Fic: Rhys Williams, in the lounge, with a slipper.

Jul 27, 2008 16:42

TITLE: Rhys Williams, in the lounge, with a slipper.
AUTHOR: Erin Giles
DISCLAIMER: Torchwood and it's characters are property of the BBC.
PAIRINGS/CHARACTERS: Ianto/Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, OCs
WORDS: 927
SUMMARY: "You've never played Cluedo?"
CHALLENGE: horizonssing Day 26: Cluedo. (the board game)

“Why do I feel like I’ve just stepped into a game of Cluedo?” Owen questioned as he gazed round at the old Victorian lounge.

“In which case why don’t you go see if Miss. Scarlett’s in the conservatory?” Ianto teased, taping away at the PDA in his hand. “Hopefully with the lead piping.” He added as an after thought, under his breath.

Owen glared in return.

“Her name’s Wendy and she’s in the kitchen with Jack, which so be honest is almost as bad as a murder weapon.” Owen grunted as he bent down to inspect the remains of her husband that decorated the fireplace and it’s surround.

“What do you mean by that?” Ianto asked, looking up from the PDA with a frown on his face.

“Well he kills everyone else’s chances doesn’t he.” Owen shrugged, lifting a finger from the remains and placing it in a biohazard box for analysis. Ianto looked mortified.

“Owen, she’s just lost her husband.”

“Oh you know she’s guilty.” Owen rebuked.

“Find anything?” Gwen interuppted as she slid into the lounge looking expectantly between Ianto and Owen.

“Apart from the fact Owen’s perverted?” Ianto asked, only half teasing.

“Not a lot. Something’s torn him limb from limb. It looks like some kind of savage dog attacked him, although the bite marks look surprisingly human.” Owen answered, pulling himself to his feet.

“What about you Miss. Marple?” Owen asked turning to regard Gwen who just frowned in return.

“He thinks we’re in Tudor Close.” Ianto tried to clarify but he just got another blank look in return. “Cluedo, Gwen.”

Gwen shrugged. “Never played it.”

“You’ve never played Cluedo?” Ianto and Owen chorused together which caused Gwen to smirk.

“Not really the time to be discussing my board game habits.” Gwen observed, pointing out the remains of Wendy Hobb’s husband.

“Well it’s not like he’s going anywhere.” Ianto remarked as Gwen and Owen turned to give him matching looks of incredulity.

“I’ll go check the broken window in the dining room.” Ianto mumbled, making a hasty retreat.

“Watch you don’t knock yourself out on the candlestick!” Owen called mockingly at Ianto’s back.


“Right,” Owen started with some authority, slamming a box down on the coffee table next to the sofa, startling Gwen and Toshiko. “Who’s for game night?”

“Game night?” Tosh asked, peering over the top of her glasses at the board game.

“Can you believe Gwen’s never played Cluedo?” Owen asked as he opened the box and started to unfold the board, shoving papers and magazines to the floor as he did so.

“Never?” Tosh asked as she turned to regard Gwen who was now squirming in her seat.

“I played Mouse Hunt and Monopoly when I was a kid.” Gwen tried to reason.

“You’ve played Mouse Hunt but you’ve never played Cluedo?” Owen scoffed as he started sorting out cards and playing pieces with enthusiasm.

“Even Jack’s played Cluedo.” Ianto observed as he emerged from Jack’s office, the Captain in tow. “Although he did start making up his own rules and I still haven’t found Professor Plum.” Ianto frowned.

“Ah Professor Plum.” Jack sighed, chuckling slightly when he caught the looks of horror from the other team members while Ianto rolled his eyes.

“If you’re going to get all nostalgic you can play Miss. Scarlett and I’ll have the Professor.” Owen mocked, shoving the red playing piece at Jack’s chest.

“Oh can I be Mrs. Peacock then?” Tosh asked as she scooted over to the coffee table in her chair, fishing in the box for the blue playing piece. Ianto already had a hold of the Reverend Green and was placing him on his starting square next to the Ballroom.

“That leaves you with Mrs. White the cook or Colonel Mustard.” Owen said offering Gwen the yellow and white playing pieces as she continued to sit away from the excitement at her desk, a rather sceptically look on her face.


“Reverend Green, in the Study with the Spanner!” Gwen announced, punching the air in triumph as she revealed the murder cards.

“You know I’m getting worried about you Ianto, that’s the third time you’ve been the murderer.” Jack observed, watching as Gwen started setting up the board for yet another game.

“Well you should know Sir, having seen my dark side.” Ianto teased, giving Jack a wink.

“Oh get a room you two.” Owen snorted. Tosh muffled a yawn as she glanced down at her watch.

“I’m going to call it a night guys.” Tosh announced, pulling herself rather lethargically to her feet.

“Aw what Tosh? One more game?” Gwen pleaded, shuffling the murder weapons and holding them out to Ianto to pick one.

“Actually I think I’m going to go home to bed as well.” Ianto agreed, yawning himself as he glanced briefly at Jack, sending him a silent invitation.

“You guys are such spoil sports.” Gwen grumped, looking imploring at Owen, but even his enthusiasm was fading fast.

“We’ve been playing for three hours Gwen.” Owen observed, looking at his own watch now as he retrieved his coat from the stand, helping Tosh on with hers.

“Maybe Rhys will want to play?” Jack encouraged, grabbing his own coat and following Ianto down the stairs to the cog door, leaving Gwen still sat on the sofa.

She looked down at her watch, cringing slightly as she realised the time, leaping to her feet and retrieving her jacket and bag.

“Rhys Williams, in the lounge with a slipper.” Gwen mumbled to herself on the way out the door.

fic: rhys williams in the lougne with a, char: owen, fandom: torchwood, char: tosh, challenge: horizonssing, char: gwen, char: ianto, char: jack

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