Drabble # 233

Sep 01, 2010 00:30

Title: One in a million
Chapter: [5/?]
Authors: gabs_yuuya and yamap_oukoku
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Pairing: Tegopi
Genre: Romance, AU, fluff, Angst
Disclaimer: We don't own the boys as you already know, but we can't help to dream about it ^^
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, aka Yamapi, is a well-known bachelor of Tokyo nights, but what makes him so well known? Well it's just the simple fact that no one ever managed to get a hold of this handsome and rich young man. The few ones that dared to say they managed to get into Yamashita`s bed, are just liars or never had a chance to make it happen a second time. The only thing he really want is to find his long missed one in a million.

[Chapter 01] [Chapter 02] [Chapter 03] [Chapter 04] [Chapter 05] [Chapter 06][Chapter 07]

“Hey Shiraga-kun!”

One of Tegoshi’s co-workers shouted from behind making the young man move his attention from fixing his hair under a black beanie and turn around to face the slightly taller brown haired male.

“The other guys and me are planning to get something to drink, why don’t you join us this time? It would be a nice way to meet the others since you just started working here recently, right?”

“Yeah I know but I gotta pass again,” Tegoshi nodded apologetically towards his senpai, ”I’ve got that a killer headache from clubbing too much this weekend already, I’m sorry but please call me again next time!”

“Sure I will! Having a good looking guy like you at our table will get us most attention, ne ~!” The man waved excited, “Otsukaree!”

“Tsk! ~ Son of a bitch.” Tegoshi watched the other man leave down the corridor, before getting back to fix his beanie and throwing shut the tall blue metal locker in front of him, cursing lightly.

“In the end you just want to use me, like everyone…” Tegoshi picked up his navy green messenger back from the bench behind him, “Like I’m ever gonna go out with you and your stupid friends.”

Today wasn’t Tegoshi’s lucky day at all as he was expecting to be home earlier tonight so he could enjoy a hot bath before watching tonight’s finals of the Spanish championship, but his boss had other plans for him and made him work overtime due to some new arrivals he had to stack away.

Tegoshi only turned around the corner of the shop when he realized that half of the game had already been aired, “Damnit! That old monkey in a suit couldn’t have chosen a better night …..like it couldn’t have waited until tomorrow morning. ” he cursed while looking at his watch waiting for the traffic lights to change to green.

It was clearly impossible for him to reach home before the last 20 minutes of the match, which completely ruined his mood, as if it hadn’t had enough trouble the last night and not to mention the most annoying work day in history.

“Thanks Kami-sama, do you have more in store for me tonight?”

Tegoshi looked angry into the darkening sky above before turning his attention back to the traffic lights which finally decided to switch to green.

As he was about to cross the road a fast sports car came passing by at top speed, and just like to answer his question the car ran through a deep puddle and splashed a huge amount of dirty rainwater all over Tegoshi.

“Thanks a lot you son of a bitch!”

Tegoshi shouted angry at the black car rushing down the busy street of Shibuya, “Lucky you my shift is over or I would have charged you double, rich punk!”

Tegoshi cursed annoyed while crossing the street and eying the Camaro still stopped at the shop.


Yamapi hurried down the short corridor to Matsura’s office in the back of the club. He spotted the large black door and burst in without further notice, but he had already been expected and Matsura greeted him with a glass of champagne.

“Here, drink!”

“Thanks, but I just came to get the information, you do have some right?”

Yamapi looked around curiously as he accepted the glass of champagne.


The older man chuckled and took a sip of the sparkling liquid.
“Thanks man.”

Yamapi sighed before taking a mouthful of his own drink.

“I won’t keep you on tenterhooks for longer,..” Matsura studied his younger friend in front of him as he broke the news. “I know his name and where he works.”

“Fuck. You do?” Yamapi yelled out and muttered under his breath ‘How come I keep failing for years…’

“Let’s say Chuck knows, you know Chuck right?”

“Yeah sure.” The younger man nodded wide eyes not believing Matsura got those information in less than three hours when he didn’t succeed in 5 years.

Said man handed Yamapi a piece of paper, “Go talk to Chuck, he’ll give you more details if you are interested but let’s just say all you need to know is written on here.”

“How? Just tell me how did you do that? You are a friggin genius”

Yamapi appreciatively took the piece of paper and shoved it into his pocket.

“That’s kind of embarrassing to say,” Matsura chuckled lightly, “all I did was call the security company, who sent each and everyone that worked in our club last night a video stream of that person’s entrance and some other good views to their mobile advices with a notice about what we need to know and before I knew it Chuck called back. He said he had actually invited that guy but he can tell you more. That’s all.”

“Wow, that’s just figgin ridiculous.... well, nevertheless it’s all thanks to you that we got that far so thanks man!”

“You’re welcome and if there is anything else let me know, I’ll be there to help.”

Matsura threw his hands into the air to give Yamapi a big hug, spilling half of his champagne as they locked their arms around each other’s bodies.

“Ah, wait. Can you tell me where I can find Chuck tonight? He isn’t around here every night right?”

“Yeah that’s true, he works also in another club in Roppongi but I can’t remember the name just now…if you wait I can look through my files..it must be written down …somewhere.. I believe..”

Matsura turned around aimlessly picking up random pieces of papers that were spread across his desk but Yamapi sensed that he had no friggin clue where his important papers were.

“Don’t worry you’ve already done enough, I’ll just give him a call.”

The younger man patted Matsura on the shoulder.

“Sorry bout that…but promise to tell me all about that guy and your story once you’ve got things settled ok?”

Yamapi smirked widely, knowing that story would freak even Matsura out.

“Sure thing bro.!”

He gave the older man a pat on the shoulder before storming out of the door again.

‘I need to talk to Chuck more specifically …right now!’


“Finally Home!”

Tegoshi let out a deep sigh as he dropped his bag on the floor once he shut the door to his apartment behind him. He lazily dropped all unnecessary clothes along the corridor as he made his way in to his bathroom. Slipping out off his pants he turned on the water to run himself the hot bath he was craving for the entire day.

He wished he could simply drown all thoughts about Yamapi in here; it would be so easy to just forget everything finally and move on properly. He had moved on, so he thought, but things weren’t working out as smoothly as he had hoped, especially after meeting him again last night.

“It was the stupidest idea to fucking fuck around like that…”

Tegoshi cursed out loud, he couldn’t believe he had completely given himself to that person again, pretending he hadn’t known who he was. At first Tegoshi was glad about the fact Yamapi seemed as if he didn’t know who he was either, so of course Tegoshi went along with the game just for the thrill of it but fuck, how stupid could he have been to do so?

It made him angry he had let this wall he had built up the past years just crumble away once he looked that man, he had once loved with all his heart, into the eyes it also made him angry that Yamapi seemed to fuck around with everyone as he pleases. Well Tegoshi remembered that little fact that he did just the same, and somehow that night for the first time it made him feel bad about it, and for a split second he wished he could go back to those days he once treasured, because right now this felt completely fucked up, he felt completely fucked up.

He didn’t understand why he felt so annoyed that Yamapi seemed to fuck around as he pleases because he was sure jealousy had been erased from his mind years ago. He couldn’t be jealous because, goddamnit, he had forgotten about Yamapi, he didn’t give a shit about him anymore, right?


He didn’t and he swore he never would again.

And that stupid mistake of actually ending up in bed with him last night would never ever happen again, yes definitely would never happen again.



Yamapi pulled out his mobile phone once he settled at a table inside a nearby Starbucks after ordering a tall macchiato. He dialed Chuck’s number but he wasn’t picking up, Yamapi cursed and sipped at his hot beverage before trying it again. Yamapi failed to reach him for the next fifteen minutes and figured he must probably working already, somewhere or doing something else, which he hoped he wasn’t.


Yamapi decided to go back to THE HUNT and speak with the other bouncers there; someone must know where he could find Chuck tonight. He could have saved much time if he could have reached him and having him on the phone would have also saved him probably the drive around as well.

Once he got there the business seemed to have been already in full swing and Yamapi talked to a few of the door guy’s but nobody really seemed to know Chuck’s schedules.

“You got to be kidding me….” Yamapi muttered frustrated, he had lost a lot of time and even though he knew everyone who worked here it seemed as if they didn’t know much ‘bout their co-workers which surprised him, because they seemed like a big family form the outside, always laughing and having fun.
Before Yamapi decided to go back inside to find Matsura once again one of the guys he had talked to came back running and stopped Yamapi halfway as he was about to enter the club.

“Hey Yamapi, I can help you…come with me.”

Yamapi followed the tall guy around the corner behind the club, wondering why he was being all mysterious and stuff.

“Hiro? What’s with all that secretiveness?”

Yamapi looked around in surprise; it felt like he was on a secret mission when all he wanted was to find his lost love.

“Sorry about that, it’s just.. some of us shouldn’t be working where we do and Chuck is kind of the guy who doesn’t want to attract much attention but I’m guessing you must have some good reason to know about him and stuff and I know you guys were getting along well..so, let me help you.”

“That’s very kind of you but seriously I don’t understand what the deal about knowing your guys other activities is, that’s no big deal is it?”

“Maybe not for you but actually some of the others they don’t trust you, it’s not personal but you know..Your dad and everything.. Just they don’t feel comfortable about it.”

“What does my dad have to do with all this??...”

Yamapi eyes the other man curiously, very much confused what this was all about.


“ah.., well I still don’t understand but I don’t really think I need to…”

“I knew you weren’t trying to mess with us, I trust you.”

Hiro looked around nervously and leaned in to whisper close at Yamapi’s face.


“So yeah, Chuck, he works here.” The guy handed Yamapi a piece of paper with the name and address of the club. “He only works there twice a week, so you should find him there tonight, good luck!”

“Thanks bro.!”

Yamapi accepted the information with gratefulness and made his way back to his car to drive to Roppongi.

“Nightclub - SPIDERWEBS, B1F 3-2-23 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031”

He read aloud the address as he typed it into his navigation system.

“Should be easy to find.”

He smirked, because he knew his way around that area too.


Tegoshi stumbled out of the bathroom with a long purple towel around his waist and a smaller one around his neck that caught drops of water dripping down his wet hair.

The bath felt somewhat refreshing yet not as relaxing as he had hoped. Tegoshi picked up the remote control off the sofa and switched on the sports channel. Since there hadn’t been any fucking reason to tune in for the last few minutes of the game he had wanted to watch, he thought that at least he could now watch some reports or commentaries about it.

“Fucking Commercials…”

Tegoshi shook his head, dropped the remote onto his white couch and turned to walk into the kitchen to get something cold and refreshing to drink.

“If I said that I wrote this song for you, would you believe me?”

Tegoshi heard soft melodies start as a song grew louder when he was about to return into the living room. “What the hell?” Tegoshi let out another deep sigh, irritated at the noises he heard coming from the TV. ‘This isn’t the sports channel …’

Reaching the couch he dropped his tired body down onto the soft cushions cursing again as he noticed there was a nothing but a young boy still singing that irritating song.

“I want you to know that a love song can’t be written if you’re not in love…”

“Yeah, right as if..” Tegoshi’s eyes widened as he picked up the remote that lay next to him and “So that means all songwriters out there are in love? Fuck, grow up kid there’s no such thing!”

Tegoshi suddenly shouted annoyed at the boy on the TV screen as he was about to switch over to a different channel, but for some reason his fingers didn’t move. “Dam I’m so sick of those love songs!” Tegoshi sighed while taking a sip of his energy drink.

“When you listen to this song that’s written only for you, if you understand the meaning, our hearts will be together, forever.”

“Sure thing, two hearts together, forever? How pathetic can you be? ..” Tegoshi kept talking to the boy on the TV screen as if he could hear him. “You must be fucking kidding me!”

He didn’t know why he got so angry as he watched this sweet boy singing and smiling while looking with those happy eyes, looking right to the boy he loved.

“A boy? What the fuck….”

And that boy he kept smiling back at him as he watched him sing with the sweetest voice that would make everyone’s heart melt, everyone’s except Tegoshi’s.

He just got angrier at that little boy and his boyfriend, or whatever he was he thought.

“Sure you had to make it a fucking boy love movie…that’s just pathetic, that storywriter should be shot…!”

“As there is love there is still hope.”

Tegoshi watched the boy sing those lines with all his heart noticing his beloved one smiling back at him just as sweetly.

“Hope?! Stop fucking around boy, there is no such thing as hope!” Tegoshi emptied his drink in one go, “Hope it the first thing to die and leave you in misery once that someone you love just disappears out of your live, leaving nothing but painful memories behind. Think about that you little punk, ever thought about why there is ‘hope’ in the word ‘HOPELESS’?”

Totally ignoring the movie now Tegoshi kept shouting angrily at the screen, feeling how his eyes become painfully itchy, “That fucking hope of yours doesn’t exist, because sooner or later every love will die.. hope won’t bring you back the one you love, hope can’t turn things back to how they were, years will pass and that fucking hope doesn’t do anything! Not anything you hear me!?”

‘Fuck, why am I getting so damn indignant about it?’

Tegoshi didn’t know why he suddenly felt like he wanted to crush every single bone of that kid, that kid who didn’t do anything to him and didn’t deserve any of his mean words and thoughts, yet he couldn’t stop it.

“Love and hope and whatever it is you believed in can’t heal your heart when you’re alone in the dark and no one is coming to take you out of the nightmare!” Tegoshi finally felt the tears forming in his eyes, but he didn’t give in, didn’t let them fall.

“You should have learned that a long time ago when you entrusted your heart to someone that never came back to you, stupid boy!”

Tegoshi didn’t know anymore if he talked to the movie character or to himself.

“You should have known what love would do to you! You fucking should have known, fuck, why did you let them hurt you so badly? It’s your own fault for being miserable now, you hear me? Your fucking own fault so deal with it.” he rubbed his tearful eyes with the back of his hand as he pressed the off button on the remote forcefully before throwing it onto the chair across him.

“Oh and just for the record stupid boy, the fact that he is back now doesn’t change anything, you hear me!? Doesn’t change anything.. he might be the most handsome man, fucking rich and acting all caring like the prince charming you had been waiting for …but don’t forget about the pain he has caused you and fuck, he is just too damn late!”

Tegoshi kept shouting into the empty room just to free his mind and body from the feelings his heart was giving him, “This is not a fairytale, this is real life! Nothing will change the past because the past is the past. He will not change anything, it’s done and over with!”

A single tear escaped and ran down his heated cheek and he brought his hand to wipe it away, feeling the irritable sting in his heart. I know fucking better than this, I learned my lesson and I won’t let him ruin me again, no not again.

“And you know what, punk!?”

He felt like asking into the room once more, “I’m so NOT staying home tonight!”

Tegoshi had made up his mind and went into his bedroom to get changed and ready for a night out, which seemed to have been the only way to wash away his thoughts for a while.


Tegoshi observed his appearance in the mirror for a few minutes while fixing his hair, pulling back the semi-long blonde strands into a high ponytail, tightening it with a silver sparkly hair tie, neither too thin to go unnoticed nor too big to stand out. He used a thin comb to pull out his long fringe out and parted it across his face, spiking it with some gel.

It had been last year that he dyed his hair blonde, for the very first time, not completely platinum blonde but a sweet honey blonde, and he fell immediately in love with his new appearance. He decided to get rid of his messy chocolate brown haircut that only sometimes dared to turn lighter into a hazelnut brown by mistake, as well did he feel very comfortable about his long straight cut he worked so well. It wasn’t too long to count as a ‘women’s hairstyle’, the back reached his nape, the sides were cut shorter and the top slightly layered. All in all it looked pretty hot, especially when it was pulled back into a ponytail.

Tegoshi turned around to have a better look at his back, making sure the tight pink stretch pants were making his behind look just as dazzling as his front, which of course it did. He smiled and straightened the long black shirt dress like top which was just long enough to look playfully sexy yet short enough to not look like an actual dress. The sleeveless shirt was decorated with a large silver skull with heart shaped eyes across the chest, sparkly but no rhinestones, more like silver leather type fabric. Its sleeves were cut off in a ‘sports tank’ style by Tegoshi himself one night when he decided he needed to show more skin, leaving him with showing off at least thrice as much of it as it normally would - making him look all the more alluring.

Since he didn’t have specific clothes he’d wear only when going clubbing or to any other occasion he simply picked up the outfit he had worn two days ago, which still lay folded together on his chair next to the closet. He definitely cared about his looks and how he appeared to others yet he didn’t care much about what he wore rather than he just had to like it and recently, for some odd reason he couldn’t explain, he was totally into animal prints and the colors pink and green.

Tegoshi straightened his silver necklace that he wore almost every day and rarely took off; it had a small half moon pendant dangling from it with two even tinier stars next to it.

Slipping into his black puma sneakers that had partly brown leopard pattern around ankle height, he sighed at the comfortable feeling as he stepped in, looking down to admire the stylish pattern; he loved them and wore ‘em to everything.

Tegoshi turned around a last time, checking if he had thought about everything before closing the door behind him and he walked off into the early night.

He decided not to go anywhere near that club he visited last night, it had been his first and last time there and he swore it would stay that way, instead he took a cab to where he usually hung out in Roppongi. He had been in Shibuya only for a month but he spent most of his nights out and about, therefore he knew many places around the area he liked but for some odd reason he always went back to that one club called ‘Spider Webs’.

He was sure that this was a place where he would never run into Yamapi because it wasn’t far from what he would enjoy. It was a small underground style club with loud music and many foreign regulars but somehow Tegoshi liked the ‘carefree’ atmosphere and the drinks were cheap and strong.

He definitely enjoyed to drink but he rarely got that drunk that he wouldn’t remember anything even though he often wished he could just drown himself in alcohol and wake up as a new person, but he knew that all he would be enjoying the next day wasn’t worth the short state of ‘being no one’.

Tegoshi arrived at the club where he knew every single bouncer, which was also a bonus and he grinned to himself as they let him cut the line casually, and one of the three guys guided him down the stairs as if it was his first time there which of course it wasn’t and both knew it. Before they reached the bar on the lowest level the taller dark haired and very handsome door guy motioned to one of the bartenders, who came walking towards the two with two drinks in her hands, handing one to each men. Tegoshi nodded politely as he accepted and they made their way towards a black leather sofa in the corner, it wasn’t the first time he had been welcomed like this because everyone always seemed that they wanted a piece of him.

A couple of hours and margaritas later Tegoshi tipsily danced to beats he didn’t know but somehow liked, surrounded by several energetic dancers he let himself go and moved in unison with some random, very young and rather uninteresting looking Japanese boy he had pulled along a while ago. Before he could realize the change of actions, he felt someone press his body against his behind, so close he could almost feel the person’s heartbeat against his back. Not really caring who it was that got himself a piece of the young man, Tegoshi naturally coaxed his body into the simple dance the other was leading now, swaying blindly to the throbbing music that filled the crowded small club.

A few sweaty moments later, when things seemed to have got heated up, the man behind him put his mouth close to Tegoshi's ear and whispered huskily, "Found you, pretty. Didn’t I? Just like I told you."

With a gasp Tegoshi brought his hand to reach behind, scanning the other’s features as he ran his hand along the smooth skin of his cheek “What took you so long??" Tegoshi purred back. "Come on, let's give them a show.

Tegoshi felt as if his stomach was suddenly flipping over and it probably wasn’t because of the drinks, he didn’t have enough to actually feel that bad.

Jiyong brought is hands around Tegoshi’s waist as he turned him around eagerly, capturing his soft lips with his own, nipping and sucking playfully at them before both quickly drowned into a deep and passionate kiss.

Jiyong finding him here and now was a sweet and anticipated surprise, which made Tegoshi forget about his earlier depression in no time, because only Jiyong’s lips were as sweet as to make him forget his suppressed desire and longing for Yamapi. Only Jiyong’s soft and yet strong and demanding hands could make him focus on something else besides his memories of Yamapi and how he would hold him close at night. Only Jiyong’s husky and yet sweet voice could make shivers run down his spine like Yamapi’s would when he used to creep up on him and only his nature would dangerously turn his world upside down again, just like Yamapi used to.

Soon you could hardly or even legally call what they were doing 'dancing' anymore as their arms were wrapped tightly around each other and eager hands explored exposed skin without embarrassment. Pressed together from knee to chest and slick with sweat and relentless in their movement, nobody around them seemed to be bothered, instead completely engrossed in their own actions.

Tegoshi pulled away from Jiyong’s hungry mouth taking a deep gulp of air, “Let’s…go…follow me Ji…”
And the young man grabbed the other’s hand and dragged him along as he hurried pass a bunch of people that didn’t give a damn about anything or anyone anymore.

Soon Tegoshi had Jiyong effectively pinned against the back of a small men’s toilet stall, hungrily sucking at the other’s lower lip getting quite annoyed when Jiyong tried to speak.

"Hush Baby," Tegoshi murmured against his mouth, "No one can see us, just be a bit quieter." allowing his fingers to trail up under the back of the other’s knee long purple sleeves shirt, skittering over the hot skin possessively marking it as his.

Jiyong whispered into Tegoshi’s ear, “Why don’t we take this to your place?” grounding his hips against the growing hardness he could feel against his thigh.

“Pshhh…don’t talk.”

Tegoshi purred slightly annoyed before letting his tongue run explorative across Jiyong’s perfect collarbone.

“Why are you running away from me?”

The man with the stylish copper Mohawk murmured against Tegoshi’s neck.

“pssshh.. I said…don’t talk.”

Tegoshi’s mouth returned to claim Jiyong’s before he could say anything else, thinking the other would give up his cares as he trailed his hand down his strong chest to slide his fingers into his tight black jeans.

“…I don’t want to…” Jiyong breathed almost erratically as he pulled away from the other’s claiming lips, “..dont want to be just one of your affairs anymore..”

Tegoshi stared at the younger man, studying the look of his with black eyeliner underlined deep eyes which he hid behind his thick black rimmed glasses.

“..I want to be your boyfriend, Yuya.”

Jiyong spoke almost softly before pressing his lips against Tegoshi’s who dropped his hands from where they had hold on to Jiyong’s waist, standing in front of the other with a shocked expression that came back to live a moment later.

“What the fuck are you saying!?”

Tegoshi snapped back in annoyance as he broke away from the kiss almost in disgust.

“Why don’t you give me a chance to show you how perfect we are together?”

Jiyong whispered in an almost pleading tone, trailing his fingertips along Tegoshi’s chest.

“Stop that nonsense!” Tegoshi felt like pushing him away despite the burning need that he felt inside, his chest was suddenly being squeezed together from the inside making his head spin lightly, “We are not in high school; guys like us don’t have boyfriends.

“I have known you longer than over a year now Yuya, and I know everything about you, just let me show you everything about me and we can work this out!”

Jiyong didn’t want to give in, not again and not now when he had been running after Tegoshi for so long with all the strength, he had tried to please him.

“For god’s sake! You don’t know shit! Nothing! You hear me Ji?! Nothing and it should stay that way…” Tegoshi snapped at Jiyong, brushing off his demanding hands and taking a step back. “Fuck, why am I even wasting my time on you.”

“Because, you love me.”

Jiyong’s words came out agonizingly slow and painful to Tegoshi’s ears and heart.

“I..what?.. the fuck!”

That moment for the first time Tegoshi couldn’t believe let alone understand how he possibly had let it come to this, he shook his head in frustration.

“Sorry to break this to you Ji, but every single time that I told you, that you are nothing more than just someone I enjoy fucking with, I never told a lie and I thought you knew and were just as happy with it…but that’s it, you understand? There won’t be anything else between us, ever. Not because I dislike you but because it’s not what I want or need, you can either accept that or disappear out of my life.”
Tegoshi’s words came out like a bomb and hit Jiyong unexpectedly hard, as he walked out on the younger man as quickly as he could. He didn’t want to see his face, didn’t want to know if he was laughing or crying and definitely didn’t want to hear or say anything else.

It was true that Tegoshi enjoyed his time with Jiyong, which had always been reduced to physical activities from the start though, but that was everything Tegoshi had wanted and needed. Tegoshi didn’t think he had been in love with Jiyong, no he was sure of it - he was just being too damn attracted.
Yamapi had been his first and only boyfriend, his first and only love and he wanted to keep it that way, mostly because he thought love wasn’t anything to be trusted in anymore and anyways having a ‘boyfriend’ was simply a waste of time that would bring you nothing but trouble and pain.

Tegoshi didn’t need any of the above, that had been his choice and he swore to himself he’d stick with it no matter how much he had been attracted to the other man. Actually he had been attracted to the rebellious and ‘oh so damn good in bed’ thing that went by the name Jiyong, but if he’d let himself go too much he knew he’d regret it, therefore he was never running after Jiyong or sought his presence, even if he felt like he’d wanted to “see” him.

Jiyong was about one year younger than Tegoshi and just as much bursting with energy as himself and he liked it, and that rebellious and individualistic personality of his, as well as his yet somewhat calming and fresh aura.

Mostly though he adored his enthusiasm, strength and passion that matched his own and would lead them always to furious and angry sex, which both of them seemed to have gotten addicted to. Everything he had experienced with the younger man had been so different from what it was like to be with Yamapi, and for once Jiyong was the only person who could satisfy him, just in a different way.

Despite Tegoshi saying he thought that Jiyong had been aware of his feelings and choices, he secretly knew that the other had been ‘in love’ with him for a very long time now if not even right from the start, and maybe exactly that made him lose the last bit of resistance towards Jiyong, that made him always welcome the other when he had been come running after him.

He couldn’t deny that he liked to be adored and paid attention to, just like Jiyong would do, he’d do anything Tegoshi wanted and even if it had been reduced to mostly bedroom activity he could sense the other’s ‘need’ for him and he liked it.

Tegoshi grew greedy and demanding yet Jiyong would not mind and always gave himself to the older man, entirely and without regret.

Now though as it seemed he would not be able to enjoy his carefree times with the younger man the way he had, once Jiyong would decide to walk out of his life, since he couldn’t give him what he wanted, he feared those small changes that somehow gave him a little peace of mind.


Tegoshi cursed under his breath as he walked out the backdoors of the club and past a bunch of drunken men and women sitting on the sidewalk.

“Seriously.. Boyfriend… bullshit.”

This word, as harmless as it seemed, it stirred up memories which Tegoshi had been nearly forgotten about, because they were somewhat most important and trying to forget them almost had been effective, almost.

[Flash back]


Yamapi and Tegoshi asked at the same time, the older pointing to his friend while the said one pointed to himself. But the girls weren’t listening anymore and turned their backs to the boys, giving away the rabbits to two little girls that were passing by as they started to walk away.

“EHH? What was that?”

The two girls disappeared into the busy crowd leaving the two boys rendered speechless and shocked.

“If you don’t know how could I know?”

Tegoshi turned to look at Yamapi who stood next to him just as shocked and speechless as himself.

“Well whatever! Since we’re alone now, let’s go do something fun!”

Yamapi patted his friend’s shoulder as he suggested to keep going.

“But Pi don’t you think we should go after them and explain things?”

The younger boy looked worried at Yamapi and back to where they disappeared to.

“Why Tego?” Yamapi exchanged a pouty look, “Let them think what they want, it would be stupid to waste our time going after them!”

“Eh…You don’t care about what they think or say?”

Tegoshi wondered if it was right to leave things like that especially since he didn’t like others being angry about something he did, even though he still didn’t know what they had done wrong just now.

“Not really, I mean we don’t need them right? Or do you really want the girls to come back? I though you wanted to spend the day with me …..”

Yamapi sounded somehow disappointed.

“Oh no, No!” Tegoshi shouted in a rush, “I don’t want them back…now we can finally have the festival to ourselves like we had planned before ne?”

Tegoshi yelled excited as the words left his lips.

“Dam right we have!” Yamapi agreed excited, “Ready to lose against me at basketball?”
Yamapi poked his friend’s cheek playfully.

“Like, you can seriously win against me in any sport Yamapi!”

Tegoshi mocked his friend, grinning widely at him.

“Hey, maybe you’re a soccer ace but I will get my chance in the free shots!” the taller boy said pouting lightly.

“Ok ok, let’s go big boy!”

Tegoshi patted Yamapi’s back lightly to make him start moving.

Not long after that the boys were leaving the game with Tegoshi grinning and carrying a candy bag. It had been his prize for getting five perfects shots before Yamapi, but the older boy didn’t look annoyed at all, in fact he smiled down and ruffled his friend’s hair, praising his amazing shots.

“Waa sugoii Tego-chan you can totally rock any sport ne?”

Yamapi’s words made Tegoshi’s smile get even wider. Yamapi knew by heart that he would lose but he couldn’t care less, he simply loved to see his friend’s happy face every time he would win a game.

“Look Yamapi!” Tegoshi shouted excitedly as he run towards a small shop at the corner. “That’s sooooooo cute!” Tegoshi squealed, grabbing a keychain to show his friend.

“Oh it’s stitch!” Yamapi took a good look at the little blue character in a sitting position, biting a soccer ball with a grin on his lips, wearing the Japanese team’s uniform. “Yeah, that’s really cute!”

“Totally, ne? They can do anything with stitch these days’s ne?”

Tegoshi stared at the small merchandise with dreaming eyes.

“Do you…” Yamapi started but was cut off by a loud noise, making both boys turn around, “eh? The fireworks started already?”

“Really?” Tegoshi put the keychain back before turning around into the same direction as Yamapi, “Mou we lost that much time playing around?”

“Guess we did. Well let’s run maybe we can still find a nice spot to watch!”

Yamapi instantly grabbed his friend by his smaller hand and started running. Tegoshi followed after his friend smiling all the way, because he liked the feeling of Yamapi’s warm hand in his. Tegoshi knew Yamapi would always hold it tightly so they wouldn’t get lost and he liked the feeling that he never wanted to let go of that hand.

“Oh look Tegoshi that spot looks nice!”

Yamapi shouted over his shoulder pointing a bit forward to a higher empty spot he saw, and Tegoshi just nodded as they ran up the small hill.

They set down onto the grass next to each other and looked up into the sky to watch the amazing lights and colors that filled the already dark heavens above them. Tegoshi had always loved to watch fireworks; it felt like something magical that stopped the world from spinning, showing a wonderful party happening in the sky.

When he was younger he would always believe the fireworks were magic characters playing together to see who could make the most beautiful sky. Know he knew how silly it was to think like that, but that made the fireworks even more fun to watch especially when Yamapi was by his side creating the most crazy stories and names for the characters that would command the fireworks which made Tegoshi laugh for hours while watching them next to his best friend.

“Ne Yamapi do you remember…”

Tegoshi started to ask and while turning to his friend Tegoshi had to find out the spot next to him was suddenly empty and Yamapi gone. A big shock hit the little boy as he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

“Ehh…. Yamapi!!!?”

Tegoshi shouted around looking for his friend but he only found faces of countless strangers. The young boy kept walking around the crowd trying to find his missing friend but after a while he started to give up, how could he find Yamapi in the middle of that many people?

He stopped close to a tree looking up into the colorful sky that somehow had lost its beauty and magic. Of course he loved fireworks but he loved to watch them with Yamapi and having Yamapi not playing around by his side made him feel empty and lost.

He didn’t liked the lonely feeling that filled his heart right now not to mention the worries as he watched them alone now, but before the tears could fall from his eyes he felt warm arms hugging him by his shoulder followed by a calm voice against his ear.

“Found you!” Yamapi hugged his friend tightly from behind. “Why did you change places? You didn’t like the other spot?” Yamapi whispered playfully against Tegoshi ear, which made the young boy shiver lightly.

“I was looking for you baka!”

Tegoshi muttered under his breath while placing his hands over Yamapi’s, enjoying the feeling of being under his gentle hold.

“You were? But I told you I was going back to the shops for a bit…You never listen to me do you? …guess you were too lost into the fireworks.”

Yamapi let out a soft chuckle before Tegoshi’s elbow hit his belly playfully.

“I always listen to you, well just not back then… so I was really worried baka!”

Tegoshi kept his gaze into the sky above them, afraid of turning to his friend because he knew he would be blushing by now.

“Mouu….I’m sorry Tego-chan.”

Yamapi pressed his lips against Tegoshi’s cheek in a chaste kiss. The young boy’s flush deepened into a bright dark red as he didn’t expect his heart to start beating so fast at the intense sensations of his soft lips against his heated skin, but he liked that feeling a lot

“I just wanted to get you this before they would have sold it to someone else…”

Yamapi lifted his hand, dangling a blue soccer character on a keychain in front of Tegoshi’s eyes, which made a bright smile appear on the boy’s lips.

“Stitch!” He shouted excitedly “Uwahhh!!! Yamapi you didn’t have to get it…”

Tegoshi carefully took the small keychain from his friend hand.

“But I knew you wanted it, and I promised to buy you anything you wanted right?”

Yamapi placed his hand over Tegoshi’s shoulder, to embrace his friend once more.

“Thank you Yamapi!!! I really wanted it!” Tegoshi smiled brightly and he felt like jumping into the sky right now. “Oh right I forgot…. I got you something too!” The young boy excitedly pulled the small present out of his little black bag.

He held the small soft character in front of him before placing it over Yamapi hand, “Here! I was trying to get it for you back then… but with all the craziness of those girls I totally forgot to give it to you…”


Yamapi smiled widely at the little character in his hand, grinning at his friend a second later.

“Thanks Tego-chan, I will treasure our Pokémon! Forever.”

Yamapi felt as if the world stopped spinning for him right now and he gave Tegoshi another soft kiss against his cheek.

Tegoshi himself thought he could get addicted to those light kisses, while Yamapi was placing his chin over Tegoshi shoulder blade, and changing his arms to hold Tegoshi by his waist.
Sharing this moment like that they watched the rest of the most wonderful fireworks exploding into the sky. Both boys were overwhelmed by the happiness they felt in their hearts this night.
Sharing a moment as simple as this, they felt like this night couldn’t have been any better than it already was.


After Tegoshi and Yamapi both enjoyed the fireworks in each other’s company they decided to slowly make their way home, it was already getting late and after they had left the busy summer festival grounds Tegoshi asked his friend to stop at the conbini and buy some more drinks and snacks because he felt like starving.

“Mo Tego, are you really that hungry? I thought we all ate enough..”

The older boy complained playfully, not really minding to buy some more snacks but liked to tease his friend.

“But I am thirsty and I want dango~”

The older boy just shook his head and grinned at his friend as they headed toward the nearby family mart, which Yamapi entered as soon as they got there, buying those things while Tegoshi waited outside fondling with his music player.

The younger boy jumped off the sidewalk when he saw Yamapi walk toward him holding two white plastic bags in his hands. He hardly waited for his friend to get there and met him halfway, grabbing one of the bags excited.

“Those mine?” The boy asked into the plastic bag as he held it widely open to look inside.

Yamapi nodded, “You wanted Mitarashi dango right?”

“Totally!” Tegoshi smiled at his friend as he opened his bottle of grape fanta, “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” The older boy stuck out his tongue at Tegoshi who started walking again, heading towards home. Yamapi reached out for the bottle of fanta which Tegoshi was just about to bring to his lips, but Yamapi took it out of his hands which earned him a annoyed ‘HEY’ from the younger boy.

“Let me have a sip~”

Yamapi then took a drink from his friend’s bottle before handing it back to him.

“Why didn’t you get one yourself?”

Tegoshi shook his head and drank from it himself.

“Because I am thirsty, “the older boy held up a bottle of water “and not in need of a sugar rush.” Yamapi stuck out his tongue again once the other looked at him, rolling his eyes.

“I just wanted to taste it though.”

“You’re hopeless you know that.”

Yamapi cocked a smile and ran off towards the nearby park that lay on their way, the younger boy following him excited.

The two boys settled themselves on top of a climbing frame that had a small wooden house on top and was located in the center of a kid’s playground. Tegoshi cheerfully picked out the small plastic box with his dango, taking out one of the sticks with the white balls covered in that brown sticky syrup that the he loved so much. Biting off one of said soft balls he turned to his friend, “You didn’t buy any?” he spoke with his mouth filled, looking rather amusing to his friend who chuckled at the sight.

“Nah, I’m still kinda stuffed.”

Yamapi smirked at the boy to his left before turning back to look into the sky above them.

“How can you not have space left for dango?”

Tegoshi wondered if it was possible to just say no to dango.

“Here, here..have some!”

The young boy dangled the sticky sweets in front of his friend’s nose.

“Uwah, Nooo.. Tego.. ..don’t.. no!~“

Yamapi tried to move out of the way but Tegoshi was quicker and had his friend pinned against the wall of the wooden house in no time, straddling his hips efficiently while stuffing the dango in his mouth, smiling brightly at his victory, “Now bite it off baka, I don’t want to hold it there the whole night.”
When Yamapi didn’t move at all but peered at him and their eyes met. Tegoshi sensed the intense stare the older boy had on him, gazing right into his eyes. It wasn’t that casual gaze he would give him usually but having Yamapi look at him with such intensity he hadn’t experienced before, Tegoshi felt his heart beat faster and harder with every second they looked at each other.

This moment felt somehow weird and uncomfortable, he could literally hear his heart drum against the inside of his head so much it almost hurt, realizing the position they were in was quite stupid and for some odd reason felt less funny than it normally would have, instead it nearly drove the young boy insane.

Tegoshi didn’t know what the problem or difference was but when he couldn’t take it anymore he slowly let go of his friend’s wrist and crawled off his lap, trying to make Yamapi bite off that stupid dango already as he wiggled it around in his mouth, pulling slightly.

“You.. really.. should though, bite it off..Yamapi.”

Tegoshi crawled back to sit next to his friend, his hand still holding on to the stick of dango in Yamapi’s mouth, not realizing he could have just let go of it and leave him the rest of it. Once Yamapi snapped out of it he carefully take the stick out of Tegoshi’s hand, who twitched nervously as their fingers touched, and he tried to chew off the bit of dango he had in his mouth. While he was embarrassingly chewing on the piece of candy in his mouth he handed the stick back to Tegoshi who looked at him curiously, his cheeks flushed a deep red.

“It’s good, you keep it Yamapi.”

The older boy swallowed hard, “But I don’t want it.” He insisted for Tegoshi to take it back because he really didn’t want to eat it.

Tegoshi nodded, “Ok.. ..”

He took the candy and finished it slowly as both boys sat there in silent for a while, eating and sipping on their drinks.

“Ne, Yamapi…what do you think of what those girls said today?”

“What do you mean?”

“About us.”

“What about it?”

“Do you too, think we are too close?”

“Why should I think that, Tego?”

“Well, you heard what they said. Do others really think we look like we are like together like you know?”

“Hm. “ Yamapi turned to meet his friend’s troubled look, making it hard for him to say the things he wanted to say because it somehow felt not like the right time, Tegoshi looked freaked out and he didn’t want his friend to worry or even be scared of something especially not him.

“Don’t think we should worry about that Tego.” Yamapi cracked a smile trying hard to look comfortable to the other but in truth he was just as scared and maybe freaked out, a little, although he kind of knew pretty well by now what he was feeling for his friend. “To be honest I think those girls were just totally jealous that we can have more fun together than they, you know?”

Yamapi gave Tegoshi a soft nudge against his shoulder, smiling more calmly now. “Just forget about it ok? We are best friends remember? We can have fun together, we can laugh together, we can be stupid around others and we always should enjoy what we do so, as long as we do enjoy each other’s company like that I believe we are just fine as we are.”

Yamapi took the younger boy’s hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Best friends forever right Tego-chan?”

Tegoshi felt the rollercoaster of emotions settle down again, slowly but surely, and smiled back at his friend, nodding excitedly.

“Sure, best ...friends forever, Pi.”

Yamapi felt relieved as well as crushed somehow nevertheless smiling and holding on to his friend’s hand for a while as they sat there in silent again.

When they arrived at Tegoshi’s apartment block Yamapi walked him towards the stairs that would lead his friend a couple of floors up towards their apartment door.

Unlikely other nights when Yamapi would drop his friend off at home they stood there in a moment of silent again before Tegoshi thanked his friend for taking him to the festival today and even paying for everything he wanted.

They both chuckled slightly, smiling at each other before Yamapi politely waved and bowed, like he normally wouldn’t.

"Well, then goodnight boyfriend."


Tegoshi’s mind went blank when Yamapi spoke, he thought he didn’t hear what he just heard but the fact that Yamapi didn’t say anything else and even moved closer made him think that he did hear what he just heard and yet he had no idea what the hell he was saying.

The young boy’s expression was shocked and surprised, yet Yamapi inched closer as if to say something, his lips lightly parted but then,-

He looked like he wanted to kiss Tegoshi, which made the boy freak out and squeeze his eyes shut in fright or rather surprise, he couldn’t tell because even though it seemed like time was stopping it happened too quickly for him to take it all in and the next moment Yamapi was poking his shoulder roughly.

“Haha Tego, I said good night! Don’t look at me like that; I was just messing with you!”

The older boy said jokingly as he let his hand ran through Tegoshi’s hair messily, swallowing the lump in his throat. He didn’t have any intentions of fooling around or be mean to his friend at all but he had no idea what got into him when he saw the younger boy look at him with that adorable sweet smile of his. That moment he just felt like the world stopped spinning and all he could see was his friend’s amazingly pretty eyes and his healing smile, smiling wonderfully at him. It just was too much to handle and he almost lost it, didn’t he? Oh god he hated himself for it, how could he be so damn incautious?

He couldn’t let that ever happen again.

“What the hell Yamapi? Baka…”

Tegoshi shook his head wildly. How could he be like that? He was going to kiss him wasn’t he?
Damnit, Tegoshi cursed madly inside.

“Sorry you ~ But I really need to go now, so .. eh.. good night, Tego-chan, see you tomorrow, I guess.”

Yamapi bit his lower lip as he ruffled the boy’s hair once more and turned around to walk a few steps before waiting for the boy to get inside, he wouldn’t leave unless he was safe and sound at home, inside.
Tegoshi still couldn’t believe it and was totally and completely shocked at the fact his friend actually tried to kiss him. He wasn’t very experienced but he definitely could tell what he was doing or trying to do and he just couldn’t believe it.

To his surprise he wasn’t really that shocked or disgusted but rather disappointed that Yamapi might have been messing about after all. Tegoshi somehow realized that if he would have kissed him, it would probably have been the best night in his life because he guessed that having this sort of feelings for his best friend couldn’t be something bad instead it would be more like a bonus, right?

There is nothing better in the world than having a best friend like Yamapi, and if that best friend would actually be his boyfriend too, wouldn’t that be just better than the best? Although he sensed having a boyfriend would be somewhat strange for most people if you are a boy yourself but how could he misjudge his feelings or even think they were wrong when it felt so good?

[/Flash back]


Tegoshi cursed aloud into the dark night as he nearly passed the small park to his apartment building. The young man shook his head in annoyance, those stupid memories making it hard to focus on anything again, why does it have to be so hard on him?

Why, fuck why?

As he passed the small playground and water fountain his mobile phone suddenly rang and he pulled it out of the tight back pocked of his pants, reading out the text message:

You are likely to experience an overwhelming happiness and friendship at this time.

“WHAT THE???... “

There is nothing too negative that can be said about the current influences and all seems lined up to assure you experience a rewarding period with few unwanted challenges or surprises.

“Surprises yeah.. but what the fuck is this? I never signed up for this stupid shit!”

You may experience significant discord in your personal relationships at this time. Connecting with others on an emotional level is likely to be challenging. Fortunately this period will pass quickly, so don't get too upset about the distance that seems to exist between you and those you are close to. Ride this aspect out without forcing any issues and all will return to normal soon.

“Seriously this crap should be illegal, sending out those fake horoscopes, what are they thinking? Not that horoscope shit is real in the first place but I haven’t signed up for that spam..”

Tegoshi angrily added the sender’s address to his spam filter and deleted it.

“…if they dare to contact me again I will bring it to court, damnit. As if this night couldn’t have gotten worse…”


Yamapi had no luck finding Chuck at the said club because apparently he went home early tonight since it was his birthday. Damn luck, Yamapi thought and decided to wash away his worries with some alcohol at the bar instead, wondering what he was doing wrong that everything seemed to just go wrong.

It wasn’t like he wanted to be the king of the world and he would even give all the money he had to just simply find Tegoshi. He wasn’t that greedy was he?

He would simply do anything just to be given the chance to talk to him properly.

What he would say he wasn’t so sure of anymore but he believed once he had the chance to talk to him the right words would find their way into the boy’s heart again.

After Yamapi washed down four drinks or five...Maybe it had been six? He didn’t recall, and that’s when he decided to get up and leave, right after a visit at the men’s room.

The young man went straight into the only stall that wasn’t blocked and locked and when he met a younger looking red head with thick black rimmed glasses he felt like face palming. Why does he always have that kind of luck running into either the worst idiots when he didn’t have time or having all toilet stalls occupied when he hardly could hold back his urge to pee.

“Are you done or what?”

Yamapi snapped at the young boy who looked frightened, crushed and ready to cry.

“Talking to you! Can I have my piss in private please?”

He continued as the boy didn’t respond at all, holding his hands across his chest and fumbling with his long purple tee.

“Geez, what the fuck is wrong with you kid?”

Yamapi looked around but still none of the other stalls were free and men toilets weren’t around at all. When he turned back to the boy in his Mohawk the kid snapped out of it and charged right at Yamapi, pushing him out of the way and cursing back at the now shocked older man.

“Seriously what the fuck, that little punk…..”


As Yamapi went back through the entrance of the night club one of the bouncers stopped him and pulled him to the side. The young man had no idea what was happening now but listened to what the door guy had to say.

“You were looking for Chuck right?”

He said casually and Yamapi nodded.

“He just got here a moment ago, let me take you to him.”

Yamapi followed the guy that took him to Chuck, who welcomed him with a cheerful high five.

“Eh, happy birthday Chuck!”

Yamapi chuckled lightly still a bit tipsy from his drinks.

“Thanks bro. Well I just came to say that I saw that guy of yours leaving the club as I entered it, he looked pretty pissed and didn’t say a word as I tried to talk to him.”

“You ..what? ..no way, seriously? He was here tonight?”

Yamapi’s eyes widened in surprise and he felt like freaking out right now, he had totally missed him!? How come..? fuck.

“Seems like it, so when I got your messages on my phone I headed here to see if I could catch you since you didn’t answer your phone at all.”

“Oh, you called me? Must have not heard it due to the loud music..” Yamapi looked around remembering what he just heard, he saw Tegoshi!? “Well you saw him? So he must be on his way home right? I mean right now?”

“Probably, it was just a few minutes ago but you might not be able to catch him so we could talk now I mean about what you wanted to know..?”

But Yamapi stopped listening after he had heart ‘probably’ and ran off into the night, making his way towards the parking lot.

Yamapi was driving out of the parking spot close to the club, slightly tipsy he knew he shouldn’t drive but he couldn’t just let Tegoshi pass by again like this, he just had to find him, right now.
He drove off into the direction he thought Tegoshi would have gone, straight. Maybe it was just a gut feeling but he thought he knew Tegoshi would always take the straightway even if it would take him five minutes longer. It was just a bad habit of the younger boy.

His cell phone rang and he fished it out of his shirt’s chest pocket nervously.

Who could that be at this time?

He tried to focus onto the street and the phone at the same time, reading the incoming text message.

Knowing what you want and going after it is the opportunity of the day, and what you fall into now may be just the chance you've been waiting for.

“What is this…???”

You may want to call or write someone you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them. The tone of this time is light, friendly and easy.. Try to find something mutually satisfying to do with a partner today.

“Shit, this is bad…why am I getting this crap right now?”

If you don't have a partner at this time then you might want to consider putting yourself in some situations that could benefit you in finding one, you just never know where you might run into a potential keeper.

“Hell yeah, say that again!?”

Yamapi didn’t pay enough attention to the street ahead of him as he was suddenly fixated onto the randomly sent horoscope he had no idea how on earth they got his address.

He heard screeching noises on the wet floor underneath his wheels, he dropped his phone and could hardly hold the steering wheel straight when it was almost too late before he realized he was about to hit a person walking straight ahead of his windscreen.

He hit the horn hard and his headlights flashed brighter than the morning sun before he heard a loud crashing sound, metal fall to the ground and his vision went white.



Riina: CUT! *scream*

Gabby: Holy mother Yamapi crashed!!! O.O *goes running in the room*

Riina: *grabs gabby by the shirt* Stop that! We wrote that together! You knew it was going to happen!

Gabby: Gomen got exited here. *bows many times*

Riina: hum it was a long way to end Tean’s chapter ne?

Gabby: hum hai hai! Tean sugoii ne? Always cursing that crazy boy xP but he needs to release all that anger ne?

Riina: Oh yeah you may be asking who or what is Tean? Is that a code? Well not really… anyone may know Dean of Supernatural? Do? No? Well anyway we mixed Dean with Tego-chan and now we got Tean ~ buuut we weren’t thinking like that as we wrote right? It just happened XD

Gabby: And things started to get hotter with Jiyong showing up ne? Can’t wait to have the boys fighting under the rain! xD It’s raining man!! Lol *sings*

Riina: *hits gabby with a toy hammer* Wrong movie! Calm down crazy girl!

Gabby: *rubs head* gomen gomen being baka here. XP

Riina: hum ok ok *pats gabby* So we introduced a new character to spice things up, ne? ^_^ I really hope people will not hate this idea and keep supporting Ji baby too .. well, ok they don’t have to =P but please don’t hate him~ uhhhum right and we had the end of the summer festival too, ne? Next we will have some more crazy and cute things to happen, ne?

Gabby: Yeah we do xD can’t wait! Lol

Riina: Me too! We totally got addicted to this story ne? hope our readers are feeling the same ne?

Gabby: waaa me too!! Can’t wait for the comments. ^~^

Riina: Yesss!! Comments are what make us write faster ne? Thanks for keep reading.

Riina/Gabby: Maidoarii *screams excitedly*

fluff, oiam, long, romance, angst

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