Credits/Disclaimer for my fanworks Heroes Mohinder Suresh and Peter Petrelli
More scenes with Peter and Mohinder, following the episodes order, first season.
Second season has began! ^.^
These banners are all canon, with the moments when they are together, in scene.
Mo takes Peter’s body to his mother’s house.
Angela Petrelli tells him to leave. He doesn’t want to leave Peter.
(episode 19)
Hiro and Ando go to the future, where Nathan is the president (in fact he’s Sylar) and Peter is a kick-ass renegade, living with Nikki and with a matrix attitude. I liked it *grin* but I love mo!Peter more (emotional Peter).
Their fifth meeting is when Peter fights with the governmental guys to save the two Hiros and Ando, and Mohinder does the same in a different way. Mohinder didn’t know Peter was alive.
Back to the present, Mohinder is working to save Molly, a sweet little girl that has the same blood disease his dead older sister had. After a bit of running away, dead people, wound people and lots of meetings between our heroes, they end up at the Kirby Plaza, where Nathan and Peter flew away and… explode!
End of Heroes Chapter One - Genesis. Beginning of Chapter Two - Generations.
My Fanart and Fiction Index Until next time