"Ten plus your bonus, that's thirteen, cast Magic Missile!"

Jul 19, 2011 10:12

Sigh.  Got home from the con on Sunday night to find an e-mail from the guy who was starting a roleplaying campaign.  I was wildly enthusiastic and "Pick me, pick me!" before I actually met the people involved.  The potential GM of this game is an earnest, friendly man.  I made an appointment to meet him the week before last and talk over the ( Read more... )

games, social relations, rpg, fandom, social issues

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Comments 4

cucumberseed July 19 2011, 16:27:54 UTC
This is a frustrating subject for me to talk about because I imagine people reading this far and going, "She should be more assertive," and writing me off as a wimp.

No. Not even a little.

Most of the problems are pretty basic: men condescending to women, more experienced players patronizing the new players and backseat-driving instead of letting them learn by experience, and loud people hogging the air time because they assume that's fine.

You have the total right of it. And it is a giant failing in gamer culture. One that is pervasive.

Middletown is too far to ask anyone to drive (we are starting a new game night after my break from the one previous), but, if you are looking for players for an afternoon, and you come up one short...

Also, once Autumn War is back in swing, I was planning on doing playtesting up in your area (this won't be until late autumn, appropriately), you are one of the people I will be looking for, if you are interested.


teenybuffalo July 19 2011, 20:09:31 UTC
Well, I would love to game with you. I don't know whether I will ever put my money where my mouth is and do an afternoon one-shot game, but if you're still looking for Autumn War participants and think of me, I definitely am interested.

Also, would you like to be f'listies again? I think I lost touch last time there was an election and I was avoiding politics. Then I apparently missed years of your doing cool stuff, and now I'm back from Readercon with one of your watercolors and realizing I wish I saw more of you. (I wish LJ wouldn't call it friending. In any case, let's definitely be real-life friends.)


cucumberseed July 19 2011, 20:16:58 UTC
I think I lost touch last time there was an election and I was avoiding politics.

I was rather ... difficult to be around then. I'm most over political ranting. Too much else to do.

And likewise on missing you doing cool things and being friends in real life and live journal.


teenybuffalo July 19 2011, 20:20:52 UTC
Friended! Also I like your evil muppet.


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