Fanfiction Sticky post

Jun 15, 2014 12:05

 Supernatural fanfic

Title:  Nothing to do
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 838 words. This is the first part of ‘Something to do’ Reading this first makes a lot more sense.
Disclaimers: Me=Broke. Me + owning the show or anyone in it= Cash Money. Me=Sadness
Summary: Dean is stressed during hiatus

Title: Hope
Rating: PG 18 (OH SNAP)

Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby
Notes: 1, 238 words. This is basically my worst-case scenario. 

Summary: Sam’s lost Dean, and lost his way. Even with his new power, he can’t find him. (Post NRft

Title: Of body swaps, Pixies and mole men
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 345 words. Only dialogue. Underlined words are Sam, bold words are Dean.
This one is for myspn_buddy  faith1912. She made a sweet icon and sweet banners and it...just...sweet? Eh heh. And she dosen't read anything under 2,000 words. Well, I'm gonna change that :D
Disclaimers: I don’t own them and I don’t claim to. DON’T SUE!  
Summary: Sam and Dean are in a bit of a pickle, and nearly at each other’s throats.

Title: Something to do (Companion piece to ‘Nothing to do)  
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 805 words. This is the companion piece to ‘Nothing to do’. I highly recommend you read that first; it’ll make a lot more sense.
Disclaimers: Me=Broke. Me + owning the show or anyone in it= Cash Money. Me=Sadness
Summary: Dean has found an entertaining way of spending his down time during the Hiatus.

Title: Why Wednesday?!

Rating: Just Crack. That’s all
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 388 words. Plastic!Winchester Theatre, the last episode posted (3:16) References earlier episodes as well.
Disclaimers: I do not own supernatural, nor do I own Plastic!Winchester Theatre. That is Andie’s brainchild.
Summary: Sam dosen’t understand these weird dreams, and they’re getting worse

Title: Burn me away
Rating: T
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: 264 words. I haven’t seen the Christmas special for season three, but I have read about it. I know Sam gave Dean the amulet, so…Well, that’s all I really need isn’t it?
Disclaimers: I don’t own, I don’t claim to own :D 
Summary: Dean’s in hell, clinging onto his humanity for dear life. But it gets a little harder each time

Title: A Casual Meeting

Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam, other (if I say who it’ll ruin the surprise!)
Notes: 1072 words. I actually think this one could’ve turned out much better, but I’m going to put this one as ‘Constantly edited’
Disclaimers: please, PLEASE, don’t sue me. I don’t want them! *shoves away* *realises what she’s doing and hurriedly pulls them back*
Dedicated to: deamsgirl Feel better! Get a bike from somewhere else!!
Summary: Sam’s Dead, but that doesn’t mean he has no one to talk to.

Title: Tattoo
Rating: PG 13
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel
Notes: 658 words, 2nd Person Dan POV
Summary: The flashbacks are here

Title: Every moment
Rating: R, lots of torture.
Characters: Dean Winchester and Alistair. Brief apperances by Sam, John and Mary Winchester.
Notes: Written for the fandom free-for-all, based on a prompt by tifaching.
Warnings: Spoilers for seasons 1-3, lots of torture, lots of hurt!dean.
Disclaimers: They don't belong to me folks. :P
Summary: Dean's in hell, and theres only one person who talks to him anymore.

Title: Game Changer
Rating: G
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, mentions of John Winchester and Bobby Singer
Notes: Just a quick little snippet that popped into my head.
Warnings: Underage drinking (OH NO!)
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Sadface. :(
Summary: Dean thinks back on a life-changing moment when Sam asks an innocent question.

Title: Drinking with an Angel
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for seasons four and five.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, mentions of Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Anna, Uriel and Bobby Singer.
Notes: Just a quick fic I wrote for my friend samalander_dawn to cheer her up. :)
Disclaimer: Not mine! :D
Summary: Dean likes to drink with Cas because he’s quiet, but sometimes he wonders

Title: The strength of an Angel
Rating: Um, like, PG. There’s a swear word.
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Zachariah. Mentions of John Winchester and Bobby Singer.
Spoilers: Everything up to the end of season four, especially 4.21 and 4.22
Summary: Castiel’s thoughts during his scenes in 4.21 and 4.22.

Title: It’s Tough, Being a Librarian.
Rating: G
Characters: Bobby, Dean, Sam, OMCs, OFC
Notes: For the prompt-‘A secret order of librarians plot revenge on Bobby for numerous crimes against libraries. Their attempts on his life go wrong, very wrong. (Does he even notice the attacks?)’ I’ve only filled a prompt once before, so I hope I did well. Special thanks to my beta, cappy712(who is awesome!) and the wonderful princess_aleera, who gave me an impromptu beta and help with random things. (claudiapriscus ‘s prompt at singer_salvage, here.)
Disclaimer: Not mine, except for those pesky OCs.
Summary: Sometimes, even the most elaborate and best-laid plans can go wrong. And then there are plans like this.

Feather of the Goddess (More to come)
Part one  
Part two 
Part three

Torchwood fic
Title: Watching
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 445
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Warnings: Er…None really. Just fluff
Summary: Jack just likes to watch.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything out of the Torchwood/Doctor Who universe. I just like to play with them once and a while.
A/N: Not sexual, seriously! My friend kept on making weird jokes abou- Okay….not weird for this fandom :P.  Also, if anyone could help be being a Torchwood Janto Beta, I would immediately love them :D

Title: Guilty Pleasures
Rating: Imma say M, to be safe.
Spoilers: Blanket spoilers for seasons one and two, plus whatever else I mention at the top of each chapter.
Summary: A series of dabbles about the guilty pleasures of Torchwood. Some funny, some angst, some crack to the extreme.

Part One, Toshiko Sato-Truffles
Part Two, Jack Harkness-Daytime Television
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine

fandom!, death, sam, buffy, john, jack harkness, oh my god, holy hell, castiel, cw, dean, plastic winchester theater, ftw, guilty pleasures, fanfic, crackfic, pain, bobby, supernatural, sometimes the world does rock

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