Character List (for Surrogate Canon)

Nov 13, 2010 00:07

All Canon Character's Are for the Taking unless there's a username beside it!

Explanation on the numbers; each Surrogate is numbered based off the time they were taken. Red is the original; and thus Surrogate 00. Gold is 01, Kris 02, Brendan 03, May 04, Leaf 05, Lucas 06, Dawn 07, Lyra 08, Touya 09, and Touko 10.

Rivals, however, are numbered a little differently. As time went on, Geechisu shifted the numbers around; thus making the rivals usually come after the Protagonist. Gary would be 11, (G/S/C) Silver would be 12, Wally 13, Barry 14, (Hg/Ss) Silver 15, Cheren 16, and Bianca 17.

Protags - They can have their own stories; just give me a few blurbs about them and some other stuff.

Avaliable: Fire (Pending).

Taken: Red ( exileforfreedom ), Gold (endgamerepeat ), Kris ( tearingmemories ), Brendan (4thegoodofnone ), May (breakthecause ), Leaf (burningdance ), Lucas (noteventhrice ), Dawn (morningvendetta ), Lyra (tuesdaythe9th ), Touya (fightsthepowah  ) and Touko ( emptymarionette ).


Taken: G/S/C Silver (lawofabsolution ) Wally (horrorthreshold ), Barry (pokaccenteballs ), HG/SS Silver (flamesofrebirth ), Cheren (arewedeadinside ), Bianca ( followingdream )


(Rivals being; G/S/C Silver, Wally, Barry, HG/SS Silver, Cheren, and Belle) Gary is a Gym Leader though; was probably a surrogate at one point in the least. We acknowledge the two Silvers as clones; G/S/C Silver managing to hide for so long that another was created. Same goes for Red and 'Fire'.

Gym Leaders:

Taken: Misty (keptsupersonic ), Sabrina (psychicmiracle ), Giovanni (ambitionlost ), Jasmine (defendthelight ), Blue (reachforfreedom ), Flannery (honedpassion ), Volkner (burntoutbeacon ), ( Cilan ( solemnleaves ), Chili (somberwildfire ), Cress (surrealstream ),  Elesa [Carmen] (uncertainspark ),  Iris (legendbadging )

Pending: Clair, Candice

Elites: Phoebe (cursebonding ), Glacia (whisperblizzard ), Steven (lapisphilia ), Wallace (fabulousvillain ), Cynthia (shadowysmiles ), Grimsley (charmedtrolling )

Pending: Lance, Caitlin

Frontier Brains:

Pending: Dahlia

Villains: N (dreams_mislead ), Geechisu (falseintent ), Ariana (crimsontoned ), Archer (rocketbetrayal ), Archie (aquaboss ), Maxie (andtheyburned )



Pending: Surrogate Nurse 1

Taken: Doctor (endinginjection )

Team's Relevance

Team Rocket; Unknowingly, they're role has been being played over and over again. Much like the Surrogate children, the Rocket's had been wiped of their memories by several psychic pokemon hidden around the City. None are aware; though the Executives have a mild awareness to the fact that they feel they've been doing the same thing for a while.

Team Magma/Aqua; Like Rocket, they have been served as a test. Though they are much more aware than they would like. They know that tampering with the Legendary Pokemon for long can cause something catastrophic.

Team Galactic; Almost the same as everyone else; though Cyrus seems to have much more malice towards Geechisu than most of the other teams. It's...almost scary.

Team Plasma; The main runners of the Surrogate Project, running over the land with an iron fist. The Team is unaware of most of the danger their putting everyone in, with Geechisu being the main demon behind this whole thing.

.../sucks at explaining

girls are badass here, character list

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