Fic: This Moment

Jul 23, 2008 12:02

TITLE: This Moment
AUTHOR: Erin Giles
DISCLAIMER: Torchwood and it's characters are property of the BBC.
WORDS: 468
SUMMARY: Holding hands in a post-coital haze, Ianto has never felt so close to Jack.
CHALLENGE: horizonssing Day 23: Naked boys holding hands

He lay in post-coital bliss, sated from that evening’s pleasure filled hours that had thankfully pushed out the days horrors. Jack’s elbow was digging into his side slightly but he was too tired to move; too mentally and physically and emotionally exhausted to do anything. His arm flopped involuntarily over Jack’s, closing his eyes as he listened to his breathing normalising again.

“You ok?” Jack’s voice came out as a hoarse whisper. Ianto felt Jack’s arm flexing slightly, felt fingers ghosting over his palm that conjured up butterflies in his stomach.

“Yeah.” Ianto’s voice was tired and breathy sounding. Jack’s fingernails drew circles on Ianto’s palm for a moment longer before he felt fingers slipping between his own. Their fingers laced together and Ianto sighed in contentment as he finally summoned the strength to move, tightening his grip on Jack’s hand as he ran his thumb down the side of Jack’s own thumb.

“You sure?” Jack asked again, his head turning on the pillow to look at Ianto’s profile. He felt Ianto squeeze his hand slightly, pulling it closer to his body.

Ianto had never felt closer to Jack than in this moment, just lying side by side in a post-sex haze. Holding hands with him was far more intimate than anything they had just done and Ianto secretly wanted the world to stop so he could stay this way forever. He was so exhausted that all he needed was to sink into sleep’s welcome arms but he couldn’t because he didn’t want to miss a moment of this feeling that was suddenly so new. This was not the usual feeling of sex induced satisfaction, it was something more. Lately with Jack it felt like he was always naked, even when in crowded rooms he felt completely exposed. Not like Jack was undressing him with his eyes - although Jack did do that quite a lot - but like Jack could see past the layers of suit and skin, past the mask of Ianto Jones, efficient Torchwood employee to Ianto Jones, human.

Ianto was so used to a quick shag and then fucking off, but they’d been sleeping in the same bed now, both kidding themselves it was out of convenience and not because they wanted to spend more time together. It was a transparent lie on both their parts but neither of them was willing to admit it, not any time in the near future anyway.

“Ianto?” Jack questioned as Ianto suddenly realised he had been silent too long. Jack was rolling over so he was half draped across Ianto like some giant blanket as he looked up at him. Ianto gave him a dopey half asleep grin, kissing him on the forehead before settling back into the pillows, one hand still firmly attached to Jack’s.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

challenge: horizonssing, char: ianto, fic: this moment, fandom: torchwood, char: jack

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