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Action - 3 walking_nuke September 15 2011, 16:18:06 UTC
[Balin's doing his usual physical training routine today, jogging through Mayfield's residential streets. He's wearing his AFS PT uniform, but there's another big tear across the stomach where it had been damaged again, this time by Keine. He doesn't look too happy about it.]

[He's also just as heavily armed as he has been ever since the Milkman took over as Chief of Police, with both his shotgun and his sidearm.]

[But as he crosses in front of 339 Brady Lane, the sounds of a movie playing from the garage make him slow down and listen. In fact, judging from the quality of the audio, someone's watching a movie made in-for Balin at least-recent years. Cloverfield didn't come out before the Bane invaded, though, so he doesn't recognize the film for what it is.]

[Nevertheless, it's enough to make Balin approach the garage and poke his head in with curiosity-then look absolutely shocked to see the modern electronics in there.]

Holy shit they were right!

[... yeah. Really shocked.]


walking_nuke September 16 2011, 16:59:32 UTC
Well, I got no choice in believin' it, don't I?

'Sides, it ain't too hard for me to accept. I'm'a Logos Receptive, after all.


techno_mancer September 17 2011, 04:15:29 UTC
"Logos Receptive"? 'Fraid that's a new one on me, man.


walking_nuke September 17 2011, 04:25:43 UTC
"Logos" is'a name we've given'is system for manipulatin'a universe with a sentient mind. It ain't our thing though; it was developed by an alien race. An' "Receptives," they're people who've got'a right genes to understand Logos Elements so'ey can use 'em.

Lucky I caught ya after'is weekend, I can actually show people what I'm talkin' about now.

[And show he does! Rings of blue light swirl around his wrist, before he performs a hand gesture that looks like he's pulling down window blinds. Only instead of window blinds, something that looks like a bluish glowing holographic window manifests. It's mostly blank, but stick figure-like ideograms can be seen floating within it, just barely, forming phrases and sentences in an alien language.]

... Still can't do anything with it yet, but'ere it is. That's my "Tabula."


techno_mancer September 18 2011, 19:10:00 UTC
Now that looks cool. What kinda things can ya do with it normally then?


Balin's totally gonna ask Quinn a favor soon. XD walking_nuke September 19 2011, 00:47:07 UTC
Well, me? I'm a Demolitionist, so-I nuke shit.


that's fine, i think they're totally BFFs now anyway. XD techno_mancer September 19 2011, 01:30:55 UTC
Seriously? That's pretty awesome! That'll be handy to get back when ya do.


walking_nuke September 19 2011, 01:51:00 UTC
AFS Demolitionists, man. We're a megaton of fun.

But yeah. If or when I get my Logos Abilities back? I'm gonna pay'a Milkman a visit. Been itchin'a give 'em some payback after what'a fucker put'a town through.


techno_mancer September 19 2011, 02:46:19 UTC
Sounds like ya need that on a t-shirt or somethin'.

Sweet. Give him a blast to the nads for me, would ya?


walking_nuke September 19 2011, 03:43:39 UTC
If I have my way with 'em? There'll be nothin' but ash.

[A beat.]

Oh, hey, uh-this music'ere, an' your bein' a technomancer-uh, are you capable of makin' copies of'is stuff? Like, a set'a speakers an' a music player of some kind.

[Poor Caesar and Virginia, they're going to get blasted with Sonic-type damage!]


techno_mancer September 19 2011, 14:17:21 UTC
Hmm. Ya know, I might be able to build somethin'. I'm really low on supplies here, but I can see what I can do. At the very least, I might be able to transfer some songs onto vinyl for ya.


walking_nuke September 19 2011, 14:30:14 UTC
Oh, hey, you can burn to vinyl? That'd work! I think we got a record player in'a house, at least.

[Using information-age computer terminology on 50's tech like a boss. Balin glances around the room for a moment, thinking something over.]

Say-how do you build stuff? Like, what kinda components you need for it? Do you kinda need pre-fabricated parts close to what you're gonna use, or can you do somethin' like morph hardware into new stuff?

'Cause, with'a supplies, I might be able to help with'at. Some day.


techno_mancer September 20 2011, 17:43:17 UTC
Not yet, but I can make it happen.

I'm used to workin' with computers, but give me time and the right parts and I might be able to work somethin' out. Whatcha thinkin' of?


*shakefist @ LJ Notify* walking_nuke September 21 2011, 11:54:54 UTC
Dependin' on what'a town sends me back, I might be able to build stuff like integrated circuits an' other electronic parts. We had these really sophisticated workstations back in'a AFS where I could do shit like that. Manufacture ammunition, grenades, munitions, support gear, all'a'at.

Hell, I can just buy up all'a Fifties electronics an' use'a material to make components for better stuff. Can't do anything with 'em unless I got a blueprint, but that's where I figured you might have'a use for it. Like if that Technomancy you can do puts together circuits like Legos or-somethin'.


I woke up to 40 tags in my email box. Good times. techno_mancer September 21 2011, 13:07:31 UTC
[On one hand, COMPUTER PARTS. That is certainly relevant to Quinn's interests. But for weapons? While he can't deny they need them in Mayfield, Quinn's a pacifist. He looks thoughtful for a moment, but ultimately grins.]

Sounds like a plan, man. I've been collectin' parts over time, tryin' to think of a good way to make a security system. Dependin' on what kinda parts I get 'n' how much I can make 'em like me, I can get 'em to do all sorts of interesting things.


Yikes! @_@ walking_nuke September 22 2011, 07:37:11 UTC
Sounds like a plan, man. If I ever get'a workstation back, I'll let you know. Didn't think it'd be possible, but, well-

[Glancing around the garage with obvious implications.]

-I got hope for'at now, at least.


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