YAY BANNERS!!!!!! *gigglesnort*

May 19, 2008 22:25

Ohhhh! Practice Banners!!!! *claps in happy glee*

Okay, accent on PRACTICE. they're my first ones, so be nice people. *glare* and yes I used the same font....I just realized that now. Click for their full glory crappyness

Huge shout out to
deamsgirl, who is truly made of awesome for explaining to me exactly what to do :D EVERYONE CLAP! *stares evilly until my minions start to clap loudly and proudly*

Good slaves. You each get an extra 30 seconds in the sun and half a cookie. I'll throw it in the pit and who ever's left standing can have it.


So? Whhadu think?!

dean, banners, sam, say what, whoooo, supernatural

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