Finally getting out; [for those on Road Trip]

Nov 13, 2009 13:31

The jeeps were getting packed up. They were taking three and Rogue had already decided, regardless of what anyone said; she was not staying in a jeep for the two hour drive to St Petersburg. She kicked her foot at one of the tires and glanced over at the barracks. Des was coming, Remy was going. But Ric was staying behind and Rogue would've loved ( Read more... )

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ asher banks, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair, marie 'rogue' darkholme, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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Comments 33

hunt_the_devil November 13 2009, 17:48:25 UTC
John appeared on the opposite side of the jeep, wearing various layers and his trademark hat. They had been advised clearly to 'blend in.' So John had done his best to make himself look like any other person, but the hat was always a dead giveaway that he wasn't from around these here parts.

Wandering around the jeeps to see who else was around he noticed Rogue, the young lady doing a rather impressive impersonation of a mummy beneath all those layers.

"Hey Rogue, lookin' forward to gettin' out of this place?"


drainingtouch November 13 2009, 17:51:51 UTC
She was startled slightly by his sudden appearance, but giggled and smiled at him when he spoke. "Heavens, don't ya know it." She'd been looking to get out for so long.

"Ain't ya goin' stir crazy yerself?" Although, maybe John was able to flit in and out without people realising it. She wouldn't be surprised if he did. Neat trick he had there. "Are ya doin' the tourist look too?"


hunt_the_devil November 13 2009, 18:01:51 UTC
He chuckled, feeling a little bit guilty that he'd startled Rogue but her bright smile indicated she held no grudge. Oh yes! John had been teleporting off out of camp since they had arrived, mostly scouting but occasionally for his own selfish reasons. As long as he had a specific destination in mind and could focus back on teleporting back to his room he was alright, but if he had wandered through the barrier created by Atticus he'd never have been able to get a sense of where to teleport back to.

"A little but I've found other ways to keep myself entertained." Glancing upwards at his hat, John tapped the rim of it grinning.

"Sadly I don't reckon they're gonna be many Russian cowboys but heck at least I'll look the part of a proper tourist. It's gonna be good to get out of this place, the white is startin' to get to me."


drainingtouch November 13 2009, 18:17:21 UTC
Rogue was just as giddy about the trip; she was tired of being so confined. She was used to the big out-doors, a born Southern gal, but she was a city lover at heart, and she missed it like crazy.

"It's probably easier to play tourist than native." Because while Rogue had a basic understanding of Russian thanks to Des; she didn't know enough for passable nativeness.

"Ah just really wanna stretch out a little. See something other than barracks an' snow."


un_move_able November 13 2009, 19:06:17 UTC
Fully prepared for the excursion, Fred was otherwise unprepared for the transportation. He looked at the jeeps with unease, remembering the last time he tried to get into one. At least then he had the chance of driving a truck as an alternative.

"Uh boy..."


alwaysthelucky1 November 18 2009, 08:31:09 UTC
Domino was very excited to be leaving camp and at least getting to go explore somewhere new. She didn't particularly know anyone else going that well, except for Fred, who seemed a little hesitant to get going.

She popped up beside him, smirking. "Hiya big guy. You excited to get the hell out of dodge?"


wolfsbane_rahne November 13 2009, 21:53:57 UTC
Rahne was in her 'normal' non-issue clothing, though she'd brought a her backpack with her with an extra set just in case she had to shift and had nothing to wear. She doubted it would be a problem but you never could be too careful. Besides, she was going to stock up on cigarettes and vodka while she was there. She wondered if Russians made good beef jerky. She moved over to where she saw people gathering around the vehicles and tried to make herself scarce, not saying anything as she leaned against a jeep and waited.


accretion_disk November 14 2009, 05:34:49 UTC
Asher headed for the jeep pushing his hair back out of his face. He had some of the money he'd brought to the camp with him and a book tucked in his pocket. He wasn't sure who all was going but in case it wasn't anyone that felt like talking he was prepared.


silverhypnosis November 14 2009, 11:50:49 UTC
*El was pleased to be getting out of the compound. She had no idea who was going, and was sure she didn't know them all, so when she spotted Asher and Rahne she felt she was able to relax. She headed towards Asher who was standing alone, trying to ignore the slight limp left from her fall. Stopping in front of him, she smiled.*



accretion_disk November 15 2009, 03:53:47 UTC
"Hey,"he gave her a nod. He didn't say anything about the limp though he'd noticed it. Asher thought if she wanted to mention it she would otherwise it wasn't his business. He slipped his hands in his pockets,"Will be good to get out."


silverhypnosis November 15 2009, 07:08:05 UTC
*El nodded.*

Yeah. I'm starting to get claustrophobic being stuck here all the time. And, I'm not trying to be insensitive, but the negativity isn't fun.

*She hoped her comment didn't offend him. She wasn't positive who exactly was close to Evan.*


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