magnetic play time anyone? [open]

Dec 17, 2010 11:54

When Lorna got stressed, she ate. When Lorna got bored, she painted her nails, rearranged her clothes, alphabetised her books before moving them back to preference, organised her socks, sorted her shoes, called her friends and possibly, if she was still looking for something to do after all that, she would read one of her books ( Read more... )

lorna 'polaris' dane, mark 'martini' martinez, olivia hughes

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Comments 19

time_schizo December 18 2010, 01:56:22 UTC
Martini had been following something only he could see when he turned the corner of the building and noticed something peculiar, at least to him in his fractured mind. There was someone there, a new member of team most likely and there was a car. But the thing that puzzled him was the fact she had green hair and that the car was moving by itself.

If he'd been able to think clearly, he'd have been able to reason that perhaps Lorna was the one manipulating the car. Hid mind, unfortunately, wasn't getting from Point A to B in his thoughts. So instead, he decided to figure things out his own way. Unfortunately, his way involved suddenly invading Lorna's personal space and immediately touching her to figure out if she was real or not. What a lovely impression he would be making.


greenhaired December 18 2010, 18:34:08 UTC
She'd watched him approach. Watched his stare and then, well, then there was just over stepping boundaries. "Hey, watch it." Swatting at his hand, stepping back just a little and dropping her actions with the car, her attention turning to this strange male that decided to poke her.

"Personal space, buddy, ever heard of it?" Lorna wasn't exactly offended, she just wasn't too keen on guys just crowding her -sure, in certain situations, the attention was nice, but this was not one of those situations and that was just a little weird.

Besides, she didn't know him from Jack or Bob or Dave.


time_schizo December 19 2010, 11:36:30 UTC
Martini just blinked at her when his hand was smacked away. His fingers ran over his left arm and the watches strapped there, a small comfort in the same way someone might wring their hands together when they were nervous. In his fractured state, he didn't understand what he was doing might at all be considered strange.

He didn't seem to quite hear Lorna, or if he did, it was as if from a great distance away. He was looking all around her, left, right, and up, but never once directly at her. When he finally did speak, it was more to himself than to Lorna. "I can see you. All of you."


greenhaired December 19 2010, 18:04:58 UTC
At this point, Lorna was suitably weirded out. Crazy guys were supposed to stay away, like, in California away. "What the hell are you talking about?" Because she'd hope he could see all of her, she was sort of all there. Unless he meant all of her. "Are you some freaky x-ray vision mutant, cause if you are, I swear down, I will bludgeon you if you keep staring."

So maybe she wasn't being as nice as she could be, but the guy was clearly mental, or at least retarded. And he poked her, freaking poked her. She didn't even know his name and he was possibly looking at her? No, not cool.


psychoempath December 18 2010, 17:29:43 UTC
On her quest for a quiet spot Liv had decided that going outside was probably a good idea. If all else failed she would have to dig a hole for herself and pray that there was no mutant around that could find her. She was in the middle of that very entertaining train of thought when a moving car caught her attention.

Normally a moving car wasn't exactly interesting-one without passengers that moved back and forth was. Looking around herself she tried to find the source of those weird movements; being in a base full of mutants it was highly plausible that someone was around using their powers. Her eyes fell on a green haired girl she hadn't noticed before, she had been busy digging a tunnel to freedom with a plastic spoon.

"Is that your version of rocking back and forth or do you just hate cars?"

Talking to someone was still better than trying to study, which showed her how desperate she really was.


greenhaired December 18 2010, 18:54:00 UTC
Turning to the red head, Lorna raised a perfectly sculpted, green eyebrow and smirked slightly, "No, I'm just incredibly bored and anything entertains." It wasn't exactly easy to miss Lorna -green hair and everything. But lately, she hadn't really been up for the social scene deal. And really, hanging out wasn't her thing in these sorts of places.

"This is just mindless power stimulation." Emma had taught her, in passing, that even just the smallest of actions with powers was good practices. Something as mundane as playing with the metallic parts of the car suited her fine, really.

At that point, honestly, talking to a brick wall would've been a step up.


psychoempath December 18 2010, 20:33:35 UTC
"Yeah, I've just arrived basically, but this place doesn't seem to be the most exciting to be in."

Frankly, her ideas of fun acitivities revlved mostly around things that weren't allowed in here and that didn't do much to raise her spirits. Repeating 'This is better than jail' over and over didn't do much to improve that.

"So, what's the special trick that brought you here?"

Talking to Angel had made her realize that she should probably pay more attention to her surroundings, especially now that she was surrounded by other mutants. And at the same time, maybe work on her people skills. Asking about her mutation was a safer bet than asking about her hair-being a redhead she knew exactly how annoying it was to have people ask if that color was real.


greenhaired December 19 2010, 18:08:02 UTC
Even if it wasn't asked, Lorna's hand immediately went to her hair, running through the loose locks. She'd dyed it for so many years before simply getting sick of hiding herself. Now, it was usually the first thing people brought up, and if they didn't verbally mention it, they were thinking it. "No, my amazing wit got me here." Naturally, Lorna wasn't in the best of moods. She really needed to find something out there to stimulate her mind. Or at the very least interest her for half an hour. There was only so much working out you could do in one day.

"Yes, this is my mutant power, I control magnetism. It's neat." With a small scowl, she shoved the car, propelling it down the base and then stopping it almost a hundred yards away from the little army idiots. "Is this the show and tell part?"


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