Here we are at Round 1 (2012) of the new Teen Wolf Big Bang!
Round 1 Info
Writer Sign Ups End: March 15th
Writer Check-In #1: March 30th
Writer Check-In #2: April 15th (mandatory)
Writer Check-In #3: April 30th
Fic Rough Drafts Due: May 10th
Artist Claiming: May 15th
Artist Check-In: May 30th (mandatory)
Art and Fics Due: June 15th
Final Posting Ends: June 30th
FAQ / Rules
What is a Big Bang Challenge?
A big bang challenge is a writing and art event where authors and artists sign up to produce fanwork for a certain fandom/genre/theme. Usually, there is a minimum word count for the writing, but that number can range anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000.
What is the minimum word count for this challenge? Is there a maximum?
This bang has a minimum of 20k - that's 20,000 words changed to 15,000 words. Flexibility is the key, however, if the fic comes in around 14,500 then that's fine. There is no maximum, only that fics must be completed by the end of the bang (that's not to say that you can't write a sequel for them, but the story must be finished in it's own right). So don't shoot for 100k if you don't think you can write that in 3 months.
This is a Teen Wolf challenge, but can I write a crossover?
Crossovers are allowed, however at least one character from Teen Wolf must be a main character of the story. Fusions, that is stories where there are different characters set in the Teen Wolf universe but no Teen Wolf character makes an appearance, are not allowed. AUs, where characters from Teen Wolf are there but set in another setting, however are allowed.
What type of art is accepted for this challenge?
Anything from traditional art to graphics to manips to fanvids to fanmixes. Be creative, there really isn't much of a limit on this. A caution on fanmixes: they must include a "cd" cover -> you can't just put together a list of songs, you have to make them look good too.
What is the minimum for art?
At least one big piece (a cover or banner) or one "cd" of a fanmix or one >1 minute fanvid. There is no maximum, if you want to send one lucky author ten banners, a video, and thirty icons, then go for it!
Can I sign up as both a writer and an artist?
You can! Feel free.
If real life runs away with me, can I drop out?
It's understandable if you need to drop out at any time. Just let me know through comment or email. If you don't, then you are liable to be unable to join the next round. Contact is the key.
I want to help with the challenge, but I don't write or do art: what can I do?
There are several things you can do. I will be putting up request posts for betas and cheerleaders, that way you can help edit or cheer on the authors and artists. You can also help mod, if you think you have the time and patience to do so.
Can I write a story that I have previously posted elsewhere or is a sequel to something posted elsewhere?
You cannot write a story if it is already up somewhere else (unless you take it down from said place prior to signing up). You can, however, post a sequel. The link to the previous story will have to be clearly visible and it must be marked as a sequel.
What is required for the rough draft?
Rough drafts will be due on the 10th of May. On that day, you should have at least 10k and an outline of the rest, or the full story.
What else is required for a final draft?
It must be at least 15k and I would prefer it to be betaed. Beta requesting will be put up so that you should have no trouble finding one.
Once I've finished my fanwork, when will I be able to post it on my own lj or somewhere else?
The posting will not take place in this comm. What I mean by that is, once posting starts dates will be assigned. On those dates, authors and artists will post their art/stories on their own sites and then send the link to the mods. I will then put up a post on the comm with the fic summary along with the links to the fic and the art. However, you are not allowed to post your fic/art until that posting date that is given to you.
What happens if I miss a deadline?
If you miss one of the mandatory check-ins or rough draft/final due dates, then there are several things that could happen. I (or another mod) will message you, giving you three more days than the original due date. If that time passes without any word from you, you will be dropped and not allowed to enter the challenge the next round. However, if you inform me before hand that you won't be able to make a certain deadline, extensions can be made. Just let me know.
Feel free to comment and ask more questions, I'll add them to the above list!
If you need to contact the mods, email at