Instant WTF! [open]

Jan 18, 2010 02:34

At first, Mercy was pretty cool with the new digs. Nothing drastically different from H.Y.D.R.A, nothing shockingly dissimilar to her Academy training. At least not at first ( Read more... )

✝ nathan 'sinister' milbury, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ mercy 'vortex' dyer, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ james logan, ✝ nicky creed

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verysinister January 19 2010, 13:23:16 UTC
"That seems to be the general consensus, from what I gather."

The voice from behind her was quiet, almost spoken only to the speaker. Sinister was simply commentating. He was on his way through the mess hall toward the kitchen to make himself tea; though he recognized Mercy from the files that had come through the medlabs he didn't push an introduction. Not directly.

But she would have to come in for a new member check, wouldn't she? Gravitational distortion, now, that was interesting. And something that Sinister was glad for--the place sometimes felt simply overrun by ferals and their hair.

Hazel eyes glanced in her direction.


verysinister January 19 2010, 23:04:38 UTC
Her words made his eyebrows raise in interest. Confident, and perhaps with reason? "You should be able to trust your doctor," Sinister said with a nod--as if she could trust him.

Of course she could. If she were special enough. Otherwise? Well, this was not his playground; perhaps she would recieve what her mother had named her.


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 23:14:28 UTC
"Well then, I will reserve judgement for a later date, if I require your expertise." Not that she planned on getting knocked about enough to need it. But shit happened, and should a storm come, well, she'd deal with it as a member of the team.

"But you don't seem so bad. For a doctor." One interested in mutants. But then, they usually had that creepy thing going on. He seemed a little more mellow.


verysinister January 19 2010, 23:23:23 UTC
Sinister laughed aloud at that. "Well, as a doctor, then. Thank you. I shall continue to strive to rise above the stigma of my rank." He took his hands out of his pockets and leaned his palms on the edge of the table, wrapping long fingers around his perch.


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 23:48:51 UTC
It did help that he wasn't all stuff and latex gloves stuff. He looked casual and relaxed, and she'd be the first to admit that he was definitely easy on the eyes. But that seemed to be going around in this place.

"You know, for shits and giggles, you could always play up the mad scientist thing on your down time though." She could be mean spirited at times.


verysinister January 20 2010, 00:02:38 UTC
Perhaps it was a streak of narcassism in him; Sinister had always taken pride in his appearance and, after all, he'd picked the face that he wore now. It was handsome but nothing outstanding. Nothing that anyone would particularly remember.

"Oh, I often go around laughing to myself," Sinister said, the smile gone from his face and his tone serious. There was something refreshing in this young woman, something brazen and uncaring that he enjoyed.


blackhole_revel January 20 2010, 00:29:59 UTC
A laugh bubbled out of her, "Oh, man, that's gotta be good. Hell, even better if you're just outta surgery or something, bloody scrubs and shit. Man, evil laughter for no reason just appeals."

And maybe that was just her vindictive side, or reactionary thing. Either way, she liked a good mind fuck. So long as it wasn't her mind getting fucked.

If she was shamelessly considering leaving out fliers on organ harvesting, well, that was just yet another little thing. Not that she'd do it. Maybe.


verysinister January 20 2010, 12:51:01 UTC
Sinister laughed quietly. "Yes, because I'm sure that would make Dr Chandler even more happy with me." Actually, the thought of it almost amused him; he didn't have anything in particular against the woman, nor would he waste time and energy being bothered by her, but the thought was still contenting. The woman had far to much do-gooder in her to be of much real good to anyone.


blackhole_revel January 20 2010, 23:56:22 UTC
Another name, Dr Chandler. The fact that the doctor part was added made her wonder about how many medical staff were on base, how many were non-mutant and so forth.

Great, more paperwork.

"Professional rivalry?" She wondered how that would work for them here; combat incidents weren't too out of the ordinary she'd suppose, which meant that it would make sense for there to be a few emergency procedures.


verysinister January 21 2010, 00:57:55 UTC
"Not so much," Sinister said with a shake of his head. He glanced at the ceiling in thought--or pretend thought, since he knew damn well that rivalry could only be between two people of comparable skill. "I think she dislikes my bedside manner."

He dropped his chin and looked at Mercy again. "You don't have to repeat that." And, smile.


blackhole_revel January 21 2010, 13:21:37 UTC
A grin pulled on her face, and she only just curbed the impulse to tell him he could demonstrate his bedside manner for her any day. It was probably very unprofessional.

"Consider my lips sealed." She smirked, her assignment was starting to look a little easier. "Wouldn't want to chafe the medics, would I?"


verysinister January 21 2010, 13:48:58 UTC
"No," Sinister said, his smile sharpening just slightly. "We have sharp, pointy things." He laughed quietly and took his hands from the edge of the table, pushing himself into an upright position.


blackhole_revel January 21 2010, 13:53:50 UTC
The laugh made it a little easier to find humour in the comment, rather than let it feel serious. Still, she didn't see him as being too much of a threat all things considered.

"Depends on what you're into." So it would be harmless to have a little fun with it. Probably.


verysinister January 21 2010, 14:04:52 UTC
The look that he leveled on her was appraising and quiet. Here was an interesting one--Mercy apparently liked playing with fire. It was a shame she didn't know that if she played with him she would, absolutely, end up getting burned. He was not the complacent sort of fire.

It was not, however, in his nature to warn people away.

"I suppose it does," he finally said, giving her a small nod.


blackhole_revel January 21 2010, 14:13:55 UTC
She watched him carefully, assessing things. He had scoffed at her, or taken offence. But then, it wasn't the reaction she usually got and that made her wonder.

Remaining where she sat, Mercy considered him. Maybe there was more there, or at least a fun human underneath.


verysinister January 21 2010, 14:30:32 UTC
Her quiet had ended the conversation for Sinister. For now. He nodded to her. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Dyer. I'm sure that we will run into each other again; if you haven't already then you'll learn soon enough that camp is a very small place."


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