Ollie Ollie Oxen Free *OPEN*

Nov 27, 2009 21:13

Of course Stryker would be nowhere to be found. There was only this huge catastrophe happening. Nothing he should concern himself with. She needed a drink but she didn't feel like walking all the way to the pub if there was no guarantee they would even serve her. Betsy was still tall for her age but her face left no doubt as to her womanly status ( Read more... )

[plot] age shift, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, ✝ forge

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Comments 46

uptonogod November 28 2009, 02:23:34 UTC
Okay. Okay, shit officially sucked balls, here. Big...scary ones. Jamie had managed to steal a pair of shorts from an npcMP and thankfully, they were like long pants on him. And the socks he wore went up to his knees.

God Damn, he was a short kid. He'd pulled his red hoodie on over the oversized sweater he wore, pulled a stolen hat on his head (A cowboy one. Don't ask.) and made his way to the garage.

There was a bottle of Root Beer Schnapps he'd send a dupe into town for and he wanted it. Right now.

His shoes were still a problem, however. There were no kidsized shoes in camp and when he finally arrived at the garage, he'd tripped over them and taken out a small tool rack. The four Jamie's that were on the floor all shielded their heads, yelling in turn when tools smacked against them for a moment.

They held still. That was embarrassing and someone had to have heard it and he was so so screwed, wasn't he?


proper_twinkie November 28 2009, 02:35:41 UTC
Instinctively, she ducked when she heard the clatter but then rolled her eyes at herself. Slowly, she stood back up and walked softly until she saw all the kids on the floor.

It took a second for her to realize they were all the same kid. She stared until she found dark eyes. "Jamie? It's you isn't it? Bloody hell. Ha! I knew it would be down here. Where'd you put it? I plan to drink until puberty's over."


uptonogod November 28 2009, 02:43:05 UTC
Jamie didn't look for a moment. He was trying to reabsorb his duplicates and wincing each time he obtained a new injury. Fucking dupes. When he was done, he sat up with a groan, holding the back of his head a moment.

He wasn't sure who he was looking at until the 'bloody hell'. "What?" A pause and then he figured it out. "Oh. That."

Standing, he made his way to a jeep with a tarp over it. The engine was open, the whole thing taken apart. It had stopped working a few days ago and no one could figure out why. If they'd just turn around the spark plug that Jamie had messed with, it'd be fine. As it was, it was the perfect place to stash his contraband.

Jamie pulled open one of the doors and pointed at a duffel bag stuffed under the seat.

"Right there."


proper_twinkie November 28 2009, 02:50:28 UTC
"Oy! I could kiss you." She announced happily snatching the bag to see what he had. She would have checked the jeep eventually... maybe.

"I can't decide if that was a brilliant hiding place or not. Forge said something about working on a jeep and from what I can tell he's quiet remarkable as a mechanic. You could have lost all this." Her smile got a little wider. "There's a lot in here."


forgebyfire November 28 2009, 04:58:25 UTC
At the moment he was staring at her. Body swapping? Coyote must like her, dear gods. Metal limbs were one thing; at least they were his.

Forge blinked at looked at Jamie for a moment--if he started drinking again he would get that bottle taken, too--and then down at the table. "Seeing if I still have my mutation." He let out a long breath and leaned over the wood, grabbing at parts. Blueprints started stretching out behind his eyes as he gathered a small pile and he sighed. It wasn't as if it would matter to anyone, but for Forge it was peace of mind. He rubbed the bridge of his nose before straightening and grabbing the bottle and taking a drink. "I'm fine."

But it made him think. He looked at Jamie. "You make... copies. I thought mutations set in around puberty."


uptonogod November 28 2009, 05:03:03 UTC
"Copies. Duplicates. Temporary clones. Any of those phrases work, really. And I've been able to do it since I was born. No lie." Jamie was smiling. He loved telling this part. He practically lived for it, bouncing on the spot slightly as he did so.

"The doctor smacked me on the back and suddenly there were two of me." Now comes the bit where he prayed neither of them decided to test that theory.


proper_twinkie November 28 2009, 05:11:20 UTC
It was hard to meet Forge's gaze so she focused on Jamie. "I think most just need a trauma to kick start an ability. Puberty tends to be traumatic enough on it's own."

Betsy smiled and hopped down off the jeep creeping closer to the munchkin. "Just a smack you say?"


forgebyfire November 28 2009, 05:17:23 UTC
Forge stepped around in the table and put himself in Besty's path--he recognized that gleam in her eye. At least--unlike Olivia--she wasn't taller than he was. "Leave him be."


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