Beautypoor (chapter 15)

Aug 24, 2012 23:22

Title: BeautyPoor

Author: tegoshikido

Pairing: Yabu/Inoo, Takaki/Inoo, Takaki/Daiki

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance, Angst

Summary: The title said it all.

*Okay. I know I said that I will update this last wednesday, sorry. My notebook where I write all my fanfics is missing. Yes. I already wrote almost half of chapter 15 there. I had no other choice but to write again but that's alright. There is a typhoon again in our country so it's been endlessly raining again :/ It made my lazy mood rise up.
Again thanks for supporting this fic :D


"Except from reading my messages, what else did you do to my phone?" Inoo glares at the lad sitting across him. They are now having a snack to the maid cafe where Inoo works. It is Yabu who invited the pretty guy for a snack and little chat after the I-will-hug-you-so-Daiki-and-Yuyan-won't-see-you incident.Since Akemi resigned after Inoo learned that the girl is his blackmailer, the pretty guy didn't say no to the invite and besides it's Yabu who will pay all. Inoo thought that after all he needs a little break from all the worries he carries.

"You should be thankful that it is me who saw your phone lying peacefully on the desk" Yabu gave him the shortcake and hot choco they've ordered. It is true that Inoo should be grateful that it is Yabu who got his phone. The one who knows and keeps his secret. Then silence follows.

"Why don't you want people to know that fact about you?" Yabu broke the awkward moment. Without even clarifying, Inoo knows what Yabu exactly mean.

"There will be two reasons why." He sigh.

"First, people will give me that look with pity visible in their eyes and I don't want to receive that. That won't make help me, it will make me feel miserable. Second, some of our schoolmate will hate me because I know they will label me as the poor kid posing as a rich student. Life is always unfair. Those who have power will always be superior to those who are weak" Inoo said without looking at Yabu.

"But you already broke your belief. You are the proof that with hard work and intelligence, you can be at the same level like those rich kids you are referring to" Yabu stared at him.

"You don't understand"



"What about my cousin, how long will you hide it from him?" Yabu waited for Inoo's answer.

"I don't know" Inoo calmly said.

"If you love Yuyan then tell it to him. Trust him!" Yabu unconsciously raised his voice so the other costumers inside glanced at their table. Yabu and Inoo caught too the attention of the cafe manager.

"Is there any problem with our maid sir?" The manager approached them. He looked at Inoo then to Yabu.

"Sorry sir if I disturbed the calm atmosphere here. I was planning to leave too" Yabu bowed his head to the man.

"Do you know this guy?" The manager asked Inoo. He's a little suspicious about Yabu.

"Manager san he is a friend" Inoo smiled to the old man indicating that there's no problem between the two. The very last word Inoo had said struck Yabu.

"A friend? I don't have a friend who can't even trust his so called FRIENDS. I'm very disappointed Inoo Kei" Yabu whispered enough only for Inoo to hear.


"Takaki wasn't that Yabu earlier?" The shorter guy asked. Takaki and Daiki took a little break in the park after their long walk. The two of them are sitting at a bench near a Sakura tree while enjoying the sight of kids playing happily in the playground.

"Ah yes" Takaki chuckled because it is quite unusual to see Yabu displaying his affection in public.

"I never knew all this time that Kota already had a girlfriend" Takaki kicked a little stone near his foot.

"It confuses me too" Daiki replied.

"Huh?" Takaki stared and raised an eyebrow to him. Daiki blinked twice and realized how could he give Takaki that kind of answer. He can't tell the other guy that Yabu likes or maybe even loves his current boyfriend, Inoo. He doesn't want to destriy the closeness of Yabu and Takaki.

"I mean yes, you are right" Daiki nervously said.

"Where is Inoo chan?" The younger guy tried to change the topic of their conversation. He don't want Takaki to to sense that he knows something about Yabu.

"Kei said he will do something important" Takaki smiled a bit but that emotion suddenly disappeared. He watches as the petal of the Sakura tree dances in the mid-air. Daiki just stared at him there. Even without telling, he can feel Takaki's sadness. The older guy may not show it but if you look through those brown eyes, you'll know he is just trying to hide his real emotions.

"Why you're always acting cool? Why you're always acting you are strong even though you are not?" Daiki suddenly blurted out which made the other guy to look at him.

"Eh? What are you saying Daichan?" Takaki scratches the back of his head.

"You always hurt me, even before. But that is fine with me" Daiki stood up. He's on the verge of crying. Takaki wonders in what way he hurt the other guy. They always hang with each other so he doesn't know that Daiki is keeping hatred towards him.

"Daichan gomen. I never knew you hate me" He looked up to the guy standing in front.

"I hate you! You are the worst!" Daiki hicupped as a single tear rolls to his cheeks. It made Takaki shocked.

"I hate you! I hate to see you sad. It hurts me twice as you are" Daiki looked at him with his puffy red eyes. It also made him mad to see Takaki with that puzzling look at his face. He don't know if Takaki is just too numb not to feel and too dumb to not realize his feelings to the guy.

"Gomen. Forget about that" Daiki walks away leaving Takaki who choose to be silent than to follow him and clear things out. Takaki watches as Daiki's figure slowly disappeared from his sight.

"I'm not that dense" Takaki mumbled to himself.

A noise from coming from his phone made him stop from his deep thoughts.

Takaki san can we meet now?
I have something important to tell you.
I'll be waiting at the shed near Ueno Park.

It is from an unknown number. Takaki tried to call the number of the mysterious person who texted him but it was out of coverage area. He has no other choice but to go to that place. Maybe it is important after all.


"Kota you are so stupid! Why did you say all of that?!" Yabu hits his head for the nth time as he walks grumpily on the street. He didn't mean to hurt Inoo. In fact, what he really wanted is to help the guy but it resulted to be the opposite. He wants Inoo to trust all of the people around him who trusts him back. But Yabu thought that he can easily say that because he isn't at Inoo place. He knows that the guy is struggling so much. Both physically and emotionally.

Since that time Yabu saw Inoo went to Takaki's house for an overnight stay, he felt he needs to protect the guy from everything. Call Yabu selfish because all he wanted that time was Inoo's smile. That simple smile which caught his heart the first time they met at the maid cafe. But how can he see that smile again after all he said to Inoo.

"regret. It's always in the end" Yabu said to himself. While walking home, Yabu accidentally saw his cousin running with this worried look on his face. Without fully realizing it, Yabu followed him. Takaki stopped at a waiting shed and Yabu hid himself behind a tree nearby it.

"Is Yuyan cheating?!" Yabu found Takaki talking to a girl.


"What do you want from me? Takaki asked the girl who is smiling at him.

"Takaki san do you want to know something about Yabu Kota?" She replied.

"Who are you? How did you know my cousin?" Takaki got surprised at the girl who unexpectedly mention a very familiar name.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you. My name is Akemi" She extended her hand to the guy but Takaki ignored it because he doesn't have time to get friendly with someone right now. On the not so far from the waiting shed, Yabu Kota heard it clearly. That name, Akemi.

"I know you saw him earlier hugging someone. Aren't you curious who was that?" She smirks. Takaki just shrugged his shoulders.

"Did you also know that Inoo san is around that area too?" That annoying smile on her face never disappeared.

"Kei?" Takaki wondered for the second time how did this girl know a lot about him and those dear to him.

"Your beloved Inoo Kei is the one who Ya-" Her words are cut by a guy who hid behind the tree minutes ago.

"So you already met her Yuyan?" Yabu approached the pair who are still startled to see him appeared from nowhere.

"You know this girl?" Takaki curiously asked him. Yabu looked and smiled at the young lady beside Takaki.

"She is my girlfriend" Yabu puts his arm on Akemi's shoulder.


*Is it long? XD See you next chapter. Comments are loved.*

pair: yabu/inoo, fanfiction: beautypoor

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