New surroundings. Who cares?

Apr 21, 2010 08:24

Esme had changed since John and Emma left. It probably started with John completely forgetting who she was, or maybe it started when she arrived on the team in general. Whatever the case, the formerly perky and vocal sonokinetic had become quiet and quite reserved. She didn't speak unless she had to and she'd been keeping to herself ( Read more... )

✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ esme 'demon' meyers, jack hendley, atticus bergenson

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Comments 18

cantseethis April 21 2010, 16:31:18 UTC
Coming into the mess for a cup of coffee, as per the usual and not at all surprising, Atticus couldn't help but notice his friend seemed to a bit of a slump. Or a rather large slump. The more he thought about it the more he realized she'd hardly been present at all. And he hated seeing someone so down.

After starting the pot on making some coffee he took a chair on the other end of the table to give her some space and quietly sat down. "You don't look so well my dear."


demon_screaming April 21 2010, 18:34:12 UTC
"I'm fine," Esme said as she tried once again to get past the first sentence of the book she was reading. It was a lost cause. With a sigh, she closed the book and shoved it away from herself. It almost fell off the table.

"I'll be fine."


cantseethis April 21 2010, 21:00:57 UTC
Atticus watched the book skit across the table. Once it ceased to move he reached out to take it, flipping through it momentarily before setting it back down.

"Boring book?"


demon_screaming April 27 2010, 04:12:07 UTC
"No. Not at all. I just can't focus," Esme said with a small smile. It wasn't a smile that reached her eyes at all, unfortunately. There weren't many of those from Esme anymore.


hunteroffreaks April 21 2010, 19:44:31 UTC
Jack somehow managed to make his way into the kitchen, eyes tinged with red and his head pounding. This was one hell of a hangover. Water. That's what he needed, something to keep him hydrated. He barely took note of the solemn-faced girl, doing his best to as usual to ignore any and all of the mutants.

He took a bottle of water out of the fridge, and was planning on heading back to his team's common area. Then as he was making his way past Esme, he smacked rather hard into her wings. It had been entirely his fault, but he glared at the bat-winged mutant as if she was the one to blame. "Mind pulling those in, you little flying rat?"


demon_screaming April 21 2010, 19:56:43 UTC
Esme winced, but just barely. She wasn't about to show she was injured. Not in front of Jack. She tucked her wings close, barely sparing him a glance as he went past.

Did it matter to her that he was hung over? No, not really. In her opinion, something like that was his fault entirely. She continued to read and even made it a few paragraphs in before she decided the book just wasn't holding her attention. Closing the book, she stood and made her way to the cabinet in search of some soda. Molly bought soda recently, right?

It took her a moment to find one and she sat back down at the table, tucking her wings in as close as possible.


hunteroffreaks April 21 2010, 20:13:24 UTC
Jack took note of the fact that Esme had neither replied with a scathing comment nor tried to blow his eardrums out. This in itself told him that something was definitely off with the young mutant, intriguing him.

Rather than going back as he intended, Jack decided to stay. He leaned up against the counter, despite the fact his head was still swimming, since there was no way he was sitting at the table next to that creature. He cracked open the water. "Who shit in your cereal?"


demon_screaming April 21 2010, 20:16:05 UTC
"No one." Jack had no right to know. It was none of his business and if he tried asking, she'd either bend sound around him to make that headache worse. Or she'd hypnotize him and make him go away. Either one worked for her, really. It wasn't genuine concern he was expressing, not that she could tell. It was morbid curiosity. A way to harass the freaks. She wasn't caving.


un_move_able April 21 2010, 20:00:06 UTC
Fred entered the room with a plate full of pancakes in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. Under his arm was a bottle of maple syrup, a can of whipped cream, and a container of strawberries. He froze in place when he saw the room was occupied, but eventually entered.

"Hey," he finally said quietly. Esme had not shown her face too much for some time now, and seeing her out in the open was a small surprise. And anyway... he was still a little smitten for her.


demon_screaming April 21 2010, 20:04:39 UTC
And the winner of the "Make Esme Crack A Smile" award goes to...Fred! Esme, at the very least, has a half smile on her face when she sees him. He's not loud, like some on the base, and he's one of the few that has a genuine heart to him so...there it is. A small smile. And a brief one. It vanishes when she closes the...whatever she'd been reading.

"Hi, Fred," she states as she stretches her wings briefly before pulling them in. "What's going on?"


un_move_able April 21 2010, 20:31:24 UTC
Esme had this way of making all brain activity in Fred's head go poof. He had wondered once if this was some weird mutation of hers.

"Uhh..." he looked around for an answer and finally lifted his shoulders to indicate the load of food in his arms. "Breakfast. I guess."

He stepped forward, glancing at the table. Did he really need to share the sight of him eating with her?

"This seat taken?"


demon_screaming April 27 2010, 04:13:24 UTC
"Sit down," She said with a small smile. She looked again at the food in his arms and excused herself, saying Fred forgot something.

She returned a moment later with a bag of chocolate covered walnuts. "Here. I picked them up in our last station before we left."


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