I'll Sing My Song 2/2 (Jared/Jensen, rated R)

Feb 14, 2012 16:32

“Hello, Jared,” Misha says, appearing out of nowhere in the doorway of Jared’s cabin.

Jared looks up in surprise from where he’s sitting on his bed. He’s just gotten back from a canoe ride with Jensen and the words of his song are pouring out of him. He hasn’t felt this inspired in ages, and it’s both overwhelming and exhilarating.

“Hey, Misha, what’s up?” Jared asks cautiously. Misha’s been a little too attentive lately, and Jared isn’t sure if it’s because of the time Jared’s spending with Jensen or for some other reason.

Misha strolls into the room and sits on his bed, crossing his legs elegantly. He gives a little shoulder shrug and smiles demurely at Jared. “How is your mother doing? Is she going to be able to make it to the Final Jamboree? She must be super busy running the country and stuff.”

Jared chews on his lip. He has no idea why he’s kept up this stupid lie about his mom, but there never seems to be a right time to fess up. Jared feels ridiculous when he thinks about it, especially when people like Misha continue to reference it. He hates that it looks like he’s ashamed of his mother in any way. He’s not, she’s amazing, but he doesn’t know how to stop lying without looking like, well, a liar.

Misha doesn’t bother to give him time to respond. “Besides that, I wanted to make sure you are still joining the Cuties and I in the Final Jamboree. Songs are due soon, so I need to know how many vocal parts to write.”

Jared cringes a bit, remembering how he told Misha that he would join in with them for the final group event. That was before though, when he wasn’t sure that he would ever finish his song. But now, after Jensen, after everything that they’ve experienced over the summer, Jared knows for a fact that he’ll have material of his own that he wants to showcase.

“Misha, about that,” Jared starts and Misha’s eyelids close just enough for Jared to notice. “I think I’m going to go solo for this one. I have my own song that I finally finished and I really want to give it a shot.”

Misha looks at him silently, glancing down at the notebook lying open on the bed and then back up at him. He smiles tightly and stands up, brushing invisible lint off his pants. “Solo, right. Well, good luck with that, Jared. Hopefully this time you’ll actually be able to have sound come out when you open your mouth.”

Jared watches him depart with a sigh. He doesn’t want to make enemies, especially with someone like Misha, who is not as big a jerk as he seems deep down, but is just high maintenance enough to make him uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Jensen is there, leaning up against the doorway where Misha had just stood, all easy smile and tight jeans. His hair shines gold with backlight from the sun and Jared can barely catch his breath at how beautiful he is, right here, just like this.

“Hey, Jay. Want to grab some lunch before dance class?” Jensen asks, expression hopeful. Like Jared would ever turn him down, for any reason. It’s almost scary what things Jared would do to have that smile focused solely on him.

Jared’s too distracted by green eyes and freckles to even grab his journal before he heads out of the cabin door.

The month has flown by in a haze of song and easy camaraderie, and Jared can’t believe it’s winding down so quickly.

He and Jensen meet down by the lake often, just hanging out and talking about music and life. Jared thinks that there is something that Jensen is not telling him, something that is bothering Jensen in a way that might be too painful to admit. Jared is just happy to find out that Jensen is not at all like his public persona, and if he’s crushing hard on him? Well, it’s to be expected.

It’s a week before songs are due to be turned in for the writing competition, and he and Jensen are sitting near the dock by what has become their favorite tree. Jensen has his acoustic guitar in his lap, strumming it gently as they talk.

“Was it hard starting so young?” Jared asks him. They haven’t talked too much about Jensen’s beginnings in the business, but he knows from magazine interviews that his mother put him into talent shows from the time he could walk.

“My first group sucked, you know? The Dark Angels, what a lame name,” Jensen huffs, looking down at his fingers. “Mostly because the lead singer Weatherly was such a jealous douchebag. He thought I was trying to steal his girlfriend or something, but I was like, hello, I’m twelve, I don’t even have pubes yet.”

Jared laughs merrily, and Jensen smiles a bit as he looks up at him.

“I finished my song,” Jared says suddenly, not realizing the words were coming until they were there.

“Yeah? The one for the contest?” Jensen asks, encouraging.

Jared shrugs. “Yeah, I guess. I’ve been stuck on it for a long time. The words didn’t seem like they meant anything, you know? I couldn’t quite feel it.” He stops, embarrassed.

Jensen moves his fingers over the strings and Jared watches them, mesmerized a bit. “I know exactly what you mean, actually. Did something change for you? Something that made the words mean something?”

They both pause and look at each other then, faces open.

“I want to learn to be brave,” Jared says softly, eyes still fixed to Jensen’s.

Jensen stops strumming the strings. “You are brave, Jared. Way braver than me.”

Jared doesn’t know why he does it. Maybe it’s the way the sun hits Jensen’s hair so the tips are all gold, or the little space between the seam of Jensen’s lips. Maybe it’s because Jared’s song finally has a muse.

He leans in suddenly and makes his very first attempt at a kiss with Jensen Fucking Ackles.

Who mumbles “I’m so sorry, Jared” and jumps up before their lips can touch, running away and breaking Jared’s heart.

Jensen knows he’s a coward. He’s felt it every single day of the past week as he’s managed to avoid being alone with Jared. Every time Jared looks at him with those big sad eyes.

“You’re an idiot,” Tom says, flopping down on Jensen’s bed in his cabin. The rest of the band have arrived to help judge the songwriting contest later that day, since they are going to be recording it.

“You think I don’t know that?” Jensen sighs, sitting cross-legged on the ground and holding his head in his hands.

“I mean, all summer the only thing you’ve talk about is ‘Jared this and Jared that’ and he finally makes the moves on you and you chicken out. What a loser,” Tom continues.

“First of all, he’s just a kid-“

“He’s seventeen, Jensen. I was having an orgy with blonde triplets and a dwarf at seventeen,” Mike interjects, standing on his head in the corner of the room in what Jensen suspects is supposed to be a yoga pose.

“And,” Jensen stresses, waving off Mike. “Are you two forgetting the reason I’m here? Glover would rather people think I was a drug addict rather than gay.”

“Glover’s a douchebag,” Tom insists, lying back against Jensen’s pillow with his eyes closed.

“Yeah, we don’t need him. Doesn’t your hot-ass uncle Jeff have another manager he can recommend?” Mike asks, face bright red from the blood rushing to it.

“Ew, Mike, you did not just hit on my Uncle Jeff,” Jensen whines, covering his ears.

“I didn’t hit on him because he’s not here right now, idiot,” Mike points out. “I’m not guaranteeing what happens later though.”

“We can talk about this later, Jen,” Tom says. “I think you have more important things to do right now, like finding that boy of yours and apologizing for being a dick.” Jensen has to begrudgingly admit that Tom’s reputation as the “smart one” is probably right on the money.

“Fine, you’re right, okay? Let’s go down to the main cabin and entertain the kids for a bit before we collect the original songs. And then after that, I’ll talk to Jared and apologize,” Jensen relents.

“For being a dick,” Tom reiterates.

“For being a dick,” Jensen repeats.

Tom sits up with a smile. “Showtime, my brothers.”

“Hello, Jensen,” Misha smiles coyly, handing over the sheet music containing his original song entry. He taps his fingers on the table, waiting for Jensen to look it over, so Jensen glances at it before pushing it down the table to Tom.

“Good luck with your song,” Jensen replies politely, too busy watching Jared tentatively walk up to the line, waiting to talk to them.

Misha coughs to get his attention, and then looks over his shoulder at Jensen’s line of sight, narrowing his eyes when he sees Jared. Jensen barely notices when Misha smirks and slides down to talk to Tom and Mike.

A few minutes later Jared is standing in front of him, looking down at the paper in his hands. Jensen can see his hands shaking and he instinctively reaches over to touch Jared in an attempt to calm him. Jared looks up suddenly with a surprised expression that suddenly turns alternately shy and pleased. He hands over his song with a tentative smile.

Jensen is still staring at Jared with a dumb grin on his face when Tom pokes him in the ribs.

“Jensen, I think we have a problem here,” Tom whispers. “Jared’s song is exactly the same as the one Misha already turned in.”

“What, that’s impossible,” Jensen mumbles, grabbing both sheets and comparing them. Tom is absolutely right and he glances up at both boys standing in front of the table.

“Something wrong here, guys?” Jeff asks, coming up to the table when he sees Jensen’s face. He doesn’t wait for an answer before telling the rest of the line to head on into the main room and come back in a few minutes. A few scragglers remain out of curiosity.

“Okay, what seems to be the issue?” Jeff starts again, taking both songs and looking them over. He glances up at Misha and Jared, one wearing a completely innocent expression and the other panicky and slightly sweaty.

“These songs are the same, boys,” Jeff announces, and Jensen watches Jared’s mouth drop open in shock. “It seems like one of you isn’t telling the truth here.”

“It’s obviously not me, Jeff,” Misha insists, pouting his lips in their most convincing fashion. “Padalecki is a known liar, though. Did you know he told everyone that his mother is the Prime Minister of Poland? I mean, like anyone would fall for that.”

Jensen looks over at Jared, confused as to what Misha could be talking about. Jared’s the last person who would make up crazy stories about his parents.

“Jared’s mom isn’t the Queen?” Sandy asks sadly from a few yards away as Danneel facepalms.

Jared blushes bright red and starts stammering. “That’s not fair! I just said that so that people would like me-“

“See! He’s admitting it! He stole the song I’ve worked so hard on just to steal all of my glory so people will like him better,” Misha huffs triumphantly, pointing at Jared.

“Is that true, Jared? Did you lie about your mother?” Jeff asks incredulously.

“Well, yes, but-“

Jensen is stunned, especially when he takes in Jared’s face, which is flushed and guilty looking. Could Jared really be a liar and a cheater? Does Jensen even know him at all?

Jeff nods sadly. “No buts, I’m afraid. I’m going to have to disqualify you from the competition.”

“Where’s Jim? He’ll tell you-“

“Jim fell by the lake this morning and broke his hip. Had to take him into town,” Jeff cuts him off.

Jared swings around to Jensen. “Jen, you have to believe me! You know me.”

Jensen shakes his head, suddenly torn. “Jared, I don’t know.”

Jared’s eyes blaze with hurt and Jensen can see tears developing in the corner. Jensen wants to take it all back, tell him he believes him, that he’s sorry, that he’ll never run away again. But before he can do any of that, Jared is tearing off running away from them.

“I just want to go home, Mom. I don’t want to be here anymore,” Jared cries, curling up in a ball on the bed in his mother’s cabin.

She sits down and holds him tightly to her. “What happened, baby? Is it Jensen? Did you guys fight again?”

“Misha stole my song, mom! My song, the one that I’ve been working on forever! And nobody believed me, they all believed him. Even Jensen, Mom, even Jensen didn’t believe me,” Jared sobs, holding on to his mother like the kid he is, wanting so desperately for her to make it all just go away.

“That’s ridiculous, honey. I’m sure we can talk to Jeff and fix it,” she insists, smoothing her hand tenderly against his hair as he buries his face in her neck.

“I don’t care anymore. Let’s just go home. Please, Mom.”

There’s a knock on the door before she can say anymore. Jared looks up suddenly as Gen walks into the room tentatively.

“Hey Mrs. P,” Gen says politely with a little wave.

Jared looks between the two of them in surprise before turning back to Gen. “You knew the whole time?”

Gen rolls her eyes. “Duh, I’m not a moron. I can tell you the name of the Prime Minister of Slovakia, too, if you need a name for next time.”

Jared laughs, even though it makes his stomach hurt.

“What’s going on, guys?” Sherri asks, eyebrow lifted in that “do I even want to know” manner.

“It’s not important, Mrs. P,” Gen insists, looking back at Jared. She repeats herself, slowly. “It’s not important.”

Jared wipes his face, trying to breathe deep and not look like a tool in front of who he hopes is his friend. “I don’t think I want to be here anymore, Gen.”

Gen huffs at that. “Are you really going to let Misha Collins ruin your summer? I know it sucks what he did to you, and I’d probably rip his hair-plugs out if he did it to me, but you have a whole crew here that still has a horse in this race and wants you to at the very least participate. We have one more week left before the Jamboree. Spend it with us, having fun and making some goddamn music.”

Sherri cocks an eyebrow and Gen cringes. “Sorry, Mrs. P.”

Sherri turns to Jared, smoothing his bangs off his damn forehead. “What do you say, honey? It’s totally up to you. Do you want to stay with your friends?”

“Yeah, Jared. Stay with your friends,” Gen grins cockily.

Jared returns it, though his is a lot shakier. “Yeah, I want to stay with my friends.”

“So, whatya think? Pretty hot, right?” Cindy announces, twirling around to show off the tiny t-shirt she’s got plastered to her chest with “Kane’s Krew” blaring across the back.

“Damn, woman, you look hot with my name all over you,” Chris growls, groping his giggling girlfriend.

Aldis gags from the tree stump he’s sitting on. “What happened to Aldis’ All-Stars? That was so much better than Kane’s Krew. The word crew does not start with a damn ‘k’, motherfucker!”

“I liked Chad’s Chadsters myself,” Chad butts in and Aldis waves his hand at him dismissively.

“Only you would like that, ass,” Aldis grumbles.

“Why do we need an alliterative group name anyway?” Gen asks, fiddling with the music program on the laptop balancing on her thighs.

“You cannot go up against the Collins Cuties without the alliteration, my friend,” Chris insists, throwing a Kane’s Krew t-shirt directly at Aldis’ head.

“I’m gonna wipe my ass with this, fuckface.”

“At least it’ll finally get clean, son.”

“That’s it, Kane, you’re going down!”

Jared looks up from Gen’s laptop as he hears grunting and Chad shouting “fight, fight!” and then rolls his eyes.

“Chris, I’m not blowing you for a week if you don’t leave Aldis alone and come help me unpack the rest of these damn shirts,” Cindy sighs, heading back to her and Gen’s cabin.

Chris scrambles off Aldis, who mocks him for giving in. “Pussy-whupped motherfucker!”

“At least I’m getting some, asshole!’

Gen turns to Jared with a “boys are dumb” expression on her face and Jared giggles.

“Who would think that we actually have a show to put on tomorrow night, right?” she says, shaking her head at their antics. It’s a week later and the competition is indeed whittled down to the final two songs: the one that Chris and Cindy wrote together, and the one that Misha stole from Jared. The two groups are battling it out the next night at the Final Jamboree, and The Kryptonic 3 are going to choose between them for the right to record the song on their next album.

“About that,” Jared starts, looking away from her. “I’m not going to the Jamboree tomorrow.”

“What are you talking about? You’re as much a part of this group as any of us. You have to be there,” Gen insists.

Jared shakes his head firmly. He had stuck it out, finished out the camp, and tried not to think of the unsure look in Jensen’s eyes when Jensen chose not to believe him. But going to the Jamboree? Seeing Misha singing the song that Jared wrote with every single piece of his heart and soul? No, that was too much for even him to bear.

“I can’t, Gen. I just can’t,” is all he says.

Gen grabs his hand and tangles their fingers together. She bumps their shoulders before putting her head down on his. “It’s okay, Jay. I understand.”

Jared tries not to get choked up as he just nods.

The next night, he’s just settled into bed with his iPod and his kindle when Gen comes barging in his cabin door, pulling Danneel in behind her.

“What the fuck?” Jared says, pulling his earphones out and staring at the girls dumbfounded.

“I’m sorry, Jared. If I had known what he was up to earlier I would have said something,” Danneel says, face stricken and apologetic.

Jared stares between the two girls with confusion, willing someone to tell him what the fuck is going on.

“Show him,” Gen prompts.

Danneel holds up an iPhone in a silver case with the initial M.C. on it in rhinestones.

“Take a look at what’s on it,” Gen instructs, and Jared gets out of bed and goes over to them. He takes the device in his hand and starts scrolling through the pictures. He looks up at them in shock.

“Misha took pictures of my journal! This is how he stole my song!” Jared pauses for a second, remember the day Misha came to visit him in his cabin. Jared had been so distracted by Jensen coming to get him for lunch that he left his journal open on the bed and the door unlocked. Shit.

Danneel nods. “I swear I didn’t know and neither did Sandy. His phone was buzzing and he was yelling at me to fetch it for him like I’m his fucking slave or something and when I picked it up, the pictures popped up and I ran to find Gen right away.”

“Jared Padalecki, put some fucking clothes on,” Gen grins. “We’re going to get your song back.”

“Stop moping, your face is going to stick like that,” Tom whispers to Jensen. They’re sitting in the VIP section of the modified auditorium where the Jamboree is held every year.

“Thanks Mom,” Jensen grumbles, pushing him away.

“The song’s really good, Jen. At least there’s that, no matter where it came from,” Tom says, and it should help, because this is about their career and Jensen loves music and performing. But all he can think of is how Jared looked at him that last time.

Jensen starts chewing his lip and Tom reaches over and plucks it out from between his lip. “And stop that. Those things are big enough as it is without you sucking on them.”

“I’m right over here if you need something to suck, rainbow love muffin,” Mike coos, fluttering his eyelashes at Jensen, who makes a retching noise in response.

Before they can continue, Kim bounds onto the stage and the crowd goes wild. Campers and parents alike are screaming and hollering as Kim waves her arms and gets everyone pumped up.

“Hello everyone and welcome to Camp Sing-a-Long’s Final Jamboree! Tonight we have some special guests in the house-The Kryptonic 3!”

Mike jumps up and starts bowing, until Tom pulls him back down. Jensen sits sullenly in his chair, but gives a half-hearted wave.

Kim gives him a look, but continues on anyway. “Tonight we have two groups who have written original compositions. They will perform their songs and the one that most impresses Kryp 3 will get their song recorded by the band!”

Another “wooo” goes up in the crowd and Kim fist-pumps with enthusiasm. “Now, for our first group, give it up for the Kane Krew!”

Jensen perks up a bit. He knows through the camp grapevine that Jared’s been working with Kane and his friends, and there’s a brief hope that he’ll show up tonight. However, Chris and Cindy start singing, with Chad on drums and Aldis playing bass, and Jensen’s hopes are dashed.

“C’mon, you didn’t really expect him to show up,” Tom whispers to Jensen, bumping their shoulders together and giving him a sad smile.

“No, I guess I didn’t,” Jensen agrees, trying to concentrate on the performance.

The Kane Krew finish up strong and the crowd gives them a much-deserved standing ovation. When they settle down, Kim comes back out.

“And now before our last performance of the night, let’s give a shout-out to a pair of legends in the audience. Ladies and gentleman-Casper and Cora Collins!”

Jensen looks over at Misha’s parents, Casper in a cape and Cora dripping in diamonds, and rolls his eyes. Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, after all.

“Now, to sing us out, let’s hear it for the Collins Cuti- “ Kim’s cut off when one of the other campers runs onstage and whispers in her ear. She clears her throat. “Well, it looks like Misha is doing this baby solo tonight. Ladies and gents, Misha Collins!”

Jensen looks over curiously and sees Sandy cuddled up against Aldis’ side and Danneel nowhere to be seen. He shoots Tom a look, but Tom just shrugs.

Misha struts out on stage, waving at the audience like he’d just been crowned Miss Universe. Mike starts giggling and Tom elbows him in the ribs. Jensen glances over to Casper and Cora beaming and waving back at their son.


Misha’s dressed head-to-toe in white leather, except for the gold capelet and matching hat and gloves. Jensen has no idea what he’s going for, but thinks it might be “glamorous cruise director.” He starts giggling alongside Mike and Tom pinches them both on the thigh.

“Mesh shirt,” Tom whispers violently.

Then the music starts playing and Jensen sits up straight, shocked. He’s been so apathetic about this whole thing since the Jared debacle that he hasn’t even bothered to look at the actual songs in competition. But this music, this is that song, the one he’d been listening to outside the window so many times. Could Misha be the mystery voice that touched him so deeply without even a glance at the person containing it? It just doesn’t seem right somehow.

Misha starts singing, and Jensen realizes with dread that it’s not right. It’s not right at all.

Suddenly he sees Jared enter the auditorium and their eyes lock. It’s then that he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the voice he fell in love with on that very first day belonged to the boy who stole his heart all along.

“This is Jared’s song,” Jensen blurts out, standing up.

“Jen, what are you doing?” Tom hisses, trying to drag him back down.

Jensen shrugs off Tom and shouts louder. “Stop the music, dammit. This is Jared’s song.”

The music screeches to a halt and Misha looks aghast in the middle of the stage, staring over at his parents in horror.

Jared’s smiling at Jensen and Jensen is helpless to do anything but smile back.

Then Gen and Danneel are bounding onstage and flashing an iPhone, and Misha is crying as a cape and some diamonds float out the door in a disappointed and disgraced hurry.

But Jensen can’t be bothered with any of that. All he wants to do is get to Jared, so he pushes past the velvet ropes blocking off their seats and stands right in front of him. Their eyes lock and Jensen knows somehow that everything is going to be okay now.

“Sing your song, Jared,” Jensen says firmly, taking the mic that Kim is passing over to him and putting it in Jared’s hand.

“It’s your song too, you know,” Jared says, still shy, even after all this time. “I finished it the morning I tried to kiss you. It was probably the only thing that gave me enough confidence to even try.”

Jensen swallows hard as Jared rubs a quick hand across his cheek and then heads up to the stage. The whole room is silent, most of the people in the audience not knowing the drama that’s been going on. But everyone loves a star is born story, and the hush that overcomes the room tells Jensen that they know this is going to be one of those.

Jared starts singing and Jensen closes his eyes and remembers the first time he heard this, sitting slumped against a tree under a window. He thinks about how he was just a boy then, a poor little rich boy who didn’t have anything to really want so he let other people decide his life for him.

    It's impossible to be anyone but me
    Though I couldn't see past my own insecurity
    But you kept me moving on

He opens his eyes, looks at Jared, who is singing his heart out and staring right at him.

Not anymore. He has something he wants now. Time to grow some fucking balls.

Kim presses a microphone in Jensen’s hand with a wink. “Go get him.”

Jared watches Jensen walk up the steps to the stage. They meet in the middle, and when the chorus starts up again, Jensen joins in. He’s had this melody in his head since he first heard it and with the lights and adrenaline and the smell of Jared in his nose, it’s like a religious experience.

    So now, now...
    I'll sing my song

They take the final big note together and the crowd goes insane. Jensen drops his microphone to the ground and fists Jared’s shirt in his palms before pulling him in and kissing him like his life depends on it. Maybe it does, Jensen’s not sure of anything past how right this moment feels.

After what feels like a millennia, but is probably only seconds, Jensen pulls back and Jared is grinning at him, dimples deeper than craters, skin flushed bright pink.

“What the hell was that?” Jared beams, holding on to Jensen’s shoulders, disbelief still there in the corners of his eyes.

Jensen grins and pulls Jared back to him. He whispers against Jared's mouth, “Just me being brave.”

“It’s probably up on Youtube already, you know,” Jared says softly, his face pressing up against Jensen’s neck. They’re lying on Jensen’s bed later that night, the adrenaline from the Final Jamboree and its aftermath slowly fading.

“I know,” Jensen replies. He pauses for a moment and Jared tenses. “Joe Jonas is going to be so jealous of how hot my boyfriend is.”

Jared gasps a little in surprise and then busts out laughing into Jensen’s shoulder. He stops suddenly, realizing what Jensen just said. “I’m your boyfriend?”

Jensen scoots down a bit so that they are lying on their sides, face to face. His expression is so serious that Jared wants to kiss him until his smile comes shining back. “I hope so. If you want to be.”

Jared’s teeth almost fall out with how hard he’s grinning. “Duh.”

Jensen starts laughing then and presses his mouth to Jared, who opens for him instantly. They lay like that for a moment, sharing breath, tongues mingling lazily.

Jensen pulls back after a few minutes, resting his forehead against Jared’s. “I saw you talking to Misha backstage. What did he say?”

Jared shrugs a little, nuzzles his nose against Jensen’s. “He apologized for stealing my song and for being a dick to everyone. He’s an okay guy, really. I mean, did you see his parents? Dude never had a chance.”

Jensen cringes a little bit. “Yeah, I thought my mother was a stage mom, but Caspar Collins and his cape would give her a run for her money any day.”

Jared moves his hand up to Jensen’s face, stroking his cheek. He can’t believe that he gets to touch Jensen any time he wants-that he has the right to do it. He breathes in deep. “I’m really happy that you guys called it a tie for the contest. I mean, I’m obviously thrilled that you want to record my song, but Chris and the gang deserve it just as much.”

“It’s a good song, they should be proud. And I’m going to talk to my record company and see if I can figure out a way for them to record it themselves,” Jensen says and Jared’s mouth drops open in shocked delight.

“Are you serious? You would do that for them?”

Jensen smiles softly, touching him back, and Jared’s eyes flutter closed for the briefest of moments. “Yeah, I mean, I can’t guarantee anything, but I’m going to try. Right after I talk to the guys about switching management.”


“Yeah, it’s time,” Jensen cuts him off with a kiss. “I’m sick and tired of everyone telling me how to live my life, and that includes Glover. I’ve been doing this job since I was six months old and I’m tired. I thought maybe after we finish up this record, I’ll take a break for a while.”

He’s looking at Jared with a meaningful expression, and Jared stutters a breath, hoping that what he’s thinking of is right. “A break? Where would you go?”

Jensen’s lip curls up into a smile and he kisses Jared again. And one more time. “Well, Jeff has a place in Austin. I mean, I figure that’s not too far away from San Antonio, right? And if I’m on break, I’ll have a lot of free time to…pursue other endeavors.”

Jared tugs Jensen’s bottom lip lightly with his teeth, teasing him because he can. “I hope one of those other endeavors is a totally clumsy six-foot-five high school senior who spends most of his time composing love songs about this old guy who likes to dance around in mesh shirts.”

“Hey, you better not be composing love songs about Rosey!”

Jared starts cackling and Jensen isn’t far behind.

“I’m not old,” Jensen pouts after a minute. “I’m only nineteen, still the flush of youth.”

“Prove it, old man,” Jared teases, and then yelps when Jensen rolls them over until he’s on top of Jared. The weight of him is sudden and overwhelming, and Jared gasps.

“This okay?” Jensen asks softly, lips only centimeters from his.

“Yeah,” Jared breathes into him, leaning up just a bit so that their mouths are joined again.

Jared’s legs slip open unconsciously, and Jensen fits himself right there in the groove. Jensen presses down, just one tiny movement, but it joins their groins together in the most perfect way. Jared groans, feels Jensen hot and hard against his own erection. Jensen leans down, presses him mouth to Jared, licks his way through the seam of Jared’s lips, demanding it, and then grinds down again.

“God, Jay,” Jensen mumbles through the clacking of teeth. “You’re so fucking hot.”

Jared doesn’t know how he manages to get enough blood back up into his face to blush, but he does. Jensen must be able to feel the heat of it against his skin, because he just grins wide and starts thrusting his dick against Jared’s through layers of denim.

Jared finds himself twisting one leg up around Jensen’s waist, wanting to get impossibly closer, to feel how hard Jensen is for him. God, Jensen Ackles is hard for him. Fuck.

Jensen’s slipping his hands underneath Jared then, clutching Jared’s ass in both of his hands and kneading his fingers into the muscle. Jared groans, wants more, wants to feel skin on skin, but is kind of scared of it too. Jensen must know though, must be able to sense his slight trepidation, because he makes no move to get rid of any clothing. For now this is enough, just the two of them, heavy against each other as they rut together and tangle their mouths until their lips are bit red and shiny with spit.

“Jensen, I’m gonna, oh shit,” Jared moans, feeling his orgasm pull out of him just as Jensen makes some epically delicious move that lines their cocks together perfectly.

“Yeah, fuck, Jay, do it,” Jensen growls, digging his face into the side of Jared’s sweaty neck and then suddenly stilling. Jared can feel Jensen’s dick pulsing against his own and it makes Jared want to write cheesy pop songs about jizz that would make even Chad blush.

“Dude,” Jared says, as Jensen rolls off him and tries to catch his breath.

Jensen turns to him, eyelids heavy with the post-orgasm haze. “Yeah?”

“That was awesome!”

Jensen’s laughing and turning to throw a leg over him. Jared’s jeans make a squelching noise that would be pretty gross if it wasn’t so fucking amazing.

“Can we do that again?” Jared asks, smiling hopefully. He tangles his fingers with Jensen’s where they are resting on his chest.

“Like right now? Really?”

“I knew you were old, you geezer.”

Jared just manages to start laughing before Jensen is tackling him right off the bed.


fic, jared/jensen

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