Since there's been a saturation of awards ceremonies lately, why not one at our very own SuckFest? (You can judge earlier smooches through
here if you missed them.)
*cut to the chase podium*
And the Oscargasm for Special Achievement in Kiss goes to ...
*pulls out condom result*
*looks happily surprised*
Well, what do you know, it's a tie between Gale Harold and Randy Harrison! *smirk*
Sadly, Gale and Randy can't be here tonight because they're too busy kissing and fucking back at the
hotel working on other projects. But I'm happy to accept this award on their behalf. Gale and Randy are also up for nomination in the Best Visual Effects category. :p
So let's have a look at more of their work *looks up at the screen as the lights dim*
Brian and Justin's first tentative kiss after that fateful night ...
But kisses don't quite go according to plan :(
"It's a good thing one of us remembered." *sigh*
Is it a
vase or a beautiful B/J silhouette? :p
Once upon a time, there was a magical cock scene and a spine-tingling song ... (and a Randy tattoo showing through the makeup ;))
*whimpers* as Justin moves his hand into Brian's hair ...
... and then into Brian's waiting hand *wipes teary eye*
Gale and Randy have v. special FX on us ...
STKC: lost track while I was blinded by the beauty.
Then we had one of the sweetest, cutest [and, as you'll find out, funniest and hottest] kissing scenes evah!
Look at Gale's freudian slip of the tongue after he says, "You know how much I love sex in public places." *lol*
Now look at the tongue in Gale's cheek after Randy says, "Then suck me off, right here, right now." Oh Gale, you can't hide what you're imagining *rotfl*
"You're a hero, no matter what anyone says" and they kiss *cough* harder.
Take note of this very rare hand placement by Randy while kissing, with his palm alongside Gale's neck and his thumb against his cheek. This is a touch/hold far more common to Gale as we'll continue to observe.
I just love how Gale pulls Randy back towards him before releasing the kiss and Randy brings his hand down to Gale's chest.
And here's one of Gale's wonderful off-center kisses again. They simply kill me.
Now it's Randy's tongue that makes an appearance after Gale says, "Thank you for the standing ovation." Nope, nothing to interpret in their body language *hee*
This shoulder kiss is cute beyond words. Brian's a sucker, so to speak, for Justin's affection (even though he generally doesn't show it at first).
I just have to include their classic forehead touch (and Gale's hip thrust envelopment :)) before the kissing begins.
So hot ...
So pretty ...
And yet another look at how one of their kisses ends. Don't you love it that they still haven't opened their eyes yet? *sigh*
Brian wants to return the favor of a blowjob while Justin protests (maybe the smile indicates the kiss tickled :)).
Anyone keeping tabs on the body kisses? I realize it's easy to be distracted when there's nekkidness involved. There's also something about Randy's face in Gale's hair that does things to me :)
Justin puts on a smiley face when Brian starts doodling kisses his cock tummy (listen for the *mwah*). Unfortunately, Justin was not in the mood to get something sucked. Head traumas = teh evil.
The tweaked twink school drop-out is greeted with a kiss by (a surprised) Brian. [Gale's squished upper lip looks like a tiny, squished butt trapped between them O_o]
The same kiss but look how cutely misaligned it actually was.
The lost boy returns and he's been saving that for Brian.
Brian's not-knowing-what-to-think smiles at glistening, high-as-a-kite Justin made me not know whether to laugh, cry or fan myself.
"Aren't you a sweetheart." I just love the irony of that line as Brian gets his nipple licked and sucked. Unfortunately, it all ends with Justin throwing a hissy fit feeling helpless and angry about his physical problems (which kind of mirrors Brian's reaction in 407, doesn't it?).
Weirdness [Part 1] over as Brian rescues Justin from more lesbian kisses after he's congratulated for being accepted to PIFA again.
Now how am I supposed to count a borderline kiss like this? Is Justin kissing Brian's cheek, jaw, neck or a combo of all three? *goes to check what I categorized it as* Well, I went with neck.
No mistaking that one. But I don't think we've seen Justin lip 'topping' at any stage so far, have we? Will we ever see it? *iz teaze*
Justin isn't being very responsive to Brian's affectionate, yet seductive neck kisses. [I'll blame Mikey's insensitive words for Weirdness Part 2.]
"Why am I here?" Um, with the kinds of kisses Brian gives you, I can guarantee it's not out of pity :(
Weirdness [Part 2] over as the compromise "covenant" is sealed with kisses (although, Justin broke the seal so many times he should've used a screw-top *snort*). During this scene we can observe the typical B/J smooching pattern. It usually starts with a gentle, upright kiss (resulting in that zigzag liplock).
Followed by a slightly tilted smooshy kiss.
Followed by the vertical suck.
And, finally, a fully tilted, wider mouthed kiss.
Look at how prominent Gale's upper lip is because his bottom lip is jammed against Randy's bottom. Lip that is. And we can see there's some heavy duty suction from Randy's hollowed-out cheek :D
STKC: 6 (approx)
Those blue lights over the bed never had much of a cooling effect, did they?
I'd say this scene tops all the kissing-and-talking-in-bed scenes that B/J had.
It's interesting how the kisses are relatively tame considering the "raw" discussion about to happen.
Notice how Justin became more assertive with his kissing in S2 (but with a more natural high this time).
Brian gets some control back by doing his signature push-pull move on Justin.
Randy, could you shift your bubble butt a little more to your right while you're kissing Gale's neck, kthx?
This may not be a kiss but it's not often we get to see Randy's hand on Gale's ass, so you bet your ass I'm gonna include it.
Just gorgeous.
Notice how Randy moves his leg higher as his lips move from Gale's neck to his chin.
"You want me to fuck you bareback?" [Fans: OMFG]
"Come inside your tight, little ass?" [Fans: *guh*, Fanfic writers: *I'm going to turn that line into a hot cliche use that line*]
"Do it." [The Voice of Reason: Gale Brian,
resist like your finger says! ;)]
STKC: 17 (approx)
This could be a kiss. Or Brian could just be telling Justin they should go somewhere for a quick fuck.
Why do I always return home after shopping at sales wanting to sit down and soak my tired footsies, whereas Justin turns into the Energizer Bunny? :|
This sucks *heh*
It's hard to believe there was a time that Brian having fucked another man brought on this sort of response from Justin.
I just love this shot where Gale has one bare foot off the floor and Randy sticks his neck butt out :D
I had to capture Gale's smile before the first kiss on the sofa.
Randy's still a bottom lip even when on top.
It's nice to see the lip crush from Randy's perspective :)
C'mon Randy, he's opening his mouth for you and you're not taking advantage!
STKC: 10 (approx)
For the next part, I'll avoid serving anything greasy starting with 'e' or 'i'. I don't think anyone minds a speshul diet of only eye candy, do they? ;)