I was born under a wandering star - OTA (nudge to Laura, Zero, Bradley & Dukes)

Feb 25, 2010 22:55

John whistled to himself as he wandered back from the shooting range, though it was still cold out the sky was clear for a change. The expanse of blue overhead helped to lift his mood, despite the camp being in turmoil since the sudden mass exodus of several members of the team. That was the thing though, people came and went for various reason but ( Read more... )

✝ laura 'x-23' kinney, victor creed, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ david 'agent zero' north

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Comments 34

Mess hall... un_move_able February 25 2010, 23:04:28 UTC
Fred Dukes was asleep. The lack of sleep the previous night had brought him here, followed by a conversation with Zero. Some time later, he had returned and taken up a spot on the sofa, sitting there with his head back, and simply drifted off. Dukes did not even know he had done it, he had simply gotten comfortable and shut his eyes for a moment, and BOOM sweep me a away, sandman.


Re: Mess hall... lightbulbtrix February 25 2010, 23:13:12 UTC
Bradley was walking through the mess hall, intent on getting a cup of coffee or tea, when he spied Fred passed out on a nearby sofa. Shaking his head, a small smile on his face, he walked back to his room, returning with a blanket. Granted, one blanket for Fred was like a tea cozy for an elephant, but it was better than nothing.

Spying John as he walked in, Bradley pressed a finger to his lips, though there was a mischievious glint in his eye. "Reckon we could sneak some shaving cream into his hand?"


Re: Mess hall... hunt_the_devil February 25 2010, 23:19:35 UTC
John saw Bradley, tapping his hat in acknowledgment as he approached. He had been about to open his mouth and say something when he noted the finger pressed firmly to his friend's lips and the mischievous look in his eye. It was about then that he finally noticed Fred, snoring ever so slightly and passed out on the couch.

Matching the smile with one that spoke of equal volumes of childish-ness John nodded, held up a finger and vanished off, re-appearing a few moments later with shaving foam held up like a trophy.

"You brave enough to do it tech-boy? Or am I gonna show you how real men pull pranks?" John whispered, eager not to disturb Fred before they could pull their prank.


Re: Mess hall... un_move_able February 25 2010, 23:23:50 UTC
Muffled, muffled, muffled... "... his hand?"

Fred twitched a little as he became aware that the voice was not in dreams but in the waking world. Then the ker-puffle of Wraith disappearing and reappearing.

Sometimes Fred was slow on the uptake, but from the way John was now talking, the bigger man realized what was going on.

I see how it is...

He pretended to still be asleep, although he could not help but notice he now had a blanket.


Hallway...im just THAT creative donthink_shoot February 25 2010, 23:48:02 UTC
Zero had just left the artillery, leaving the shift to Domino. After a two nights straight of patrol duty he was ready for a shower and a very long time in bed. He was so tired in fact he could hardly keep his head up as he slowly trudged the hallway to the showers.

He nearly ran head first into the teleporter. Moving out of the way at the last moment enough for them to bump shoulders, Zero snapped out of it. "Sorry, John."


hunt_the_devil February 26 2010, 00:00:01 UTC
John caught Zero by the elbow as they walked into each other. He should have made an effort to move out the way but he honestly had been in a world of his own until he bounced off of Zero. John looked at Zero, taking in the sleepy look, eyebrow raised in concern for his friend. He had never seen Zero this zoned out before, well not since that time they'd been made to stay up for about fourty hours straight but this was almost worse.

"Hey buddy you alright? You look kinda out of it."


donthink_shoot February 26 2010, 00:12:19 UTC
The marksman rubbed his forehead roughly before waving his hand in a dismissive manner. Leave it to John to be all kind and notice his fatigue.

"I haven't slept in over 36 hours. I've been better."


hunt_the_devil February 26 2010, 06:48:41 UTC
"An' why on earth ain't you slept in thirty-six hours? What you been doin' Zero?"

John was puzzled, watching his friend as he dismissed the concern he had shown.


Mess Hall! Om nom nom. :D watch_the_nails February 28 2010, 07:08:45 UTC
Victor had been 'enjoying' another cup of the insipid crap that was jokingly referred to as 'coffee' when John wandered in. It wasn't that the caffeine had any effect on him - his healing factor negated the stuff before it could actually do anything - but at least it was something warm to drink, and something to do with his hands. He glanced up at the wandering cowboy and raised an eyebrow at the man; okay, so he may not have been best friends with him, but at least it was someone to talk to who wouldn't bite his head off.

"You lost your cattle again, Rawhide?" he quipped, although John would have been able to tell the comment wasn't meant as an insult. Hell, Victor was getting so desperate for company these days he was even considering speaking to Wade for entertainment.


^-^ hunt_the_devil February 28 2010, 16:26:03 UTC
Chuckling at the mild insult John teleported over into the kitchen getting himself a mug of the so called coffee before appearing alongside the table where Victor was sat. Not waiting for an invite he pulled out the chair opposite and sat down, taking his hat off and placing on table.

"Hilarious Victor, sometimes I forget just how funny you are," the smile betrayed the remark though as he sipped his coffee. "Anyway it's good to see you though. How's it feel to be outta that brig?"

As much as John had tried to stay on the fence in these situations, he still had felt bad knowing Victor had been locked up for so long. Sure he'd sropped by to see the feral once of twice but he had made a point of not obviously taking sides in this situation.


watch_the_nails February 28 2010, 16:32:48 UTC
"Feels just great, John. Like a goddamn fuckin' holiday."

There was sarcasm in his words, of course; it would have been common knowledge that he was still under some kind of house arrest, that his movements were restricted and he was pretty sure notes were being taken on just who he'd been talking to. Still, he was at least smiling when he said it. Being freed from the brig had definitely had some kind of positive effect.

"Never did thank you properly for that magazine, did I? Y'can have it back if y'want... think some of the pages might be stuck together now, though."


hunt_the_devil February 28 2010, 18:21:03 UTC
"Wasn't my magazine in the first place so don't worry you can keep it. Though I'm pretty sure some of those pages were sticky from when the mexican gave it to me." John was only joking but it was still worth it to try and wind Victor up, it was well known that the Mexican followed Victor around like lost (and often kicked) puppy.

"What Stryker said about this whole ordeal then? He made a decision yet?" John had noted the guards lurking outside the mess hall, Victor must have said something to make them wait outside rather than inside near him. Maybe it was to forewarn the other females in camp or maybe it was just because they were terrified of the feral.


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