As the world comes tumbling down - Quake plot OTA

Aug 15, 2010 14:32

The trembling ground in camp was no real surprise to John as he stood at the sink of the bathroom, face covered in shaving foam as he dragged the blade carefully across his cheek. It was generally accepted that the Mexican was a pain in the ass and could usually be found to be the source of these rumbles, often as a result of some practical joke or ( Read more... )

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ theodore bradson

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Comments 28

double_dynamite August 15 2010, 21:29:50 UTC
Running for her life was not in her to do list for the morning, but what can you do. Blasting a rather large chunk of concrete apart as she runs past a broken building and narrowly misses being impaled when she fails to figure in how many more stray pieces of concrete would fall with the vibrations of one of her bombs.
"Shit, shit shit."
If Rictor had anything to do with this she was going to kill him so much.
That is if she can make it towards John's safe spot without being crushed like a bug.


hunt_the_devil August 16 2010, 09:00:03 UTC
John spotted Tabitha as she stumble away from the debris, though the amount of dust clouds that were being produced didn't help much. Teleporting over John grabbed Tabitha around the waist and held her close as he took her back to the clearing. Keeping to an open space was the safest bet for now, even if the ground was incredibly unsteady.

"Cover your face Tabitha!" John had wiped off the shaving foam and was using his towel as a makeshift face mask.


double_dynamite August 16 2010, 09:07:18 UTC
Tabby immediately pulled her yellow bandanna down over her face at John's instruction with her free hand, the other clinging around his waist.


hunt_the_devil August 16 2010, 09:55:42 UTC
The tremors seem to ease up a little and John wipes the edge of the towel across his face to get rid of any dust from near his eyes. "How you hangin' in htere Tabitha?"


lightbulbtrix August 16 2010, 06:13:03 UTC
Bradley had been in his room when the earthquake hit. The first jolt knocked him off the bed onto the floor, the second slammed him up against the wall. Just what the fuck was going on? It was when the walls started to crumble that he began to panic. Debris was falling everywhere, and he was going to get pulverized if he stayed in his room much longer. He grabbed the cell phone he never went anywhere without out of his pocket.

Bypassing the blocked signal using his powers, he called John's phone. "Please pick up. Please pick up," Chris thought desperately. As soon as it went through, he yelled into the phone, "John, get me out of here!" He ducked as another chunk of the wall narrowly avoided him.


hunt_the_devil August 16 2010, 09:06:58 UTC
The moment his phone rang John knew it was going to be Bradley, only he would call at a moment like this rather than running for his life. Thankfully John also knew where Bradley was at this early hour of the morning, the guy had never been great at getting out of bed earlier than he had to.

Suddenly appearing in the bedroom, John ducks avoiding a rather large piece of ceiling plaster as it his the floor. He grabs hold of Bradley and teleports not bothering to do the usual speil. They reappear a moment later outside, caked in dust and debris. "Nothin' like an early mornin' wake up call huh? You alright there?"


lightbulbtrix August 16 2010, 10:25:30 UTC
Bradley was doing a very good imitation of a scared rabbit when John appeared. John didn't even have to touch him, he practically cut off circulation with how hard he was grabbing the teleporter. It was very fortunate he did, since the roof caved in just after they had gotten out.

He was too freaked out to even feel the normal nausea he did after a teleportation trip. Chris rubbed his shoulder where a large piece of concrete had landed hard. "Just fine and dandy. What the hell happened?"


hunt_the_devil August 16 2010, 12:01:54 UTC
"Your guess is as good as mine to be honest, but it's probably something to do with the Mexican kid." John tugs Bradley away from the ensuing chaos, noting how now the trembling has eased up a ltitle but still not comfortable with staying too close to the buildings or the army soldiers who are swarming about like ants.

"No-one seems to have a clue though what is going on and all I know is that a few of them were taken off camp this morning including Rictor so who knows!"


dirt_bloodsmile August 16 2010, 06:50:19 UTC
This rumbling was starting to piss Teddy off, and that itself was feat-but man was it a wake up call to see the ceiling come down on you and narrowly miss being turned into a man sized pancake. Concrete, dirt and rocks were his forte, not giant ass pieces of plaster and metal.
Once he'd managed to race his ass out of the living room where he'd been taking a nap and saving some random ass kid in BDU'S who'd been screaming about 'Demon Mutants trying to kill me' and putting his but outside he'd made fast for the other buildings.
Now he was stuck between two of the medical buildings trying not to choke on dust as he uses his damn powers to hold up something that is twice his size, and damn it it's kind of annoying.


hunt_the_devil August 16 2010, 09:13:25 UTC
John could see a figure struggling in the smoke but hell, he couldn't tell who it was. Didn't matter though because John knew in the chaos it was better to save all and ask questions later. Teleporting to where Teddy was stood he placed a hand on his shoulder and didn't wait for introductions or casual banter as he teleported them both out of the way of the buildings.

"Hey you alright there buddy?"


dirt_bloodsmile August 16 2010, 09:18:44 UTC
It takes him more then a few seconds to realize that he no longer forcing himself to hold up about 3 tons of concrete and using everything from his bare hands to constant walls made of dirt to do so with his powers, and once he catches his breath..and gets over the fact that he just teleported he gives John a thumbs up.


hunt_the_devil August 16 2010, 09:59:40 UTC
John laughs at the thmbs up, patting Teddy on the shoulder as they watch one of the buildings tumble. There was thankfully no-one in there, it's just the store room but it's not the best built desing either. The tremors come to a gradual stop and John untenses.

"I think we're over the worst of it... I hope."


un_move_able August 27 2010, 15:04:36 UTC
Now this was different. Fred could not be knocked down by anything, not if he did not want to be... and sometimes even if he wanted to be. But this...?

When it came to Dukes' powers, he had come to the conclusion that as long as he feet were connected with the ground, he could not be moved. But now the ground was moving too.

And in no time, Fed was on his back on the ground.

If I find Ricter I'm gonna whup his ass.


hunt_the_devil August 30 2010, 10:41:54 UTC
John appeared at Dukes side, holding a hand out to his friend and trying to keep a smile of his face despite the situation.

"I don't think you'll be wantin' to sit around here now do you?" John was also pretty sure he wanted Fred away from falling debris because the guy was going to be needed when it came to moving bricks and getting people out later. Not to mention this was his friend and the last thing he wanted to do was watch his best friend turned into a pancake.


un_move_able August 30 2010, 16:18:38 UTC
"I wouldn' worry none bout me," Dukes replied, standing. "But thanks anyway. I figure ain't nothin' gonna squash me anytime soo-LOOKOUT!!"

Fred completely forgot that John could teleport in an instant. In that moment, all that he knew was that a tree was about to fall on them and it was a whopper. He grabbed Wraith and acted as a giant fleshy shield to soften the blow.


hunt_the_devil September 2 2010, 09:23:51 UTC
At Fred's cry and being suddenly grabbed Wraith did what came naturally and teleported the pair of them back out into the open of the halipad. Now normally he'd have warned Fred but with the sudden movements he just didn't have time.

Materalising outside John peeked up at his friend and grinned. "You hurl on me an' I'm gonna refuse to cook you chilli for a month."


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