in the hospital bed [for Martini, Rictor and possibly Mystique, but open to visitors]

Apr 22, 2011 11:37

Following her conversation with Julio over the phone, Rogue had attempted to sleep and found it far too difficult. She had bits of his memory floating around, the nightmares were almost as bad as with Carol. She'd expected something like this, but she'd never expected the depth of despair that she'd found. Rictor masked a lot of things with his ( Read more... )

[plot] sickness and health, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, raven 'mystique' darkholme

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Comments 64

time_schizo April 25 2011, 10:46:36 UTC
It was the boredom that eventually led him to seek out Rogue. With half the camp sick and Ric already in the hospital, Martini had been avoiding the building like the plague. It was an evil place at the best of times and now it looked like a death ward. He didn't want to look at someone and know this sickness would kill them. It would hurt too much ( ... )


marauding_miss April 25 2011, 15:36:05 UTC
Flicking at her sheets, she'd been about ready to start making daisy chains or something out of the bed clothes, but when Mark walked in, it was impossible for her face not to light up in a grin. "Hey," she had these little imaginings of hugs and kisses -oh, the kisses- that she could share, but they were Ric and Martini, not her and him and she needed to push that back. "Ah dunno 'bout the horse, but Ah ain't gonna pass up no knight ( ... )


time_schizo April 26 2011, 04:59:45 UTC
"Too bad you'll have to settle for a court jester instead." He ruffled Rogue's hair in a playful and brief manner, automatically mindful of skin contact despite her depowered state. It felt a little slick from sweat and a general unwashed state from her sickness ( ... )


marauding_miss April 26 2011, 22:36:09 UTC
"Ain't never thought y' were a jester, darlin'." He touched her, he actually voluntarily reached out to touch her. It made her heart flutter a little, this ridiculous bubbling feeling well up in her chest and her cheeks actually hurt with the grin on her face ( ... )


dame_mystique April 25 2011, 15:13:47 UTC
She'd been debating coming to see Rogue ever since she wound up in the Fort. It was only the recent pandemic that increased that urge, she had to know if her daughter was okay under the current circumstances. Even though she had been fighting with herself to leave Rogue to her own devices it's Mystique who now finds herself knocking on the girl's door. It wouldn't do to simply walk in unannounced without knowing the situation between the two of them.

So she stands there, waiting for an answer while blatantly ignoring the quarantine, knowing that she couldn't get sick and thus not worrying about whether or not she was about to be infected by her adopted child.


marauding_miss April 25 2011, 15:39:19 UTC
She hadn't heard about Mystique's part in the team yet, between the chaos of her Spokane trip and then the illness, Rogue had been mostly confined to her own room or her hospital room. It wasn't exactly helping her to keep track of things.

At the knock, she'd thought maybe Rictor had broken out of his own quarantine to come and visit her, and that was fine. But padding from her bed to the door, barefeet on the cool floor and her hospital gown only passing her knees, Rogue nearly falls over when she opens the door to the comforting blue of her adopted mother. "Mama? What- Ah'm...what'cha doin' here?"

It's with a fairly jerky hand that Rogue indicates that Raven should get in her room, Rogue not yet understanding that this was the big surprise that Mark was referring to just a matter of days ago.


dame_mystique April 25 2011, 15:55:11 UTC
The fact alone that Rogue had obviously not been told about her arrival was rather surprising to Mystique, she'd have thought that Emma or one of the other higher-ups would at least have passed along some form of message.

"I was invited to join the team." She purses her lips. "Weren't you told? I disbanded the brotherhood after receiving a convincing letter from Emma Frost to come join this brand of government service." The sentence itself is dripping with sarcasm at parts, but Mystique is genuinely happy to see her daughter regardless of how she may appear on the outside.


marauding_miss April 25 2011, 16:38:39 UTC
The fact that her mother was invited didn't stop Rogue from closing the door after checking that no one saw her there. Since there was still the quarantine to think about. "No one said nothin' t'...Oh." It dawned on her then. "Mark said, Mark said that somethin' was comin', a good something. He's not always right though, an' some stuff happened but-"

Her stuff was absorbing a team member just a few days ago, and then getting sickly ill and losing her powers. But it wasn't exactly a huge deal. "Y' actually stood f'r it? Lettin' 'em order ya about?" It didn't sound like Mystique at all, but if Rogue knew her mother like she thought she did, well, "Y' got something up y'r sleeve?" Rogue didn't even care.

"Ah jus' can't believe y'r here." Not that you could get the surprised grin off Rogue's face.


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