22nd Fix

Nov 15, 2011 08:40

[Quinn has spent the last few days helping his roommate get back on her feet after some jackass called Black Mage hit her with a lightning spell. He's also spent the last few weeks tucked away in his garage all the time, tinkering around, watching movies or playing music. He's not sure if drowning himself in his possessions is making his ( Read more... )

toys!, needs friends plz, machines will console me, talk nerdy to me, rock out with your cock out

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Comments 102

ra_ra_razputin November 16 2011, 03:56:32 UTC
[Video games.

Raz, having been a nomad that lived in a caravan for most of his life, didn't have much gaming under his belt beyond a couple of shady arcades. Needless to say, this is gonna blow his mind.]

There's so many of them!


techno_mancer November 16 2011, 20:24:05 UTC
[Quinn looks like a kid on Christmas morning.] I have even more at home, but heck, whatever they sent is fine by me! C'mon, I got it set up. [He tosses a wireless controller to him.]


ra_ra_razputin November 17 2011, 01:39:41 UTC
[Wireless controllers? what is this sorcery]

W-where does it plug in? Doesn't it need a plug to work?


techno_mancer November 18 2011, 05:01:15 UTC
[He grins.] They're wireless, man. Ya plug 'em in to charge the battery; that's it.


flowers_suck November 16 2011, 11:04:00 UTC
[She recognizes that voice and address, and decides to head over to see what these games are. War games she's hoping, to help with her training.]

[She pokes her head into the garage.]

You said something about games?


techno_mancer November 18 2011, 17:21:41 UTC
[Hope you're in for a Call of Duty marathon, Olivier!]

Hey there! Yeah, sure did. Come on in, have a seat. Ya want a drink?


flowers_suck November 19 2011, 08:40:16 UTC
Oh, are you still in the planning stages?

[She takes a seat and looks around the room.]

Sure, anything is fine. Are we going to be breaking off into teams?


techno_mancer November 19 2011, 17:52:15 UTC
[He chuckles, and then hands her a controller.]< I forget ya ain't from around my time. It's a video game, on the TV here. Ya use these to play it. I'll show ya how.


twototheskull November 16 2011, 17:08:27 UTC
[Leias looks up from his seat at the bar, his recently regained scars showing nicely, one above the eye and one between the eye and nose]

Thank you kindly.

[He turns to the bartender]

Shot of whiskey.


techno_mancer November 18 2011, 17:22:37 UTC
No problem, man. Had a fun day, so I figured I'd share the good mood. [Quinn orders himself a beer.]


twototheskull November 18 2011, 21:12:34 UTC
[He raises the shot in salute]

Glad someone did. I opened my mail this morning and got shot twice in the face. Hurt just as bad this time around.

[He shakes his head and sighs]

Are things always this dangerous around here?


techno_mancer November 18 2011, 22:07:50 UTC
What? Oh my god, man. Yeah, this place can be a real kick in the ass sometimes. [He turns to the bartender.] Make this guy's next one a double.


expiatrice November 18 2011, 02:15:57 UTC
Eksu...boksu Ex-box? Is that a console, Quinn? ["Controller" and "game" tipped it off. WELL she's from 1999~2000 so the latest one they have is the PS2, whelp. :v still, she's not unfamiliar with the concept, and he sounds super excited... 'A' Wonder what that's about?]


techno_mancer November 18 2011, 18:23:09 UTC
Yeah! Just showed up with a box fulla stuff. Wanna try it out?


expiatrice November 18 2011, 22:17:28 UTC
I've never heard of it, though. Um... Would you happen to know about the PlayStation? That's what's popular, to my knowledge!


techno_mancer November 19 2011, 00:13:23 UTC
Oh, yeah. I'm guessin' just plain 'Playstation'? By 2010, we're up to the third gen of it.


kleptophile November 22 2011, 01:06:31 UTC
Oh my fucking god, are you serious? [Hell, Lyn doesn't even wait for an answer, he just hangs up the phone and runs next door to see for himself.] Oh hell fucking yes. [Quinn, you are officially his new favorite person. Of course, it's probably nice for Quinn to have someone who understands and shares his enthusiasm for his new games.

Oddly, Lyn's rarely played an XBox except for display models in stores. They're not exactly easily stolen, and he lives too nomadic a life to have bought one and set it up anywhere. But he's played computer games that he knows also appeared on the 360, and frankly he'd be perfectly damn willing to play anything to alleviate the technological desert of boredom that is Mayfield.] Okay, man, spill, what've you got?


techno_mancer November 22 2011, 21:18:30 UTC
[Grinning, Quinn passes him the box. There's about 20 games inside. Shooters, fighters and the occasional survival horror.] Take your pick, man.


kleptophile November 25 2011, 21:51:11 UTC
[Lyn roots through the box with the air of a kid who's just been told to pick out all the Halloween candy he wants. Shit, some of these games are like old friends - he's certainly spent more time with them than any person.] Oh my fucking god, this is the best thing that's happened since I've gotten here. [He's not even exaggerating. The return of his his mp3 player, his laptop, something semi-similar to internet access with his connectivity to Quinn's computer, and now this? Aside from the familiar surroundings of his own city, these things make him feel like he's home more than anything else. He had no connections to any people in his own time - only material possessions and activities.] I will seriously play any of this shit. I would play fucking Superman 64 with you if it had multiplayer, and that game was basically shit on a shingle.


techno_mancer November 26 2011, 05:17:02 UTC
[He laughs at that, then leans over and rummages out a copy of Halo 3.] Then let's just shoot some alien assholes. Man, I feel like I've gone through withdrawl or somethin'!


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