Feed the Rich, Starve the Worker: That's Bullshit... from Madison

Mar 16, 2011 15:59

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I know terrible things are still happening in Japan, but it's also important to remember what's at stake in Wisconsin, too. I hate the idea that there are politicians and corporatists heaving a sigh of relief that the tragedy in Japan is the perfect distraction from their happy dismantling of the US middle class. It's not like attention the ( Read more... )


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teenygozer April 6 2011, 19:41:03 UTC
The governor gave away mega-millions in tax rollbacks to multinational corporations (specifically to the billionaires who put him in office), then lo and behold, suddenly discovered that the state had no money! Who'da thunk it?!

So he used the problem he, himself, created as an excuse to destroy the unions, which made the multinational companies very happy. Apparently teachers are rich slobs who deserve a long-overdue comeuppance.


neuralclone March 16 2011, 23:21:26 UTC
Well they've got my support from Australia - not that it will do any good.

What bamboozles me is the way ordinary people are supporting the corporatists. Economics 101 - can't they understand that by reducing people to a subsistance level they're going to destroy the consumer economy that sustains them? It will eventually rebound upon themselves.


teenygozer April 6 2011, 19:36:08 UTC
Hee! My reply to your comment just kept getting longer and longer (and more irate), so I made it a new entry.

Since your country is also being suborned by multinational corporations and your govt. is apparently currently doing terrible things with regard to corporate intellectual property vs. your personal freedoms and privacy, I send my support right back to you!


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