Where Am I? (Open to Medical Staff)

Feb 07, 2010 22:52

When Zee awoke, she saw nothing but white for the longest moment. Blinking, she tried to adjust her senses, her ears, her eyes, but nothing seemed to work. It wasn't until she pushed herself up that she realized that she was in another cell. This one was much better appointed than her last one, however, and she was laying on a surprisingly ( Read more... )

✝ nathan 'sinister' milbury, ✝ zhenya rossovich

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Comments 24

verysinister February 8 2010, 04:09:14 UTC
Sinister wasn't worried about being attacked. There were the gloves, yes, but there were also a good deal of drugs in the feral's system--though it was mere guesswork still as to how fast she might metabolism them. Blood had been drawn and samples taken but nothing would have compared to a few medical charts. But Sinister had sighed over that enough. Simpkins had left the charts and brought the girl. Sinister would make do.

He was glad she didn't look like she was making attacking was a priority when he stepped into the cell. Not that she probably felt well enough to, even if the drugs had been flushed already--she'd been dehydrated and half-starved when she'd come in. Sinister had taken that to mean that she'd been nothing but a throw-away, or a tester. Experiments worth anything were treated better.

The door was closed behind Sinister. He took a moment and looked over her, huddled on the bed. "Hello," he said in fluent Russian. He didn't move from the door. "My name is Nathan."

They would see.


experimentzee February 8 2010, 04:28:36 UTC
Zee scooted a little closer to the wall, though she couldn't get much farther away. She eyed the somewhat severe looking man and she frowned, blinking a couple of times as her feline eyes had trouble adjusting. Had she been drugged? Of course she had been, for safety if anything else. She shook her head and closed her eyes for a long moment. Her body wasn't working quickly enough on whatever it was that had been put into her system.

Opening her eyes, she tilted her head and watched him for a long moment before she answered. "Zhenya Rossovich." she said, her voice scratchy with disuse. She didn't know how much they knew about the laboratory or the Omega Project, but clearly they knew something. Why else would they have attacked the place?

"What do you want from me? More experiments?" she was wary, especially of men, of doctors.


verysinister February 8 2010, 04:45:48 UTC
There was a moment of consideration before Sinister shook his head. It almost pained him since she was clearly, scraps, and would be of more use taken down to her base components. But this was not his operation and its efficency was not his call. She'd stay alive.

"No. There might be blood drawn, health checks, but no experiments. Right now we are simply assessing what you can do and if you will be a danger." Sinister watched her blink. Noticed the slight twitches of her body that were tiny corrections of balance. Good then, the drugs weren't completely gone. Still it had been far faster than normal. He hadn't expected her coherent, let alone awake. "Will you be a danger, Zhenya?"


experimentzee February 8 2010, 05:26:10 UTC
Zee narrowed her eyes at him, focusing down the light that was bombarding her pupils. Her feline sight had yet to adjust to the brightness in the room, a side effect of the drugs working through her system no doubt.

"You are lying to me." she said, though it was a blind guess. She didn't know for certain if he was or not. She could not trust scientists or doctors. They did what they wanted and she'd heard just how useful she was back in the other laboratory.

Her pheromones kicked up and she sent a sensation of warning in a radius around her. "What good will being trouble bring me?" she asked, waiting to see if he would move closer.


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