Instant WTF! [open]

Jan 18, 2010 02:34

At first, Mercy was pretty cool with the new digs. Nothing drastically different from H.Y.D.R.A, nothing shockingly dissimilar to her Academy training. At least not at first ( Read more... )

✝ nathan 'sinister' milbury, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ mercy 'vortex' dyer, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ james logan, ✝ nicky creed

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Comments 106

movetheearth January 18 2010, 07:29:25 UTC
Ric had been avoiding going to meal times, not wanting to face anyone for the last couple of days but really there was only so long you could go without needing or wanting to escape the confines of your room.

He hadn't been sleeping properly, the give away wouldn't have been just the loud yawn he'd broken into as he entered the mess hall but also the dark rings under his eyes. He bee-lined straight for the coffee maker, waving a hand in acknowledgment to the woman sat at one of the tables.

Once armed with a coffee, purposely ignoring the smashed cabinet door that had taken on an interesting lean despite being repaired, he sauntered over to where the woman sat and rested a hand on the back of a chair opposite hers.

"This seat taken?"

Ric was pretty sure that she had been one of the people in the mess hall when he'd.... when there had been that altercation.


blackhole_revel January 18 2010, 13:13:54 UTC
She looked up as the battered and abused 'Ric' walked in, by passing her at first to get coffee and Mercy could hardly blame him. She would've done the same thing. When he came back to ask to sit, she smiled slightly.

"Knock yourself out." She stated, waving a hand towards the seat for him to sit in. He didn't look just as bad as he had when he'd stormed out from the fight with 'Martini' the other day, but he wasn't exactly the picture of health.

"Although I'd advise against that right now."


movetheearth January 18 2010, 18:23:08 UTC
Pulling the chair out, metal legs screeching slightly against the floor, Ric slumped into the seat and set his coffee mug on the table. He leant forwards, holding out his left hand towards the young woman.

"Hola, mi llamo Julio Richter but call me Ric." He settled back in his seat, nursing the mug of coffee and trying not to make it obvious that he was watching the main entrance to the mess hall.

"Yeah... I'm taking a break from getting beat up for a few days." Ric lifted his plaster cast, wiggling his fingers and raising his deep brown eyes to meet hers. She smiled a little, his flirty nature kicking in as he studied her.

"So you uhhh... saw that minor disagreement."


blackhole_revel January 18 2010, 20:48:48 UTC
She watched his movements as he sat down, stiff but not quite defeated. She smirked as he introduced himself, although she didn't really need it. "Hola, mi nombre es Mercy." If he asked for anything else in Spanish, he'd be dead out of luck.

Her nature openly accepted the flirty nature, even if she'd just witnessed his little blow up with his boyfriend or whatever. "Oh, I did, yes. Loved the welcome wagon."

It was teasing, just teasing. But she smiled at him in a friendly enough manner.


donthink_shoot January 18 2010, 19:38:33 UTC
"Thinking of quitting already?" Zero had come in silently as he normally did and moved to retrieve a water bottle of his own. It was a rare moment that he went into the Mess Hall.

Then again. It was quiet. Ideal time for him to be there.

[ooc: have some more Wtf = Zero being sociable? D:< ]


blackhole_revel January 18 2010, 20:55:38 UTC
She turned to face him, a small smirk on her face. "Oh hardly," she wasn't going to quit, wasn't going to question things. She was mostly questioning why she'd agreed to ruin infiltration on such a large, complex and unstable group.

"I'm just thinking out loud." Sometimes, quiet was good, and perfect for finding out a few things.


donthink_shoot January 18 2010, 23:21:08 UTC
Thinking out loud was a common thing around here. Zero gave a single nod before taking a drink of the water. He hadn't had a chance to meet this new recruit yet, though he was generally supposed to be familiar with everyone.

"What are you here for?"


blackhole_revel January 18 2010, 23:40:49 UTC
"Work." She answered shortly, a small smirk on her face.

She wasn't sure if he was the third degree kind of guy, but controlled seemed to fit him. "They picked me up, I got drafted." She shrugged one shoulder, trying for nonchalance. "I figured that's why everyone was here."


45825243_t78_a January 18 2010, 22:45:02 UTC
((Logan informs me that this has nothing to do with the suggested threesome. Me, I'm not so sure.))

Logan had entered the mess to get some food when he spotted the girl. New one, clearly. He hadn't smelled her around. Not that he'd been spending a lot of time outside of Jean's room...

"Figured that out already?"

He presumed she meant working for the team, anyway. Few people had second thoughts about getting some water.

Barely glancing at her, Logan headed to the fridge and looked inside, an unimpressed look on his face. They needed better provisions. More, too. This cold worked up an appetite.

"Takes most of 'em a couple months."

Not that everyone was out of place here. There were a few real soldiers - the original team, mostly. But many of the recent additions just weren't cut out for this life. Logan didn't blame them. He just wondered why the hell he had to put up with them.


blackhole_revel January 18 2010, 23:44:20 UTC
((she hardly minds either way; it's all good))

She snorted then, "It takes that long? Man, observation skills are not what they used to be." She hadn't really noticed that there was anyone around to pick up on her casual rumination. Although she should've known better.

Watching him, without appearing too obvious she hoped, Mercy shrugged, picking at her water bottle.

"Guess I'm just a sharp one." Or realising just how chaotic this camp was and how her work really was cut out for her. "So, when did you figure it out?"


45825243_t78_a January 19 2010, 21:27:59 UTC
"Guess so," he mumbled, barely listening. Just some pork? Really? Ah, hell... He put it on the counter next to the fridge, stopping to look at the new girl when she asked her question, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Never said it applies to me as well."

In a way, it did. He didn't want to be here any more than most of the others. But then, where else would he go? This was what he did. He was a soldier. He fought. Just because he wasn't sure he liked what Stryker was up to didn't change that. And it wasn't like he had many other options, even if Stryker didn't essentially have him by the balls.


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 21:33:48 UTC
"Really?" She took a place near the counter, leaning just slightly and watching him. His tone told her it was bullshit, but she didn't push and he didn't offer anything else.

She wasn't about to nudge and prod and poke at open wounds. Or was that sleeping wolves. Shit, she didn't care either way. No waves when she first joined up, she'd decided that early on. Just gentle tip toeing into things.

Mostly. "So this is just your home from home?"


createdevidence January 19 2010, 01:00:53 UTC
Nicky turned his head at the words his sandwich in hand. He didn't say anything but he did snicker a little. Most people didn't admit that out loud even after being there for a while. He looked over the new woman curiously wondering just what it was that she could do.

"You learn fast."


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 01:23:49 UTC
"It's a gift." She shrugged.

She wasn't sure if she'd come off shallow, cold or mean, but boy she really didn't dig the kid aspect. Her cousins were bad enough, and they were bloody annoying.

At work, she thought she'd escape that. But it really seemed like it was biting her in the ass now. Sweet God, she wondered about the sense in just bitching it out and dealing, or being a bitch -without knowing powers, probably not too smart.


createdevidence January 19 2010, 01:25:34 UTC
"This place it's kind of crazy. Should be careful,"he hoped she wasn't like the other new comer he'd met lately. He knew people didn't like kids or didn't think he belonged there but he knew he'd probably killed more people than they had. Nicky took a bite of his sandwich chewing thoughtfully.


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 01:29:30 UTC
Her eyebrow rose slightly, careful? In a camp full of unpredictable mutants and extremely questionable motivations? Oh yeah, careful was good.

"Yeah, planned on." It was a shame she'd never get the chance to get to know him, only she didn't think so. Regardless of if he shot lazer beams out of his ass, she'd still avoid him like the plague.

"Got a babysitter around here or something?" And it was too bad she really couldn't bite her tongue.


verysinister January 19 2010, 13:23:16 UTC
"That seems to be the general consensus, from what I gather."

The voice from behind her was quiet, almost spoken only to the speaker. Sinister was simply commentating. He was on his way through the mess hall toward the kitchen to make himself tea; though he recognized Mercy from the files that had come through the medlabs he didn't push an introduction. Not directly.

But she would have to come in for a new member check, wouldn't she? Gravitational distortion, now, that was interesting. And something that Sinister was glad for--the place sometimes felt simply overrun by ferals and their hair.

Hazel eyes glanced in her direction.


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 13:34:50 UTC
The sudden appearance almost startled her, but thankfully, she held herself together, turning to glance at the speaker. Average build, average height, average appearance.

It was strange to find such a thing in a camp of mutants, that she was sure of. "Seems so," she nodded, "so why stay?" If so many of them hated it, why not bolt. Why not level the place -like she knew a good handful could do easily- and get the hell out.

One mutant on the run out of an entire population wouldn't be the military's sole interest. And one mutant on the run could take care of anything or anyone sent after them. Surely. If they knew their powers well enough.

Either way, she was staying. She knew that much. At least until she'd gotten what she'd come for and then it was just a case of stepping through a portal back to headquarters.

She met his dark eyed gaze with her own.


verysinister January 19 2010, 14:13:21 UTC
Pausing a few tables away, Sinister ran his fingertips over the formica and thought about her question as he held her dark gaze. Finally he shrugged. "A fair question, and one that I don't have an answer to. I am not one of the multitude." A small smile turned his lips upward. "What are your reasons?"


blackhole_revel January 19 2010, 14:17:54 UTC
"For staying?" It was interesting that he wasn't looking to get out, and Mercy shrugged, "I just got here. Might get more fun." She grinned.

Truthfully, she had work to do herself. And she was selected for it because she was truly the only one capable of keeping it secret. Psychic barriers were all good an well, but a natural ability to stave of psychic intrusion was just the icing on the cake as far as her superiors were concerned.

Stryker's operation was drawing attention. Mercy was sent in to get the skinny. "So, why are you so content here?"


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