the clothes you're wearin', girl, are causin' public scenes

Oct 13, 2010 02:36

So squeeful and I watched two episodes of Starsky and Hutch tonight. The first featured a super-cheesy vampire murderer and the second featured one of the most ridiculous undercover acts I have ever, ever seen. The secondhand-embarrassment factor was off the charts. Seriously: Bodie and Doyle do undercover as a stoner-punk and a fruit-seller. Starsky puts ( Read more... )

starsky and hutch, crochet, picspam

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Comments 17

squeeful October 13 2010, 06:40:16 UTC

Also, there needs to be an entire fic written as sexual/slashy dialogue disguised as dancing talk.

And you must write that babbling!Hutch fic. I will sit on you until you do.


tears_of_nienna October 13 2010, 06:57:27 UTC
Cutie looks like she needs to wash her hair. >_<

There might be some dancy-slashy dialogue in this mini babbling-Hutch fic. We'll see.


squeeful October 13 2010, 07:02:16 UTC



sineala October 13 2010, 07:45:18 UTC
Nice hat.

Also. the dancing episode is indeed awesome, but I'm afraid the undercover gets worse later, because you haven't mentioned having seen the one where they go undercover as good old boys looking for moonshine. Or the one where they're undercover hairdressers.


squeeful October 13 2010, 08:08:16 UTC



tears_of_nienna October 13 2010, 08:11:11 UTC
Thanks! :D

...Hairdressers?! Oh, boy. I pity anyone unlucky enough to have their hair cut by those two.

I'll probably sit there and nitpick the good-old-boy cover, too. "Hillbillies don't do that! I know hillbillies!"

I think the horrible undercovers might lead to a Starsky and Hutch drinking game, just for the sake of what little sanity Squeeful and I have left.


squeeful October 13 2010, 08:13:37 UTC
I don't know about you, bb, but I left sanity behind a LONG time ago.


sc_fossil October 13 2010, 10:57:08 UTC
Let's face it, we ain't watching S&H for the plot lines. *g*


sarahsan October 13 2010, 12:38:00 UTC
I can't believe you just bust out this yarnwork. BY ACCIDENT EVEN. That hat is too too cute. I want one in purple. :(


kisurathegreat October 13 2010, 15:35:37 UTC
Posting off-topic. . .

Have you been to the Mid-Ohio Con, or do you know the general level of insanity there?

We're trying to figure out if it's something my roommate's brother would handle well. (He's a huge comic book fan with fairly intense Asperger's. He wants to go, but we want to make sure it's not at, well, Dragon*Con intensity that would be overwhelming for him.)

Any insight?

Also, wicked-cool hat. Cunning, even.


tears_of_nienna October 13 2010, 17:28:46 UTC
Alas, I have no insight to offer. I've only ever done Dragon*Con and Celebration. I can ask around, though. There has to be someone I know who's been there. :)


mysticpenguin October 13 2010, 18:11:08 UTC
I live near Dayton, over west of Columbus, and I drove out there once just to see what Mid-Ohio Con was about. This was back in the mid/late '90s, so I can't swear it's still the same, but it seemed pretty low-key. The main hall (or at that point, it might have been just one room) was pretty crowded, but I don't remember there being a whole lot of people in costume or acting obnoxiously.

The con is right downtown, and the city can be a little tricky to get around (for example, you cannot make any turns in either direction off High Street until you're out of downtown), but Columbus is not Atlanta. I adore Columbus, but I have to say, for your big cities it's pretty small and pretty tame.


mysticpenguin October 13 2010, 18:25:21 UTC
And also I went with a friend and his little brother, who I think was twleve or thirteen at the time, and pretty much everything we encountered was age-appropriate for him.


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