Tuorial #6.

Jul 30, 2008 16:25

Program:Photoshop. Not translatable to other Programs.
Difficulty: Medium?. Only Nine Steps.

First step:
Take Emily and cut out the background.
I used the polygonal lasso tool but you can use the eraser or any other methiod you like.

Second Step:
Next crop down the picture to 100x100.
And place the picture on a black base of the same size.

Third Step:
Make a new layer and fill it with #260d0d and set it to exclusion.

Fourth Step:
Make a selective coloring layer and use these settings;



Fifth Step:
Make another selective coloring layer and use these settings;


Sixth Step:
Now press Ctrl+A on your keyboard. Then press Shift+Ctrl+C.
Then make a new layer on top of all the other layers and then press Ctrl+v.

Seventh Step:
Grab your Dodge tool and set the settings to;

Brush: 65px Hardness:0%
Range: Midtones
Exposure: 50%

Now that you have the settings take the Dodge tool and go all over her body and face on the layer that you made in step six!.
Then set the layer to Screen 25%.

Eighth Step:
Then take This texture by vol4itca.
And place it whereever you like and set it to Screen 40%.

Ninth Step:
Take This last texture by babliz.
And place it where ever you like and set it to Screen 100%.

And now your done.And if you have any questions feel free to ask them.


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