left
the_leaky. Role playing was just taking up too much of my time, and its been feeling like a bit of a chore for a while now. I just need a good long break from RPing - at least in a game. It's likely that I'll RP again here and there via IM when I feel the urge to, but a game just involves too much time commitment that I just don't have right
Comments 17
I love the_leaky, but I can see how it would be a ton of work - it's like churning out multiple fics every week.
Still, I thank you for giving me a new appreciation for Ron/Neville, which I would have never considered before this game.
(But it's still all about teh Harry/Ron!)
OMG yes, it's a TON of work! There was nearly 250K words of Ron/Neville written in that game, and well, that was maybe half of the RPs I did.
Awww! Welcome. I love the pairing. LOL.
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