More fic...CrackFic!

May 20, 2008 06:25

Title: Nothing to do
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 837 words. Companion piece on the way, just needs some more editing.
Disclaimers: The lack of money I am receiving from creating this is huge. Damn it, why couldn’t I get a NORMAL obsession? Like Archie comics?
Summary: We all know how we felt about the hiatus, but what of our boys?

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dean, hiatus, crackfic, sam, supernatural

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Comments 24

tahirire May 20 2008, 13:51:54 UTC
Awww, Dean is so cute when he feels violated. *hugs Dean*



teardrop_tattoo May 20 2008, 18:58:13 UTC
*hugs you and Dean at the smae time*

*has really long arms*

Tee hee. Cute!violated!Dean. Gotta love him.

Stay tuned for the companion peice, it has obsessive!fun!Dean :D


stopwatch_plz May 20 2008, 14:24:59 UTC

That made me smile... thanks :)


teardrop_tattoo May 20 2008, 18:56:50 UTC
See. I can bring smiles and happyness to orphans, puppies and small African countires, but the smiles that bring me the most joy are those of readers. *salutes*


stopwatch_plz May 20 2008, 19:00:11 UTC


teardrop_tattoo May 21 2008, 11:14:52 UTC
.....*also buys your icon dinner, Because Sam's tied up and can't do it himself*

*bondage love*


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teardrop_tattoo May 20 2008, 18:55:24 UTC
I'm handing out passes to obsessive-ville. If you have a twin you can get two for the price of one.

*Gives you a pass*

You get it half price ;P


(The comment has been removed)

teardrop_tattoo May 23 2008, 19:41:48 UTC


invisiblelove May 21 2008, 02:14:32 UTC
BUAH HA, this is great! Awesome job :)


teardrop_tattoo May 21 2008, 11:10:44 UTC
*ish in love with you icon*

*buys it dinner and an engagement ring*


hopelessfangirl May 21 2008, 02:54:38 UTC
LOL omg, this needs to become a real episode. I don't even care how it would work, I just need to see this acted out for realz. XD ♥


teardrop_tattoo May 21 2008, 11:13:04 UTC
And that is the dream of every fanfiction writer, to be discovered by Kripke.

Beleive me, If it happens? I'll let you know. :)

Also, from now on, every time I type FTW, I will be saying FOR THE WINCHESTER.



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