Title: Living Among People: The Awakening
TeaOliCharacters, Pairings Everyone, S/U, ex-K/G
Warnings: This is a sequel to
Playing With Toys (
Read The Awakening )
Spock strode into his sleeping alcove without stopping to scan the sitting area, only to be brought up short by the scene unfolding before him.
Nyota Doll was pressed back against the pillow his true beloved insisted he keep on the bed. Her knees, bare beneath her red uniform skirt, were shaking, though her tiny hands were balled into firm fists. While her expression was as fierce as his Nyota’s tended to get when she was considerably angry, there was no mistaking the fear lurking behind the defiance in her embroidered eyes. He was certain she would be screaming if she’d been given a mouth a to scream with.
A diminutive furry beast stood snarling at her hip, its fangs bared, as a host of - he could think of no other word for it - demons carved from stone and cast from metals advanced towards them.
Quickly, Spock surged forward and scooped up both replicas, eyeing the moving statuary warily.
One of the “demons” looked up at him, its expression unaccountably reflecting hurt feelings.
“We meant no harm,” it rasped sadly.
The furry beast wriggled in his left hand and he looked down to meet its adoring eyes.
“Good boy, I-Chaya,” he said softly.
Nyota Doll pinched his right thumb. Hard. He glanced over to meet a glare worthy of his own Nyota.
Gaila watched Nyota run past her, then waited until the corridor was empty before slipping into her quarters. She breathed a sigh of relief when the door closed behind her, thankful she’d scored a single berth even if it was only a single room. Whatever Starfleet had to say about favoritism, it paid to be best friends with the First Officer’s girlfriend. And to be the captain’s ex-lover.
Thank Zetlek Jim Kirk is capable of feeling guilty, she told herself, invoking the name of her people’s primary deity of sexual allure.
She hadn’t exactly been… thorough when Commander Spock had asked her for a list of possibly animated objects in her possession. There were some things a girl just didn’t need to share with her superior officer.
Bracing herself for what she knew was about to happen, Gaila walked over to her closet and slid open the door. Immediately, a score of erotic aids - in all shapes, sizes and colors - scooted out and vied for her attention.
Her next sigh was frustrated.
“Down, boys!” she chided as a pale purple, double-shafted dildo began vibrating against her ankle and a fat phallus covered in tawny fur attempted to climb up her other leg.
Not that any of them listened. She wondered if they could even hear. It wasn’t like they had ears….
Kicking them aside only brought temporary relief. Most of them swarmed her again no sooner than her foot was firmly on the floor once more.
She scanned the undulating rainbow of pleasure-givers and let out an exasperated groan.
Zetelenek, she thought, invoking her people’s primary deity of sexual dysfunction, I never thought I’d regret having so many sex toys.
Then one in particular caught her eye.
Bending down, she picked up a long, bright green member that stood apart from the crowd.
“Hey, sweetie,” she crooned, wading through the morass of false appendages scuttling around her room and shoving aside any that got too bold. “How are you holding up?”
The fake Orion organ snuggled against her cheek as she reached her bed and sat.
“Hey, yourself, baby,” a voice at her side oozed. “How about you lose the brainless wonder and give a whole man a try? Better yet, why don’t you whip up a green girl my size, so we can both get lucky tonight?”
Gaila glared at the little Jim Kirk lounging on her bedside table, apparently admiring the bars on his command gold uniform shirt. Before he had a chance to say another word, she laid her toy in her lap, grabbed the doll and reached towards the drawer.
The miniature Kirk’s gem-like eyes filled with dread when he saw what she was doing.
“Come on, Gai, be nice” he pleaded. “I was kidding. You can take a joke, right?”
She opened the drawer.
“Come on,” he repeated. “I’m sorry. Okay? Okay?”
Gaila jabbed a pin in his ass anyway.
James Tiberius Kirk almost banged into his hovering companion as he jumped up and yelped, “Oww!”
Thankful that he’d rescheduled the remainder of the meeting after receiving Spock’s “I am experiencing a few complications, Captain,” Kirk turned to the little Enterprise and murmured an apology while rubbing his right butt cheek. The pain receded quickly, and his ship nuzzled his face to show he was forgiven.
“Is everything okay, Master?”
He swung around to face his bedroom doorway and gawk at the statuesque blonde it framed.
“I heard you yell. Are you in need of assistance, Master?”
“Master!” the blonde exclaimed. Her pale eyes, lined with kohl and lashes heavy with mascara, widened. “Are you unable to speak? Let me help you!”
She stepped into the sitting room. Jim took a step back. The Enterprise buzzed agitatedly.
He shook his head. Maybe I shouldn’t have postponed the meeting.
“There you are!” Uhura stood outside of Spock’s quarters, arms folded across her chest. “Why’d you run away? I was only going to bring you here.”
She’d spent the past twenty minutes chasing him through corridors and scrambling down Jeffries tubes. The little guy could move fast.
The tiny Vulcan, dressed in science blue, stared up at her, hands clasped behind his back. He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh!” she said, smiling at her mistake. “I forgot you don’t have a mouth. I could kick Gaila for that. I bet you’d like to do that, too.”
Giggling, she bent down and he allowed her to pick him up.
Spock Doll’s slanted brows drew down in a frown and he gestured to the door.
“Right,” she said. “Impatient, aren’t we?” Placing her hand on the touchplate, she glanced down at him as she waited for the door to slide open. He was watching her, hand raised, fingers spread meaningfully.
“You’re kidding, right?” she asked as she stepped inside.
The doll shook his head in the negative.
Uhura bent her head and lifted him until he could touch her face. Within seconds, she felt him enter her mind.
Thank you, Other Nyota.
She raised a brow at the “other,” but Spock Doll wasn’t finished communicating.
I apologize if my abrupt exit caused you distress. It occurred to me that Nyota might be in danger in your mate’s quarters. In my determination to ensure her safety, I did not anticipate the difficulties doors would present.
Uhura only just stopped herself from stating, “You mean you were scared shitless for her. Or you were horny as a sa-te kru in heat.”
I was not horny as a sa-te fru in its season, he countered. I was concerned that the other simulacrums might do her harm.
“What ‘other simulacrums’?” she asked, more to get his mind off the unintended insult - she’d have to take care to guard her thoughts - than because she required an answer.
“These ‘other simulacrums’,” Spock told her.
She looked up to see her ashayam enter the living space. Three splayed fingers held Nyota Doll secure against his chest; the right index finger was pressed to the side of her head. A furry little animal with long fangs rested on his shoulder and nuzzled his ear. Several of Spock’s ugly little statues followed in their wake.
I-Chaya! Spock Doll’s exclamation burst into her mind on a wave of joy.
The little demons looked up at Uhura, their tiny, distorted faces fearful.
“We meant no harm!” they piteously cried in unison.
Spock aimed a raised a brow at his facsimile’s hand on his k’diwa’s face.
Nyota Doll stretched her little arms and legs toward her mate.
Go to Chapter 3