I Can Be Your Strength Pt. 6

Nov 11, 2010 15:06

Title: I Can Be Your Strength (Part 6)
Author: Me
Length: ~3000
Rating: R
Spoilers: Kinda AU, all episodes just to be safe
Summary: Something has been off about Rachel. For a long time. It usually was just forgotten. But, now, it's gotten worse and from what she learns, it's only going to progressively worsen. Is she strong enough to keep fighting?
Warning: This is gonna be pretty angsty. So..if you don't like that, TURN AWAY! But there will be nice parts so...just read it =D
Disclaimer: I own nothing
A/N: I picture Quinn's sister to look like Kristen Bell. I think they look a bit alike.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Immediately after she apologized for pulling slushied Berry into a crowded cafeteria, Quinn had kept her word. By the end of the week, the whole school was informed of the singer and the cheerleader's acquaintanceship. Quinn gladly walked through the halls with Rachel. To the blond's surprise, no chaos ensued. All she had to do was give a dirty look to those who stared and Rachel was left alone. It was all going well.

"Hey, Rach!"

The brunette turned around to see Finn coming her way. She stopped walking and fully faced him.

"Hi, Finn." She greeted upon his nearing.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school. I'm gonna skip out of Glee practice."

"I don' recommend an absence."

Finn shrugged.

"So you up for it?"

"I - I don' know."

"Come on. We haven't hung out for a while. You either go to Bay's or the doctor's. Or maybe you just spend time with Quinn. How did you guys even -"


"Really?" Finn grinned.

Rachel nodded slowly.

"Okay great. Meet me by the football field after school."

The brunette gave Finn a small smile as he walked away. She continued walking in the other direction, but stopped when she saw Quinn eyeing her from her locker with an unreadable face. Rachel grinned happily at her friend, but the blond's eyes were then casted downward. The brunette was about to go ask Quinn what was wrong, but the bell rang, so she lost the blond to a crowd of students. Rachel frowned, wondering what had upset the cheerleader; she usually walked Rachel to class. The brunette began walking to class, not wanting to make a big deal. Quinn can't always walk me to class, she thought.

Quinn was in precalculus when she felt the buzz of her cellphone against her leg. Glancing up at the teacher to make sure he wasn't looking, the cheerleader pulled out her phone from under the desk. The screen flashed with a text from Rachel.

What's wrong? :(

The blond sighed softly.


She turned her attention back to class and continued taking notes. She didn't receive another text until she got into groups to work on the homework assignment.

Don't lie to me Quinn >:(

Why would I lie?

The blond began her work, but the phone vibrated soon after her last text was sent.

Please tell me what's wrong.

Quinn chose not to respond. What could she say? I'm jealous and possessive. That's what's wrong. She sighed deeply, staring down at her blank paper. I hate when you talk to Finn. To anyone that's not me. She began solving the problem in front of her: Find the area under the curve. I'm insecure.

The cheerleader didn't understand why Rachel made her feel so possessive. It's just Berry. Quinn mentally shook her head. Rachel hadn't been just Berry in a while. Her past was talking. Rachel was her friend. They were friends. Doesn't mean I am able to be possessive about just a friend. The brunette surely didn't belong to the blond. She was free to do whatever she wanted. She was free to talk to whomever she wanted. She was free to date whomever she wanted. Rachel wasn't tied to Quinn. They were just friends. Despite knowing Rachel's freedom, the blond couldn't help but grow angry when she saw Rachel giving someone else attention that wasn't Quinn.


During lunch Quinn sat with Brittany and Santana. Placing a tater tot in her mouth, Quinn silently watched her friends' interaction. The two girls sat so close that it was possible to believe they were siamese twins, if it weren't for their different features. Every now and then the couple would glance at each other in the exact same time the other turned and give a look of pure love. Brittany would even feed Santana her food. A small smile crept up on the corners of Quinn's mouth. The taller blond leaned in to kiss Santana and Quinn looked away. Her mind flashed with a quote from the book of Leviticus. She understood Brittany and Santana loved each other. She knew that. But she also knew it was a sin. It was an abomination.

"Hey, B can you go get me a chocolate milk?" Santana whispered sweetly.

Brittany nodded eagerly and stood up.

"Do you need anything, Q?"

The head cheerleader slowly woke up from her thought.


"Do you want anything?"

Quinn shook her head and Brittany walked away.

"Santana can I ask you a question?"

The latina eyed her suspiciously.

"Depends. What is the subject of the question?"


"Fine. Shoot."

Quinn chewed on her lip before speaking.

"Do you ever, like, get jealous when Brittany talks to someone else?"

Upon asking, the blond looked down at her tray.

The latina shrugged. "I don't know. If she's talking to Jew-fro I just get angry 'cause she's talking to a perv, but if it's like, someone hot then yeah of course. She's mine."

"How do you know she's yours?" Quinn mumbled.

Santana chuckled. "Oh trust me Fabray. She is all mine."

Looking up, Quinn said, "What if she wasn't yours?"

Santana stopped the cheese fry from entering her mouth.

"Where are you getting at?"

Blushing, the blond looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I have a feeling this isn't about me and Britt."

"Here's your milk, S."

Quinn let out a relieved sigh, hoping Santana would drop it.

"Hey, maybe you should ask Brittany your question."

"What question?" The blond asked, sitting down.

"N - Nothing."

"Hi, Quinn." Rachel chirped and sat down next to her.

"Quinn was asking me if it's cool to be all jealous and territorial over someone that isn't yours." Santana told Brittany and Rachel.

"What? No - I - that's not what I said." A deep red tint was creeping up the blond's neck again.

"That'd be weird." Brittany said.

"No it wou'n't." The small brunette piped up.

"Wh - why?" Quinn stuttered and turned to Rachel.

Rachel shrugged. "It's human nature to act like such an animal an' claim someone as your "territory" even without 'is or 'er consent. He or she may not physically be yours, but as far as your 'art and brain know, she or he is. It's normal. However, not ev'ryone has these feelin's an' some express these feelin's too extremely."

"It's normal?" the head cheerleader was hesitant to believe it.

"Yes. Primal too." Rachel smiled. "You," She pointed at Quinn in a gruff voice. "Mine."

Quinn would never admit that last sentence sent butterflies directly to her stomach and a lump directly to her throat. She managed a choked chuckle and turned to her friends only to realize they had left.

"Where'd Santana and Brittany go?"

"T' be 'lone wit' each other, I guess. Don' you ever feel like the third wheel?"

Quinn shrugged. "Used to it, I guess."

"You don' deserve t' feel 'at way."

The blond turned to Rachel.

"How do I deserve to feel then?"

"You shou' 'ave someone else t' talk to. So you don' feel alone."

"Do you - I - can -"

The bell rang.

"We are frien's aren't we?"

"Well, yeah." Quinn mumbled.


"Then, will you, Rachel Berry, allow me to walk you to class?"

Rachel stood up and Quinn followed.

"You may."

The blond grinned.

"After you m'lady."

Rachel giggled and began walking out of the cafeteria with Quinn following close behind.

"Are you feelin' be'er?"

"What makes you think I wasn't?"

"When I saw you at your locker, you seemed sad."

Quinn's hazel eyes turned to see Rachel looking up at her.

"Well I wasn't. Sorry for making you believe otherwise." The blond averted her eyes.

"Please don' lie."

"Please don't pry any further."

Rachel sighed and nodded. They turned to an fairly empty hallway.

"You know I'm 'ere fo' you too." The brunette spoke softly and took in Quinn's hand.

The cheerleader immediately tensed and felt herself panic. Her heart pounded powerfully in her breast. Rachel's hand was warm and her small fingers easily burrowed themselves snugly between the blonde's long and thin fingers.

"Yeah." Quinn breathed.

"You okay Quinn? Your - your grip is kind of tight."

"Uh. Yeah." The blond immediately wiggled out of Rachel's hand. "Here's uh, your class."

The brunette nodded and turned to Quinn. "So -"

"So bye."

Not letting Rachel speak, the cheerleader did what she usually did when overcome by strange feelings; she left.


Quinn wasn't looking forward to Glee anymore. Since Rachel's absence, Sunshine came back from Vocal Adrenaline. Mr. Schue also ended up making Sam male lead and Sunshine female lead. The club preferred Sunshine to Rachel which angered Quinn. They had quickly thrown their member to the side. It caused her to develop a bitter attitude toward Sunshine. She was Rachel's replacement.

"All right you guys, listen up!"

The crowd continued talking. Rarely was there order since there was no more commanding Rachel.

"Guys!" Mr. Schue shouted louder.

The group shut up and turned to face him.

"Thank you. I wanted to inform you that we're doing our first duets for this year."

"What's the prize?" Santana yelled out.

"Well, that's a surprise."

"I bet it's something lame." Santana muttered to Brittany.

"Like a duck." Puck teased.

Brittany gave him a saddened look and Santana punched him in the shoulder.

"However, this time, I'll pick the theme. It must be from a musical."

"That's so gay!" Puck complained.

"It is." Kurt agreed.

Mr. Schue ignored the boys and clapped his hands. "Okay, now everyone pick their partners."

Quinn watched as everyone paired up with eachother. This time Santana got with Brittany. Mercedes was with Kurt. Tina with Mike. Sam's bleached blond hair caught the cheerleader's eyes. He was heading towards her with a grin. Oh God. Not him. Not again. He was a sweet guy, but a girl could take lame jokes for so long. Sam ended up passing Quinn and instead went with Artie. Puck was standing by himself looking for someone. The cheerleader realized Finn didn't come to practice.


The blond turned around to see Sunshine smiling at her.

"What do you want?"

The girl cleared her throat.

"You want to be my partner?"


"But - but I -"

"However, it's either yours or Puck's or Finn's and I'm not in the mood to sing with an ex. So, by elimination, I'm singing with you, Rainbow."

"It's Sunshine."


"So do you have a song in mind, Quinn?"

"Whatever you want I guess."

The filipina sat down next to the cheerleader.

"Well what's your favorite duet?"

"I don't know. Why'd you pick me?"

The tiny girl shrugged.

"I like you."

Quinn jerked her head to Sunshine's innocent smile.

"Listen Sunkist -"


"I don't care what your name is, but let's get one thing straight -"

"How's it going over here?" Mr. Schue asked with a smile.

"Good. I like my partner." Sunshine grinned.

Mr. Schue nodded and walked away. With a groan, Quinn slumped in her seat.

"Do you have any suggestions for our duet?"

"Nope. Sam picked my last one. He's kind of fruity that way, I guess."

"Do you have a problem with gay people?"

"No." Quinn answered quickly.

"Well it seems like you do."

"Well it also seems like your parents were high when they named you."

Sunshine scrunched up her face in anger.

"There's no need to insult me."

"There's no need to make assumptions about me either."

"I can find another partner."

"Then do it."

The filipina scoffed. "I won't. I want you."


"How about A Boy Like That?"


"Have you even heard it?"


"You're frustrating."

"Maybe you shouldn't be my partner then."

"I can deal."


"Come on, Quinn. It's not like I'm asking you to do Take Me or Leave Me."

"What's that? Why would it be a bad thing?"

Sunshine's jaw dropped.

"It's from Rent."

"Never seen it."

"Figures. You wouldn't."

"You don't even know me."

"Then let's get to know each other!"

Quinn sighed. "To be honest, Starburst, I don't want to get to know you."

Sunshine frowned. "Why not? I have done nothing to you."

"You didn't have to do anything to me."

"I guess what Rachel said was right."

The cheerleader turned to Sunshine.

"What did Rachel say?"

"Oh, I don't know."

"Say it."

"She said I should stay away from you."

"Those are her direct words?"

"Well, no."

"Tell me an exact quote."

"Uh, 'By the way, stay away from Quinn Fabray, got it?' I think. It was last year. I don't really remember it."

The cheerleader didn't understand Rachel's motive for saying that. Had she treated the brunette so badly? But the way Sunshine had said, made it seem as if - no. Quinn was confused. What did Rachel mean by that order? Sunshine mistook Quinn's confused face for sadness.

"I'm sorry - "

"No, it's okay. I'm a bitch." Quinn spoke softly as she turned her eyes away.

"Well, want to know what I think she meant by that?"

The blond slowly looked back at Sunshine with morosely clouded eyes. "Sure."

"I think it was because of your voice."

"What do you mean?"

"You have a lovely voice, Quinn. Maybe that's why. She knew we'd make a great pair."

The cheerleader gave her a small smile

"I'm sorry, but can we talk about this some other time? I really need to get home."

"But -"

Quinn did not let Sunshine finish. She had already gathered her things and did what she always did. She left. Just like a coward, she ran away from talking about problems.


It wasn't until the two friends entered Finn's bedroom, did their hang out get serious.

"I brought you here 'cause we need to talk," Finn spoke, standing with his arms crossed and looking down at Rachel, who was sitting on his bed.


"Yeah, that's what I said."

"'Bout wha'?"

The tall boy sighed deeply. "Well, to start things off, I feel like we don't talk as much as we used to."

"Of course we do. I still tex' you."

His forehead wrinkled with thought.

"Yeah, I guess, but we don't talk that much in school anymore."

Rachel shrugged. "You're always in glee."

"Where you should be."

The brunette turned to face his white walls.

"Where do you go? You don't even ask me for rides anymore. I - I heard from Jacob that you get rides from Quinn of all people. Why Quinn? When did you become friends?"

"I - I don' know." She whispered.

"Karofsky told me she even has a no slushie policy on you now."

Rachel quickly turned her head up at him with widened eyes. "Really?"

He nodded and a grin spread across her face.

"What happened between you two? You used to hate each other."

"I ne'er hated 'uinn and she....she jus' was confused."

"Confused about what?"


"How exactly did you become friends with the Head Cheerio?"

The brunette dropped her eyes.

"We jus' did." She uttered softly.

"It's - it's weird."


"Not only are you guys my exes, but she's the most popular girl in school and...you're not."

Rachel's patience with the boy was wearing thin and just when she was about to lay it on him, she felt her phone vibrate. The brunette immediately recognized the buzzing pattern and quickly retrieved it from across the bed.

Can I see you right now?

Rachel didn't recognize the way her heart seemed to beat erratically at the fact that Quinn wanted to see her. And now. She texted Quinn back, telling the blond where she was at the moment.

"Who is it?" Finn asked, a little angered that Rachel seemed to be paying attention to that phone rather than their conversation.

"My dad. I -"

"I think Quinn is using you."

The brunette blinked in response to Finn's statement. She was about to tell him she had to leave, but his words were becoming too much.

"Usin' me?"

"Yeah. I - I don't think she's genuinely your friend."

Rachel narrowed her eyes angrily at the tall boy.

"You - you - you're crazy! She actually is my frien'. She doesn' care 'bout her reputa'ion half as much as you do!"

Finn scoffed.

"Are we talking about the same Quinn? Reputation is all she has."

The brunette managed to stand up in defiance.

"I'm outta 'ere." She turned to leave, but Finn grabbed her arm.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's just - I - I -"

"You wha'?"

"I want to get back together with you."

With Finn.With. Finn. Quinn's eyes boiled with anger as her car screeched down the street.

"With Finn." She mocked bitterly.

She growled as she shut her car door and began walking to her house. They're probably getting back together. She shook her head and searched for her home key. They're going to become an annoyingly touchy couple. She forced her key in the lock. They're so bad together. Rachel could do way better.

When Quinn opened her door, all she wanted to do was shut it and go back to her car. There, less than 10 feet away, stood Russell Fabray, smiling, talking, like nothing ever happened. the cheerleader took a few steps closer to see who her father was looking at. Of course.

Sitting across from Russell was Riley, cradling her baby boy. Could this day get any better?

"Quinny!" Her sister called, glowing with a smile.

Her blond hair was beautifully curled and cascaded over her shoulders. Her perfectly white teeth surrounded by rose red lipstick gleamed in the cheerleader's direction. She would, Quinn thought, she fucking would look amazing after having a baby.

"Hi." Quinn mumbled.

"Aren't you excited to see your sister? Give her a hug!" Russell spoke with his perfect father voice.


"Uh. Yeah."

Awkwardly, Quinn made her way to her older sister. The cheerleader opened her arms and instead Riley showed her the baby.

"Isn't he cute?"

Quinn looked down at her nephew.

And a fucking cute baby? What. The. Fuck?


"Here, Dad. Hold him."

After handing her son to his grandfather, Riley embraced Quinn tightly. The cheerleader patted her back.

"Where's Michael?"

"Not here." Riley laughed and then they let go.

"Dinner's ready. Everybody at the table." Judy Fabray called.

Fucking great. Family dinner. Quinn remembered how the last one turned out.

The whole dinner was full of silence on the cheerleader's side, but an abundance of chatter with Riley and Russell. Her mother was silent except for the small squeak of approval every now and then. Riley spoke about her accomplishments and how she was considering grad school. Quinn rolled her eyes through most of her conversation. Russell was paying attention to every word Riley said; his proud eyes sparkling in the older blond's direction. She was always his favorite. Quinn could never be daddy's girl like Riley.

After the boring dinner, when her mother was collecting the empty plates and Russell had gone to the sofa to watch sports, Quinn leaned to the right towards her sister.

"I know." She said smoothly.

"Know what?" Her sister turned and smiled innocently.

"About Alex."

Riley's eyes widened and her voice was breathless when she spoke, "Alex Cantos?"

"God, Riley, how in love with her were you?" Quinn whispered.

"One, do not use the Lord's name in vain. Two, Alex was not -"

"A boy?" Quinn teased.

"Shut up!" Riley whispered harshly.

The cheerleader grinned in victory and the older sister glanced at her mother and father before turning back at Quinn.

"Now's not the time to talk about this."

"Well, you sure got some splaining to do, Lucy." Quinn sneered.

glee, rachel/quinn, faberry

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