the wind in the wires made a tattletale sound

Jun 19, 2009 17:18

Bluh. I went up to CVS this week to renew my no-baby-no-crazy drug regimen, and found out that the no-crazy prescription has run out. This is...not exactly optimal. I mean, I could live without the no-baby half, because I'm not exactly doing the thing that makes the babies, but the no-crazy part is nice. I've got a couple of them left, so I was ( Read more... )

books, ativan halen, weather, the professionals

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Comments 14

Have some tea. squeeful June 19 2009, 21:52:01 UTC
Tlllth, ouch. I'm completely off everything right now due to lack of insurance (no one wants to take anyone who's ever been on antidepressants, it seems) so while I'm not nutters, finishing something as simple as, say, getting dressed, takes some work. Why yes, I do have just a shirt on...

Could you chop your no-crazy meds in half and take one piece every day? It might be a little easier on your body than a whole one every other day.

Yay storms! Yay chocolate! Yay Raymond Charlotte Doyle!


Re: Have some tea. tears_of_nienna June 19 2009, 22:17:58 UTC
Who needs pants, anyway? Seriously. I came back from errands today and I just sort of flopped down in front of the fan in my underwear.* Because effing HELL it is hot outside. But that's what I get for mistaking tonight's low of 72 as the high, when in fact the hight was 85. *facepalm*

...I am definitely going to give the chopping-up-of-meds a try! Why didn't I think of that? *happydance*

On a random note, sailor!Bodie is currently rolling his eyes at passenger!Doyle for reading The Odyssey on a ship. But he just wants to be prepared, in case they run aground with a cyclops...

*Note that the fan is in my room, and the door was closed.


Re: Have some tea. squeeful June 19 2009, 22:30:35 UTC
I put a skirt on! Whoo! Highlight of my day. I think it's 70 out here. :-P

Chop chop! I have experience in forgetting the prescription has run out and needing to wait for a new one. Your doctor will probably call a new one in, they just won't for mine because it's more restricted.

Awww! *cuddles Doyle* He's reading it in the original Greek, right?


Re: Have some tea. tears_of_nienna June 19 2009, 22:40:30 UTC
It's cooling off now, because it's started to rain. I'd go out and dance in it, but I've already changed clothes once today, and doing it again would be too much effort. ;)

Yeah, as far as drugs go, mine are on the mild side. Which is not as fun as the wild side, or so the Velvet Underground claims.

...Omg yes. He is totally reading it in Greek. *glee*


neumeindil June 20 2009, 04:08:16 UTC
Did you ask the pharmapeople to send your MD a fax? Other option is to call his/her answering service, get the "bug me at" # and politely ask for a refill.

Good song to listen to while reading that book. I seriously love that book; read it 4 times between 3rd and 5th grade. :D


tears_of_nienna June 20 2009, 04:16:58 UTC
I didn't even think of that! Although I didn't have the MD's number on me at the time, so I suppose it wouldn't have worked anyway. I'll make it till Monday, and then hopefully the doctor won't insist on an actual visit before she renews it.

I now have a Charlotte Doyle playlist. It's like a branch of my Pirate Mix. ;)


neumeindil June 20 2009, 04:18:35 UTC
In theory, they have your doctor's number in the computer system, and in ours I can send a fax from the computer next to my register in about 20 seconds. ;) (Trust me for the tricks your pharmacy people don't want you to know.)


tears_of_nienna June 20 2009, 04:45:00 UTC
...Well! Now I have learned something. ;) You're like the Pharmacy Superhero!


tiikyo June 20 2009, 05:50:31 UTC
Hopped over from fanficrants to say hello!

That, and, it sucks when you find out your no-baby-no-crazy prescription runs out :S Mine is "special ordered" to Walgreens (under doctor's advice) so pretty much every month, I have to go in 2-3 days earlier than I used to because they'll tell me that I have to wait an extra two days because they have to order more in.

It really sucks, but the no-crazy part of it is worth it.


tears_of_nienna June 20 2009, 06:11:18 UTC
Lol, your icon is so great and appropriate. ;)

My no-crazy meds are pretty mild, so it's usually something they can fill while I wait. But it was only meant to go for a year, and apparently my year is up now. *sigh* Hopefully she'll extend it without going "No, you need to come in for a visit, even though you live four hours away."


tiikyo June 20 2009, 06:13:46 UTC
OMG ouch! Well, here's to hoping it will work out! <3


ext_102354 June 20 2009, 15:11:11 UTC
Hahaha "no-baby-no-crazy." I'm a little concerned about how I'm going to get my prescriptions out here - no Wal-Marts! But there are plenty of CVS-es, so I'll just do that.

Once I forgot to refill my no-crazy scrip over a long weekend. That was a poor choice. I'd be sitting in a chair and suddenly - swoop! I felt dizzy.

Splitting the pills is a good idea. Just watch out for your fingers.


tears_of_nienna June 20 2009, 16:54:51 UTC
Yeah, I think CVS might not be quite as cheap? But it's walking distance for me, so that's where I go.

I forgot my no-crazy drugs that time we went to New Jersey. The random swoops of dizziness--yeah, those are not fun.

Just watch out for your fingers.

LOL! I will!


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