the last few days have been a mixture of driving out to a far place & driving a tractor-car around a field while high as hell, selling pepper to a 12 year old, drawing on Pat, driving in Joe K's car, smoking weed erryday, rochambo, taking klonapin from Brian (Brian & Marisa are going out again), joking around with Marie & Pat, going to child's
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pat slept over last night, we woke up, made pancakes, watched Spun, went to the beach with Marisa, Liz & the girls, did my homework, i drew his picture, took luna on a walk, ladeedaad. doodeedayd.
it started out good, pat & i biked down to alterra, but on the way back my purse got caught in my bike wheel & i flipped over the handlebars, hit my chin on the pavement and the bike toppled over me and hit my head. i was bleeding & shit & i have two huge bumps on my head
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well, i'm suspended until next tuesday. and arrested, again. i'm most likely going to have to give away Jake (my kitten) and see a social counselor & be on probation.
this isnt exactly the highpoint in my life but it'll pass & i'm really really glad i have Pat, he's been helping me a lot.
so pat comes over hes all wet cause its raining we're making out his pants are all wet so i was like o0o0o take those off!~!~!~! which he does THEN HIS DAD CALLS SO HE GOES HOME AGHH
where ma baby at so i can fuck em.
but its all good tomorrow we're going to SONIC VISION : ) and we can fuck afterwards or before i decided. yayyyyyy
TOMORROWS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL UNTIL BREAK!! today was pat. tomorrow i'll be with liz. hopefully friday i'll be with pat all day. then IM SHIPPED OFF TO FRANCE MOTHERFUCKERRR