Anita Blakeverse: Je te bois des yeux (Asher/Jean-Claude, NC17) yuletide fic

Jan 01, 2007 11:29

Title: je te bois des yeux
Author: technosage
Fandom/Characters: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Asher/Jean-Claude
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 2760
Spoilers/Warnings: Takes place at the end of Blue Moon and shortly following.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: He must not lose him, he cannot have him, and so he will drink him with his eyes.

He no longer remembered. Only remembered Jean-Claude's head thrown back in pleasure while he rode, obsidian curls falling away to reveal the pale skin of his throat stretched tight and inviting. )

blakeverse, fic_december, fic

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Comments 23

eboniorchid January 1 2007, 19:23:13 UTC
Oh gah! So good!

I love the Blakeverse, but haven't ever really found (*coughlookedforcough*) fanfic, but now I like ... NEED it.

It's so good to see Asher/Jean-Claude, because damnity damn, the fact that Anita is only now, in the series, realizing that JC's been denying Asher, I just ache for those boys. Their love is SO EPIC and you've written it beautifully here. Bravo!

Do you have other Blakeverse fics floating around?


technosage January 2 2007, 23:06:49 UTC
Yay! Thank you honey, I really appreciate that.

This wasn't something I knew I had in me, and as such it's really wonderful that people are enjoying it. Especially people who I adore. *hugs*

I've got one Blakeverse fic, but it's really sort of spoofy:

A Society Wedding

and two Merryverse fics, also sort of spoofy:

Barflies and Blue Jeans


Luxury Problems.

They're really not all that good, but you're welcome to them. They're more cracktastic than anything. :)

Thanks for being interested!


brynwulf January 1 2007, 19:39:03 UTC
LKH can take a fucking long walk off a short pier, as far as I'm concerned. You need to be writing this series!!!


Do I really need to say again how much your writing (and you) own me?


technosage January 2 2007, 23:07:45 UTC
Awww, baby. Thank you. I'm really glad you like it. *hugs*

You're fabulous (and I owe you a recipe, omg), and I adore you.


brynwulf January 2 2007, 23:09:31 UTC
Oh yay! A recipe! :)

And will you have time tonight to do a quick beta of the Being:Sexual sequel? Erin is going to look at it too and maybe Sally, so don't feel badly if you can't. I know you're busy.


technosage January 2 2007, 23:31:12 UTC
Oh, darling. I have to go out on a date tonight with my spouse. *pouts* I wish I could, as I was looking forward to it!

Toss it my way, and if I get home before you want to post it, I'll give it a quick read. If not, next go around, kay?


offtheceiling January 1 2007, 19:44:12 UTC
eee!! Oh, my God. I love you so much right now, Allie. I love, LOVE, how this reads like the style of writing in the books, except A BILLION TIMES BETTER. Like what the books could be if LHK sucked less. You have them both down so perfectly, too. Seriously, I was reading this and going OH HEY, LOOK AT HOW AWESOME THESE CHARACTERS COULD BE. And now I'm totally babbling and not making a lot of sense, so.

In conclusion: GLEE!


technosage January 2 2007, 23:15:18 UTC
Hee. Thanks, honey. *giggles* I'm glad you found it squeeworthy. I really found a love for these two in writing them. I mean, I've always wanted to be Asher's body slave (um, TMI?) but now I just love them as a pairing. I'm glad it shows.

*glees and loves*


deensey January 1 2007, 22:04:42 UTC
It's amazing just how right you get things, time and time again. That's exactly what I could have seen happening, if something happened at that point with them, and you wrote it wonderfully.



technosage January 2 2007, 23:21:17 UTC
Wow. Thanks, D. Coming from you? I mean, you RP her, so. Yeah. Thanks. I'm really glad you can see it. *hugs you so tight* Love you, sweetheart.


deensey January 3 2007, 00:27:49 UTC
I may rp her, but you capture her, and the others very very well. [snuggles] Love you too hon.


gweneiriol January 1 2007, 23:27:14 UTC
*melts into a happy puddle*


technosage January 2 2007, 23:23:12 UTC
Awwww. *scoops you up* Thanks, honey!

(Totally not too late to get added to that filter. I'm just making my way through stuff. I'll g'head and add you now.)


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