
Aug 07, 2017 08:41

So, I've pretty much fallen completely out of fandom. I've no time or interest anymore. I was planning on writing this long and windy post about what's been happening, but it would be pointless. So this page will pretty much go abandoned for a bit longer. Just know, my daughter is amazing - she'll be 7 months on Thursday, and I'm fighting my ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

akatnamedeaster August 7 2017, 18:39:37 UTC
I am thrilled to read that you had a little girl! Congratulations!

I'm sorry that you're not into fandom anymore but then again, neither am I really, so I totally get it. Nothing lasts forever,

I'm so happy for you, sweetie. :)


enchanted_jae August 8 2017, 01:42:08 UTC
Aw, thanks for checking in. New babies take a lot of time and energy, so it's not surprising fandom has taken a backseat. Hope to see you post random, rl tidbits from time to time!


evening12 August 8 2017, 02:28:41 UTC
7months! Lots of new milestones coming in fast :)

Thanks for all your fandom works. I appreciate all the podfic efforts you've done in the HP fandom :D


celestlyn August 8 2017, 04:01:47 UTC
I am sorry to see you won't be in fandom, but I'm sort of in a similar place. I went back to work full time a year ago and it sucks the life out of me. I manage to check out LJ every once in awhile. I haven't written anything in 3-4 years. I do try to read some fic now and then. There are several people I read regularly.

I do enjoy your fb posts and pics! She is such a sweetheart!

<3 C.


kitty_fic August 22 2017, 02:30:34 UTC
OH WOW! Congrats on your baby! I'm so excited for you!


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