Round #1 - Informations

Jul 29, 2013 01:39

Round #1 Rules:
• Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted. If it is found that you submit your previous work, you will be disqualified from the next round.
• All work must be your own, not someone elses.
• Make sure all images are PG-13 rated.
• Icons must fit the livejournal standard, under 40 kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif, or .jpg file format.
• When posting the finished ALL 20 please leave 3 icon examples, not a banner, and a link to the icon post/or lj-cut to your journal.
• The icon post must be unlocked for two reasons: 1. I need to be able to see your entries to post voting and 2. so people don't have to join to view your icons. (If they do join, it's a perk for you)
• ALL entries are moderated, which means that I have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.
• Please ONLY add the following tags for this round.
# round: 1, # user: ~you~ (optionally what fandom you use, ie. % tv: hannibal, % movie: harry potter, % stock, % actor: johnny depp, % actress: jennifer lawrence, etc. USE THE % IN THE BEGINNING!)
• Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience. (of course, you can change the colors of the table)
• DO add a subject. FORMAT AS: Round #1: your username
• Completed 20 are due August 20th - COUNTDOWN


• DOUBLE CROP - Your icon has to contain two kinds of crop, ie. close crop + far away, faceless + eyes only, etc.

daynawashere | john_scorpy | john_scorpy | schryosel | partitioning

• RAINBOW - You icon must have a lots of colors, but without using the exact any rainbow textures. You have to combine with 'normal' textures, colorings, text, etc.

daynawashere | erzebet | 12feethigh | messdestruction | john_scorpy

• OUT OF BOX - Your subject has to go out from the border/frame inside the icon (as I couldn't find any better examples, I think you know what I meant)

appleindecay | cool_spectrum | messdestruction | raikune | pamkips

• 5 LAYERS - Your icon has to made in ONLY 5 LAYERS, no less, no more. The more simple, the better. Your task here is to work with the simpliest look, work more with the crop, maybe some simple coloring. ALSO ADD THE PSD OR THE PRINT SCREEN OF LAYERS!

neke | partitioning | setentpet | reebeecaa | john_scorpy

• WINGS TEXTURE - Simple, you need to use wings texture. The thing is, they need to be as 'real' wings outgoing from back, not only like a decoration.

second_love | second_love | setentpet | sietepecados | lady_kingsley

• CENTER TEXT - The text must be in the center, it need to steal our interest.

liesmiths | 12feethigh | vintagic | vintagic | daynawashere

• MIRRORS - The icon must have duplicated base MORE THAN 3 TIMES!

haldir_lives13 | lady_kingsley | partitioning | vintagic | reebeecaa

• CROWDY BACKGROUND - The background has to me 'messed up', it has to be doing something there.

john_scorpy | liesmiths | liesmiths | schryosel | setentpet

• SEXY B&W - Your icon have to B&W, NO SEPIA, NO ECRU, no other colors than GREYSCALE. Also you have to show up somehow why b&w can be 'sexy' and why we love it. Use your imagination here ;)

marcasite | neke | reebeecaa | vintagic | partitioning

• COVER LOOK ALIKE - Your task here is to make as natural coloring as you can, also catch the person in icon like it would be on cover of magazine, BUT YOU CAN'T USE ANY PHOTOSHOOTS, ONLY SCREENCAPS!

daynawashere | partitioning | second_love | setentpet | setentpet


image Click to view

As an inspiration I'm giving you this song of The Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The autors denied this, but some people were thinking that this song was written with LSD (also capitals in the name of song gives you LSD). Your job here is to make surrealistic icons, something like ROUND #17 at 20inspirations. Make surrealistic colorings, crappy crops, use a lot of textures. The video might help with the inspirations for the look in the icons.

library_of_sex | library_of_sex | library_of_sex | messdestruction | messdestruction

messdestruction | messdestruction | messdestruction | partitioning | raikune

Your table:


Double cropRainbowOut of box5 layersWings texture
Center textMirrirsCrowdy backgroundSexy B&WCover look alike

5 CATEGORY - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds




Sign ups are still open HERE.

~~info, # round 1