FAQ and Rules

Jul 08, 2011 20:56


- Alphabetize pairings/threesomes/moresomes. (e.g. Derek/Scott/Stiles).
- Put warnings in the subject line, and if you are in doubt about whether or not to warn, warn anyway.
- Put [RPF] before RPF prompts. (e.g. [RPF] Colton/Holland)
- For crossover prompts: "[Crossover], Teen Wolf Character(s)/Other Character(s), [Fandom]" (e.g. [Crossover], Derek/Sam, [Supernatural])
- Anyone, everyone, no one? Use "Other." (e.g. Scott/Other)
- Put [GEN] before GEN prompts.
- A prompt must be a prompt. That means there must be something suggested within the comment to help create a story.
- One prompt per comment, and only one. (e.g. "Scott/Stiles, one of them likes to bite" is one prompt, separate from "Scott/Stiles, that awkward moment when you break up with your best friend" and should be in separate comments.


- All prompts will have a subject line, and the subject will include the pairing the prompter is asking for, and any pertinent warnings. Warnings include, but are not limited to:

abduction / kidnapping
abuse (child, domestic, animal)
bestiality (knotting is included in this category)
eating disorder
violence / gore
non-con / rape
self-injury / self-harm

Use your own discretion when warning, by taking these examples under advisement. Prompts and fills that do not have proper warnings should be reported to mods.

We are not allowing chan/shota/underage prompts or fills - we understand that the majority of characters are 16 or near that age, and we feel that's plenty young.


- Link to NSFW images/videos. Don't embed.
- Please don't link to locked material. This includes locked communities, even if membership is open.
- Fills may be posted anonymously or not.
- Fills can be anything: fic, art, vid, fanmix, podfic, etc.
- Prompts may be filled as many times as you like. There are lots of really interesting prompts, and if one inspires you, feel free to fill it again even if someone already has.
- Link to your fills at the fill list.

These guidelines are adapted from working and successful kink memes, including: inception_kink, norsekink, and xmen_firstkink.

Contact the mods at lupa.anon at gmail.com, or send a PM to lupanon or lycanon. You can also comment on this entry at lycanon's journal for screened commenting on private matters, or on this entry here for ones that can be public.

!modpost, !faq

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