friends only

Dec 31, 2010 21:46

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!friends only

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Comments 32

awwxugar November 2 2008, 23:06:31 UTC
hi i just love your graphics and all.. and dd & amanda. have you seen "oasis"? i just died! hope you add me. xoxo


teh_s0njanator November 2 2008, 23:19:34 UTC
Thank you! :D WEWT for a fellow DD & Amanda fan!
Yeah, I saw Oasis the other day. So awesome <3
*adds you* :D


sarah_fbi November 11 2008, 06:57:15 UTC
I saw that you're a Bones and house fan too, wanna be friends? xx


teh_s0njanator November 11 2008, 14:50:04 UTC
Oh, sure :D


sweetandsombre March 8 2009, 23:22:03 UTC
You seriously have the most amazing taste, in like EVERYTHING/
Hope you don't mind me adding...


teh_s0njanator March 8 2009, 23:49:05 UTC
Why, thank you!
Of course I don't mind! :)

*adds you* :P


Good_bones_icon biarustiguel March 9 2009, 06:23:46 UTC
My name is Bia and I am the moderator of the community good_bones_icon (a elite community) with geekluvinskater and would like to invite you to join our community. We believe your icons are of excellent quality.
If you accept the invitation please post your name to our application post se we know you are with us.
Please check your invites page!

Thank u very much!


Re: Good_bones_icon teh_s0njanator March 9 2009, 18:54:43 UTC
Oh, why thank you, for both the invite and the compliment :) I'll definitely be accepting!


destiparted April 10 2009, 18:38:32 UTC
Hii! I"m a fellow House fan, and your graphics are amazing. And I'd just like to mention we have the same awesomesauce layout. (: Add?


teh_s0njanator April 10 2009, 20:51:17 UTC
*adds* :)


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