Milk and cookies before curfew? [ota]

Oct 07, 2009 14:04

It wasn't every day that you were told you had to at least be in your room before ten o'clock. And for a girl who'd never even known what a curfew was before all of this, it was a bit of a test. Of course, Holly usually aced her tests -it helped knowing you would. At least most of the time ( Read more... )

✝ holly mare-prentiss, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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Comments 26

silverhypnosis October 7 2009, 13:26:16 UTC
*El needed a glass of water. Stryker could take his curfew and stick it up his ass. She was 28 and perfectly able to get a drink at quarter past 10. She entered Mess, the light dull enough to get away without wearing her sunglasses. A plus, as she'd left them by her bed. A young woman sitting at the table drinking what appeared to be milk and eating cookies caught her attention, mid-reaching for a glass.*



pendingprobable October 7 2009, 13:31:47 UTC
"Yo." Holly raised her free hand, smirking slightly around a mouthful of cookies. She wasn't too concerned with manners, she'd been told often enough that she didn't have any. "There's crap biscuits in the cupboard if you feel like drying out your mouth."

All Holly really needed was that mild light from the back of the kitchen. She could see that the woman was blonde, sort of tall, and older than her.

She didn't need anything else.


silverhypnosis October 7 2009, 13:38:28 UTC
No, I'll be fine. Thank you anyway.

*El proceeded to get her glass of water before pulling herself up onto the counter and sitting.*

At least I'm not the only one disobeying this bullshit excuse for a bed time.


pendingprobable October 7 2009, 13:47:48 UTC
Holly just shrugged. "Can't sleep when I'm hungry. I get hungry a lot. So;" She indicated towards her crumbled biscuits. "Would'a been better making a sandwich or something."

But she's far too lazy for that. At least at this time. She'd rather just chew the rubbish cardboard like biscuit and drink her milk. And if Stryker pulled her up, well...He wasn't actually going to anyway.


donthink_shoot October 7 2009, 14:37:59 UTC
*That night it just so happened to be Zero's shift for the sentry duty. He started his patrol promptly at then and arrived by the mess hall at about ten minutes after. He frowned when he saw Holly at the bench. He sighed, of course it was the red head. She'd looked like a trouble maker.

But he really wasn't in the mood for this tonight. Well..was he ever?*

You know it's past curfew.


pendingprobable October 7 2009, 14:46:14 UTC
Holly held up her glass as if that explained it all. "I needed milk. It just took longer than expected." Blatant lie, she knew how long it would take and that she'd get caught. Ten minutes past curfew, it wasn't like she was streaking at midnight; which would be damn cold.

"I can't sleep if I'm hungry."


donthink_shoot October 7 2009, 14:58:53 UTC
*Zero was unamused. Big surprised. He folded his arms and leaned against the doorway.*

Sure it did. And now that you have it, you can get moving.


pendingprobable October 7 2009, 15:03:36 UTC
"But I still have some left." She held up her glass, about an inch of milk still remaining. "You can't rush these things, or I'll need to pee at one in the morning."

And really, she'd rather not have to knocking about at one a.m, looking for the loo and explaining that to one of the glorified hall monitors.


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