We're not outta this yet (ota)

May 19, 2011 13:48

For the most part, Rogue was not a social creature. By pure survival instinct, she closed herself off to a lot of things, and making friends was one of them. She had a few friends, just a few. A handful maybe. Of course, Spokane and then the illness, that shot all of that in the foot with a gallon of buck shot and a few sticks of TNT ( Read more... )

julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, wade wilson, [plot] can't touch this

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marauding_miss May 20 2011, 11:16:10 UTC
She's not admitting to anything; not the catching in her throat as she spotted him, not the thump of her heart as he walked past her to the middle of the buildings, not the sting of tears at the blatant rejection. She can remember everything she said, everything they shouted at each other, because it plays over and over in her head and she can't even remember what she'd been thinking. Those are things she never would've said, things she'd never had fired at him, and she wishes he'd understand that it was another case of just attacking himself ( ... )


marauding_miss May 20 2011, 20:18:27 UTC
"Me too." And she is. She really is. "Like, when we're not talkin', and something happens, it's like Ah wanna come an' tell ya, then Ah remember we ain't talkin' an' Ah can't. Kinda bums me out."

Even if it took them too long to get back to their usual state of affairs, it was better than nothing. At least she knew that she could sit in the mess hall and not avoid him, that she didn't need to leave the roof if he came up just to avoid awkwardness.

"Ah mean, it ain't like lots of stuff happened or nothing, but just the little things." And Rogue realising that really, Rictor was a massive part of her life. "Ah missed ya. Even when y' don't shut up in mah head."


movetheearth May 20 2011, 20:59:03 UTC
Laughing Ric nods, "I know exactly what you mean. There's not been anything to write home about but my routine got thrown. It's not the same when you've not got someone to talk to."

Rolling his eyes Ric nudged the tobacco tin towards Rogue with a cheeky grin, as he remained reclined against the steps. It's a not so subtle hint but that's what they are normally like. "You love the noise really, you just don't want to admit that. I get it." It's then that he remembers that actually there is some news he can update Rogue on.

"Oh! There's someone new in camp, have you seen her around yet. She's a bit of a celebrity, well kinda less in the lime light now for her singing but you'll get what I mean."


marauding_miss May 20 2011, 21:09:53 UTC
Taking the hint, Rogue carries on rolling cigarettes for Ric, letting her attention wander from the cigarettes to Rictor from time to time. "Nah, ain't really been out an' about. Ah guess it'll only take a few days though. Ain't like anythin' can be kept quiet round here. New faces don't."

Which actually reminded Rogue, "Oh, an', Ah dunno if y've noticed, or met her, but- well, mah Mama's kinda on the team now. Y'know? So, jus' don't- Ah don't know really. Don't go poking things or something."

Rogue didn't exactly know what Rictor could do, but with Mystique all things were possible. "She's got a lil' habit o' playin' mean spirited tricks on folks, so, if somethin' feels off 'bout a person? Run." Really, she couldn't believe she was giving Rictor advice on running away from Raven, but it was probably a good idea.


movetheearth May 20 2011, 21:27:37 UTC
"You Mom?!" Ric's features shifted from excited, to nervous, to confused, to surprised and finally settled with him trying to appear un-bothered about it, but he really wasn't. "Does she know we had a falling out?"

It was one thing to have fallen out with Rogue and there to be distance between him and her mother, but her being on the team and Rogue being concerned enough to warn him away? Well that obviously meant she was a lady not to be messed with. "Wow... I'm so going to get my ass kicked by that lady and I don't even know who she is! What does she look like?"

Ric was plucking bits of dry grass and twigs up and setting light to them as they chatted, unable to keep still and constantly needing to do something with his hands.


marauding_miss May 20 2011, 21:35:15 UTC
"No, no she doesn't know that. Ah mean, she might. Ah didn't tell her though. But she's sorta big on knowin' everythin' 'bout everythin'. So she might." Which could be bad for Rictor, or could be bad for Rogue. Since Mystique might just go down the keeping Rogue away from Ric route. Or not bother at all.

"Look like? Well, she normally looks blue. With scales. Red hair, yellow eyes. She's kinda noticeable when she's like that." Which was how Mystique liked it, it was how she viewed herself, none of this 'walking around like a normal' bullshit from her mother. "But um, Raven? She's a shapeshifter. So she could look like anyone." And at least Rogue felt a little bad for it.

"But Ah told her we were friends, Ah mean, the last time Ah talked to her, kinda asked her t' keep an eye on y'. Y'know for if y' got int' trouble?"


movetheearth May 20 2011, 22:11:59 UTC
Ric crosses himself, pressing a kiss to the cross that hangs on his rosary before resuming watching Rogue and messing around with anything he can get his hands on. "Okay, well she shouldn't be too hard to spot with blue scales and red hair but yeah, I'll be mindful. Can't promise I won't flirt if she tries to blend in though alright?"

Leaning over he steal a cigarette and lights up, giving into the urge. "I bet you're pleased to have her on the team though. I would be if it were me."

At that Ric suddenly remembers that he got sent a parcel from his Mama Vivi and she'd sent over some candy that he'd yet to pass along to Martini. "Come on, I've got some stuff Mama sent me that you're welcome to raid. You won't get much of a chance later on if Martini gets whiff of it." He stands, though he doesn't offer a hand to help Rogue up like he used to do. That's not out of spite, it's that residual fear that stops him from doing it for now.


marauding_miss May 20 2011, 22:31:08 UTC
At least Mystique sticks to her form usually, that'll give Rictor the heads up. "Don't mouth at her, okay? Cause she will beat you." And Rogue really wants Mystique and Ric to at least get along.

"It's great, Ah mean Ah'm a lil' worried 'bout Destiny, she's on her own now, but she's pretty capable o' taking care o' herself." Which was true, after all, she saw the future, any problem and she'd likely give them a call. When Ric stated to stand up, Rogue tidied up the cigarettes, laying them long ways in the tin before closing it over.

She didn't mind the lack of a hand offered, she understood. "Y' know y'r better hidin' 'em some place. He don't go out the garage much right? Y' should pop a few under y'r rock along there." And Rogue would completely ignore the fact that she wasn't supposed to know about that rock. "How is Mama V?"


movetheearth May 22 2011, 12:56:27 UTC
"I'll try. I've no urge to get my ass served to me by your Mama." Ric nodded, Destiny was the blind one, he remembered that much from their conversations but he didn't press for anything more on that front.

Holding the door open, he had manners at least, Ric trudges up the stairs alongside Rogue. He's about to ask her how she knows this stuff, almost tempted to make some comment along the lines of you been in my head or something when he remembers that yeah... actually she has. So he just nods and hums in response. He'll have to make an effort to switch up some of his hiding places and find knew ones now that Rogue knows about them. Not that he'll tell her that either ( ... )


marauding_miss May 23 2011, 20:17:45 UTC
She can't help it though, even when he says he'll clean up, she's the one picking up clothes from the floor and folding them neatly onto the chair by the desk. "You know, you could ask for some time away, go and see her. She probably misses you like burnin' sugah."

If anything, having Mystique show up just reinforces how much Rogue had missed her Mama, and Rictor was just as close, if not closer to Mama Vivi, and the darling woman was such a lovely soul that Rogue could place money on her just hoping that Ric was alright, missing him dearly. "Y' rememberin' t' at least write to her? Call her now an' then?"

Rogue has a steady building pile of Ric's clothes on the seat before she even thinks about starting on anything else, even though he'd invited her up to share his candy. "Y' want me t' run y'r stuff through with mine in the laundry?"


movetheearth May 23 2011, 21:04:04 UTC
He manages to resist the urge to comment about Rogue touching his stuff, it's stupid, irrational really but ever since their falling out Ric's felt a little off around Rogue. I mean it's understandable really but he can't help the feeling that bubbles up from the pit of his stomach. Turning his back so what he can't see won't annoy him, Ric grabs clothing, comics, magazines, books and playing cards up off of the floor ( ... )


marauding_miss May 24 2011, 17:26:18 UTC
She stops moving, turning to face him. Naturally, she's a little hurt, it doesn't take much to see it. She's been picking up after him since they met, and it was never an issue for either of them. She didn't care that he was messy, because it was simple to just clean up. They shared space, they shared a cot for months. So it was hardly a thought process to just help him.

"Y' know, Ah'm not really hungry f'r candy." Because he might be annoyed, but there's this ridiculous little voice in her head trying to goad her into a fight, and just hearing his voice might be enough to push that. "Y' should jus' keep it all for y'r boy."

How the hell they were supposed to get back to whatever when he wasn't going to talk she didn't know. But she wasn't prepared to just stand there and pretend it didn't hurt. "Ah'll see y' 'round, Julio." She left the pile of folded clothes where they were and just walked through the door heading for the stairs to her own room rather than outside.


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