Title: Phantoms [1/2] Pairing: House/Cameron Rating: PG-13 Summary: She is exactly like Wilson; sees the romanticism in everything. Even when it leads to her own destruction. Author’s Note: For
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I'm going to email you privately about this. Rest assured that I loved this. So much so that I'm definitely emailing you. Oh, man. i've gotta go back and re-read this.
*is perplexed* How do you keep coming up with this stuff? Seriously. This was inspired. I think I love it the most out of all your pieces. There's such restraint in you writing. I mean, your stories always read elegantly but this just had so much going on beneath the surface. And another part? Yay. Couldn't be happier.
I don't think anything save for a monument of cookies created in your honor could adequately describe how much I adored this.
You've created a House that isn't nice, isn't kind. Isn't sympathetic or cute. And even though I know that because he isn't all of these things I shouldn't like him, I can't help but do so. Because despite all of what he isn't, you've added an odd, out-of-place vulnerability to him. A loneliness that's just under the surface. And good God if that's not compelling, what on Earth is? And of course Cameron is another level of brilliance. It's like she suspects that she's going to get burned, but she can't help getting closer to the flame anyway.
*loves* Going directly to memories, definitely my favorite of your stories. (At least, out of the ones I've read.)
Oh thank you, I'm so pleased that you liked this. It was sort of a different attempt to write their relationship from me, I think. I'm happy with how it turned out (so far, anyway lol)
Every single story of yours I've read I've enjoyed IMMENSELY. This is no exception. You capture the complexities of the relationship shared between House and Cameron beautifully. The sexual tension is just... whoa. Excellent. Can't wait for the second instalment!
Comments 55
I'm going to email you privately about this. Rest assured that I loved this. So much so that I'm definitely emailing you. Oh, man. i've gotta go back and re-read this.
That's definitely a nice comment to recieve.
How do you keep coming up with this stuff? Seriously.
This was inspired.
I think I love it the most out of all your pieces. There's such restraint in you writing. I mean, your stories always read elegantly but this just had so much going on beneath the surface.
And another part?
Yay. Couldn't be happier.
And I have no idea where this one came from. I was re-reading Wuthering Heights for the millionth time and then... bam. Lol. Weirdness.
I'm really glad you liked.
You've created a House that isn't nice, isn't kind. Isn't sympathetic or cute. And even though I know that because he isn't all of these things I shouldn't like him, I can't help but do so. Because despite all of what he isn't, you've added an odd, out-of-place vulnerability to him. A loneliness that's just under the surface. And good God if that's not compelling, what on Earth is? And of course Cameron is another level of brilliance. It's like she suspects that she's going to get burned, but she can't help getting closer to the flame anyway.
*loves* Going directly to memories, definitely my favorite of your stories. (At least, out of the ones I've read.)
Oh thank you, I'm so pleased that you liked this. It was sort of a different attempt to write their relationship from me, I think. I'm happy with how it turned out (so far, anyway lol)
*smiles* Ooh. Very cool.
I just read this four times, beginning to end. The detail and colour you manage with them just constantly blows me away.
And yay! 1 of 2! *gives you cookies*
You get the fake cookies now, but when i'm down in Melbourne in October i'm totally taking you out and buying you actual cookies :|
Ooh *squee* Awesome. Real cookies are so much better than net cookies *nods*
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