Farm life continues...

Jun 25, 2007 23:14

First off, for those who haven't noticed, I have started a sort-of photo blog on facebook. The link is (it's public, so anyone can link to it and see!).

The latest pictures were of the racoon that I just caught in the live trap. I feel the need to expand this story, in all of its tragic twists and turns.

It all begins about three weeks ago. I've planted most of grandma's flower pots and decided that I needed to start a potted garden. A quick trip to the flower shop and I'm the proud owner of yellow bell peppers and some red cabbage. I've never grown vegetables, so I tried planting four each in two long pots which set nicely on the bumper of the trailer. I regularly move the pots off the bumper when the wind picks up so they don't get tipped over or anything. I forgot to move them back up and the next thing I know, all four of my cabage have been eatten right down to the stem!!! I didn't know what it was (i assumed rabbits), but I had two cabbage planted in a taller pot so I assumed small animals wouldnt be able to climb up to get it. Later on, Gramps and I are filling the water tank when we see this big ol' woodchuck just trott by. Neither of us had a gun at hand so he's free and clear. I walk around the trailer to check the water gauge and i realize that one of the cabbage from the tall planter has been eaten up!!!

To cut to the chase: I now have a .22 hand gun (which has a difficult aim) inside the trailer and a livetrap in my patio-space. There wasn't anything but vegies in the trap, but a damned racoon got caught in there. Her partner was in the pine tree up above. I was going totally FPS style with the flashlight in one hand and the revolver in the other. I shot at him about four times and didn't hit. I was aiming right down the barrel, so I'm sure somethings wrong with that sight. Hunting is pretty exciting though, especially at 1 am when you're running around in your boxers. Thinking about it now, nothing could be more masculine.

guns, farm, racoons

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