Title: Curious
Fandom: Hellsing
Characters: Alucard and Seras Victoria
Prompt: 25. Strangers
Word Count: 261
Rating: PG
Summary: "Do your eyes always change color like that?"
Author's Notes: Bizare little FMA-ish xover. Basically, we've got a human Alucard, which means he's about 515 years younger than the canon Alucard. And he's a total alchemy geek, but in a cool geek kinda way, y'know? Inspired by one little thing Van Hellsing mentions about the Count being an alchemist in Stoker's Dracula.
Seras knocked politely on the door, and only had to wait a few moments before it was flung open. She eeped and stepped back as she looked into the face of her Master’s human doppelganger.
“Can I help you?” he asked tiredly, stifling a yawn in a most un-Alucard like fashion.
Seras blinked. The human’s eyes were black, instead of the deep crimson she had become accustomed to, and she stared openly as she tried to articulate herself. “Well uh, that is, Sir Integra, she, um, wants to speak with you.”
He lazily raised an eyebrow and leaned in to get a better look at her. “Are you sure, you’re Victoria’s doppelganger? You’re pretty damn shy.”
Seras eeped again and shrunk back, before realizing that was exactly what he was talking about, and tried to straighten her posture. That worked for all of about two seconds because she got a nose full of his undeniably human smell, which made her dart to the other side of the hall, hand over her mouth and eyes wide. Behind her palm, fangs had extended past their normal length and were sharply biting into her flesh.
The alchemist stoically tilted his head to the side and said, “Oh,” but she could see his eyes light up. “That’s interesting.”
Seras could feel herself blushing, but slowly brought her hand down. “I have an assignment… Y-you should go see Sir Integra…” She turned and fled down the hall, but not without noticing the way his sable eyes practically glowed with curiosity at the sight of her fangs.
Little Damn Chart