delicious corrections

May 04, 2011 22:42

Hope you're enjoying the hurt!Sam and hurt!Jared fic recs at spn_littlebro that have been added to our collection at delicious.

If you have found a link that no longer works, or tags that are incorrect, comment here and we'll fix them!

For example, maybe in tagging a fic entry, we accidentally grabbed a Pairing=Sam/Castiel tag when I meant to grab a Pairing=Sam/Dean tag. Or maybe we showed the word count as unknown and you really want us to update it to indicate it's 20K+. Or you clicked a link and the link is broken or is now friends-only. (Note: fics with broken links or now friends-only will simply be removed unless, in the comments, you can re-direct us to a new link to use.)

So comment here for delicious corrections/updates! (Comments are screened. We'll just try to fix the problem without displaying/maintaining a long trail of discussion here.)



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