Merry Merry!

Dec 24, 2010 16:27

I still have to bring in the wood but presents are wrapped and my kitchen can no longer be used to illustrate health code violations so, as the sun begins to set, I'm counting the afternoon a win.

I've posted this poem somewhere on the internet for about ten years now and it has become, quite possibly, the longest running, unbroken tradition I've ever maintained. As I've said before (about ten times as it happens), were I to write it now, the pairings would be different but you mess with tradition at your peril.

I hope you all have/had a chance to celebrate the Winter Festival of your choice. I hope you got to eat the foods you love, love the people around you, and rejoice for the sake of rejoicing. For those of you celebrating this weekend, Merry Christmas! For everyone else, Merry Merry!

Because you can never have too much Merry in your life.

This is me hugging you all!



T'was the night before Christmas and all cross the web
Characters slipped into each other's bed
'Cause the shippers were sleeping and dreaming het dreams,
But the slashers were writing -- too much chocolate, caffiene.
And though they weren't networked, and each wrote alone
A miracle happened as they tried to atone
For a year's worth of torment, of torture, of pain
For the angst that kept happening again and again.

For on this one night, the most blessed of the year
The whole gang could have sex with nothing to fear;
No jail time, no aliens, no weapons, no clones,
No misunderstandings, no one home alone.
They came from each fandom in twos and in threes,
They murmured their thanks as they fell to their knees.
(Well, one of them fell -- at least one at a time --
and we really don't need further details in rhyme.)

Up Mulder, up Krycek, up Daniel, up Jack,
Up Tom and Chakotay; the boys hold nothing back!
On Clark and Lex Luthor, on Josh and on Sam,
On Dylan and Harper; why not do it again.
Look there's Janeway and Seven, Samantha and Janet,
Also Bekka and Trance(though she's not from this planet).

And in every story the sex is incredible,
The manacles fur-lined, the lube really edible.
The guys all recharge like it's May not December.
The ladies are happy that they were remembered.
And at the end of each tale these words did appear
"Merry Christmas to all, OH GOD! HARDER! YES, THERE!"

digital but not imaginary friends, christmas

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