I'll Sing My Song Masterpost (Jared/Jensen, rated R)

Feb 14, 2012 16:35

Title: I'll Sing My Song
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Word Count: ~12,500
Warnings: Slight underage (Jared is 17; frottage only)

Summary: Jared just wants to write one great song before he leaves high school behind him, but his muse has ditched him. In his search to rediscover it, he finds that one summer away at camp--and a famous boybander-in-hiding--can change everything.

Author's Notes: Written for j2-everafter based on Camp Rock

Huge thanks to dugindeep for the speedy beta, the Everafter mods for running such a great challenge, and my girls, for actually watching the movie with me and surviving the aggressive eyebrows (without even making me bribe them with porn!)

Special thanks to my dear friend ldyghst, who once again went above and beyond with the art for this project. Check out the awesome website (and soundtrack!) she made HERE and leave her lots of love HERE. Love you, girl, and hope we work together again soon! ♥


fic, jared/jensen

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