Title: A Moment of His Own (1/1)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who.
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Spoilers: Journey's End
Summary: The Doctor goes back in time to say one last goodbye. Angsty.
Word Count: 1,800
Rating: PG
A/N: I think I might have a kink for slightly!stalker!Ten. It's probably best not to examine this further. :D
Not betaed.
How can he possibly explain that she fought her way back to him only so he could send her away? )
Comments 55
I definitely do; it coexists with my kink for slightly!stalker!Nine.
Seems like something the Doctor would do (though only ever off-screen) and it's so Rose to comfort him without even knowing what she's comforting him about.
You know, slightly!stalker!Nine might almost be more canonical. Sometimes about Ten doing it, though, really hits my kinks. I think it's that total loss of control desperation thing with Ten since he tries so hard to pretend that he's fine, fine, fine.
Seems like something the Doctor would do (though only ever off-screen) and it's so Rose to comfort him without even knowing what she's comforting him about.
I think something like this would break Rose's heart, really. The Doctor in pain in the future without her in the picture? Ouch.
Thank you. :D
This is absolutely gorgeous. It's so sad, and so believable.
I, for one, will be encouraging you to develop your kink for slightly!stalker!Ten, if this kind of fic is the result.
I'm SORRY. I have no idea why this comes out of me, sometimes.
I, for one, will be encouraging you to develop your kink for slightly!stalker!Ten, if this kind of fic is the result.
Thank you. And I've no doubt slightly!Stalker!Ten will come back to me one day. :D
The last line got to me the most. Great job!
Thank you. :D
The last line got to me the most. Great job!
Oh, poor emo!Ten. Sometimes I wonder if he'll just spontaneously regenerate one day after not being able to take it anymore.
I certainly won't complain if we see more of this.
I certainly won't complain if we see more of this.
I doubt my fascination with stalker!Ten will ever really go away. *G*
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