17th Fix

Jul 15, 2011 08:31

[Thanks to being at stage three, Quinn really messed stuff up with his best friend in town. He's wrestling with a lot of feelings that a chill and in-control guy like him never deals with normally, and still being under the secret-blurting effect, really wants to get this off his chest to someone. The problem is that he doesn't know who to go to ( Read more... )

well this is awkward, hnnng, machines will console me, event: speak up

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A - Stage 2 to 3 ooeeooahah July 15 2011, 18:15:54 UTC
[ Ilsa walks up the driveway, stopping at the door. She will wait there on the threshold until Quinn invites her in. ]


techno_mancer July 16 2011, 14:47:52 UTC
Yeeeeaaah my closest friend in town pretty much hates me now. [He frowns a little over his beer bottle as he takes a long drink.]


ooeeooahah July 16 2011, 18:18:07 UTC

[ She knows better, but can't help it... ]

You told him a truth you'd been hiding.

[ She sighs, and takes a drink. ]

As a psychiatrist, truth is what I try to help my patients find. But it has to be their choice.


techno_mancer July 16 2011, 19:29:09 UTC
In the worst way possible, too.

I dunno if a psychatrist'd be able to help when all I did was tell that I really, really wanna sleep with him.


ooeeooahah July 16 2011, 21:46:45 UTC
Oh, hon. I hope he's okay with it.

[ She takes a drink, considering. ]

If he says no, do you think you two can still be friends?


techno_mancer July 17 2011, 02:23:25 UTC
That's the thing! He didn't say "no" so much as "Well I've thought about but I'm a virgin and now that I've told you this I am going to knock over a damn fence in anger."

Pretty much I don't think he's gonna talk to me ever again.

[He looks pretty sad at that thought.]


ooeeooahah July 17 2011, 03:17:15 UTC
Well, he probably realizes what is going on... and it is flattering.

[ She drains the last of the beer, and considers. ]

It might not have been anger. It could have been frustration. Or panic.


techno_mancer July 17 2011, 03:37:14 UTC
[He lights up a new cigarette, takes a drag, and then stamps it out. Guest does not like cigarettes. Right.]

Mighta been all three. I told him the reason I never said anythin' was because I thought he'd punch me or somethin'. That only made him madder.

I really thought he would, ya know. Otherwise I woulda said somethin' sooner. Ain't like me to be afraid of askin' anyone that. I dunno why I was with him.

[A sigh.]

Man, I really screwed up.


ooeeooahah July 17 2011, 04:08:07 UTC
[ She raises her eyebrows at the bit with the cigarette. ]

Don't... ah, thanks.

Maybe your subconscious was trying like hell to make sure you didn't screw it up before you proposed?


techno_mancer July 17 2011, 04:39:54 UTC
Maybe. So either Mayfield cockbocked me or... I dunno, I turned spineless or somethin'.


ooeeooahah July 17 2011, 04:46:29 UTC
Not spineless, hon. When you meet your mate, the part of your brain that is trying to make sure you don't mess this up can make you cautious or reckless.

[ Ilsa smiles, and gets up to get another beer. ]

I don't know if it's worse if you're raised monogamous or not.


techno_mancer July 17 2011, 04:59:41 UTC
"Mate" might be too strong a word. I like 'im, though. A lot. He's a lot cooler than he thinks he is.

[He pauses.] ...Did I seriously just say that?


ooeeooahah July 17 2011, 06:31:19 UTC
Yes, you did.

[ She gets a beer for both of them. ]

What, the first above the harem isn't a mate? Pfft. It's what I'd call...tng...

[ She visibly restrains herself. ]

Dangit. I haven't asked him yet, even. I ought to. After I tell him about the family.


techno_mancer July 17 2011, 14:35:50 UTC
Harem? [He chuckles and shakes his head.] Ya give me too much credit.

The family?


ooeeooahah July 17 2011, 18:08:40 UTC
[ She laughs at his disbelief, though it calms when he asks about her family. ]

Daddy's not a local boy. My paternal grandparents live a couple of dimensions over, actually.

[ She winces at the last statement. ]



techno_mancer July 17 2011, 23:14:31 UTC
Hey, don't worry 'bout it. My family's fulla crazy redneck fire mages, if it makes ya feel any better.


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