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techno_mancer September 15 2011, 20:44:09 UTC
[He looks up, smirking.] This? Practically a relic, but this was the first laptop I got as a kid. Got it in the mail. Still works, of course.


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techno_mancer September 15 2011, 20:50:05 UTC
A computer. A portable one, that is. They don't got 'em where you're from?


3 ~ ♥ notlikethemovie September 15 2011, 20:14:20 UTC
All right, Quinn. Spit it out.

[She's leaning against the wall, and if she hadn't needed her cane to keep her from toppling over whenever her leg decided it was done with her, she'd have crossed her arms.]

What's wrong? You've been acting odd all day and suddenly you don't stink like cigarettes as badly as usual. Something you want to talk about?


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 21:02:33 UTC
[He rubs the back of his head, frowning slightly.] Yeah? I'm that transparent?

Nothin's wrong, per se. I'm tryin' to quit. So I apologize in advance if I start actin' like an ass.


notlikethemovie September 15 2011, 21:09:04 UTC
Sort of, having a hopped-up sense of smell also helps.

Apology accepted. But what got you started on quitting? Two packs a day to nothing? That's a pretty huge jump, you know.


techno_mancer September 16 2011, 15:31:22 UTC
Cuz it's a bad habit I shoulda broke long ago. I figure that's the best way, though. I clean start. [He doesn't look convinced of that.]


1 pants_yourmove September 15 2011, 20:38:55 UTC



Takes the opportunity to try and nap.]]


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 20:51:51 UTC
[Quinn, bored and agitated, will take this opportunity to make paper airplanes and toss them at Aaron's head.]


pants_yourmove September 16 2011, 04:15:41 UTC
[[Aaron does not wake up easy, ever.

He jumps after the third pane hits and crashes right out of his seat.]]


techno_mancer September 17 2011, 03:51:48 UTC
[Ok, that gets a snicker from your teacher.] Sorry man. If I don't get to sleep, neither do you.


2 evers_hacker September 15 2011, 21:08:13 UTC
[Just taking a walk, when she spots Quinn looking pretty exhausted.]

Hey, Quinn, you okay?


techno_mancer September 16 2011, 14:39:08 UTC
[N-No can't look like a wuss in front of adorable geek girl! Quinn does his best to stand up straight, and leans against the pole nonchalantly. He's not fooling anyone.]

H-Hey, yeah... I'm okay... Just takin' a breather, ya know?


evers_hacker September 18 2011, 11:34:50 UTC
[Yeaaaah, she just tilts her head slightly and frowns.]

Okay, but don't wear yourself out too much.

[Then she notices the lack of cigarette.]

... Huh, this is the first time I've seen you without a cigarette.


techno_mancer September 18 2011, 19:25:43 UTC
Hard to jog... while smokin', really. But, um, I'm gonna quit.


3 kleptophile September 15 2011, 21:46:00 UTC
[Given that Lyn lives just next door, it's not surprising that the TV gets his attention. Especially the fact that it's playing a movie he knows. He's drawn like a moth to a flame, and immensely pleased to see it.]

Shit, you've got movies from - [He finds himself wanting to say things like 'back home' or 'the present' or something like that, and almost stops himself because this is Mayfield and there's no guarantee that's accurate...but then, on reflection, realizes that this guy wouldn't exactly have them if they weren't from his home.] - from back home? And an actual TV? That's fucking badass.


techno_mancer September 16 2011, 15:34:05 UTC
[Quinn grins a little.] Sure do, man. TV, movies, music... Maybe some day they'll send me back my game consoles. Have a seat if a want. And I got hundred of movies on these servers, so name somethin' and I'll see if I got it.


kleptophile September 18 2011, 15:42:35 UTC
Holy fuck. [Despite his long life, Lyn is very much a creature of the technological age, and his tech lust at all the stuff Quinn is describing is obvious. And, with Quinn living right next door to him and freely offering to share, stealing any of this stuff doesn't even seem necessary - an extra bonus.] You got Die Hard, man?

[He sits - or, more accurately, perches, like a skittish bird that might fly off any second, because it's impossible for Lyn to completely relax. But he's staying until Quinn kicks him out, in any case, eyes hungrily devouring the screen.] You even have fucking game consoles coming to you? You must have had one hell of a setup back home.


techno_mancer September 18 2011, 19:07:42 UTC
[Oh Lyn. You just sealed your status as New Super Awesome Friend with that request.]

Do I? Man, you're only askin' about my favorite movie ever. [He'll walk over to his laptop and switch that movie on. But interestingly enough, he doesn't type on the keyboard. He just lays a hand on the machine, and it does it in a manner of seconds.]

Sure do, man. The hippest condo on the entire East Coast, in my opinion.


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